blob: d04b2f92bfe444adc14ca8ce746512e041df6dc0 [file] [log] [blame]
import pytest
import time
import logging
from flaky import flaky
from threading import Thread
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from ccmlib.node import ToolError
from dtest import Tester, create_ks, create_cf
from import insert_c1c2, query_c1c2
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestRebuild(Tester):
def fixture_add_additional_log_patterns(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = (
# This one occurs when trying to send the migration to a
# node that hasn't started yet, and when it does, it gets
# replayed and everything is fine.
r'Can\'t send migration request: node.*is down',
# ignore streaming error during bootstrap
r'Exception encountered during startup',
r'Streaming error occurred'
def test_simple_rebuild(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9119
Test rebuild from other dc works as expected.
keys = 1000
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
node1 = cluster.create_node('node1', False,
('', 7000),
'7100', '2000', None,
binary_interface=('', 9042))
cluster.add(node1, True, data_center='dc1')
# start node in dc1
# populate data in dc1
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', {'dc1': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=keys, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
# check data
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
# Bootstrapping a new node in dc2 with auto_bootstrap: false
node2 = cluster.create_node('node2', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7200', '2001', None,
binary_interface=('', 9042))
cluster.add(node2, False, data_center='dc2')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# wait for snitch to reload
# alter keyspace to replicate to dc2
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
# alter system_auth -- rebuilding it no longer possible after
# CASSANDRA-11848 prevented local node from being considered a source
# Only do this on 2.2+, because on 2.1, this keyspace only
# exists if auth is enabled, which it isn't in this test
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
session.execute('USE ks')
self.rebuild_errors = 0
# rebuild dc2 from dc1
def rebuild():
node2.nodetool('rebuild dc1')
except ToolError as e:
if 'Node is still rebuilding' in e.stdout:
self.rebuild_errors += 1
raise e
class Runner(Thread):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
self.thread_exc_info = None
def run(self):
Closes over self to catch any exceptions raised by func and
register them at self.thread_exc_info
Based on
except Exception:
import sys
self.thread_exc_info = sys.exc_info()
cmd1 = Runner(rebuild)
# concurrent rebuild should not be allowed (CASSANDRA-9119)
# (following sleep is needed to avoid conflict in 'nodetool()' method setting up env.)
# we don't need to manually raise exeptions here -- already handled
# manually raise exception from cmd1 thread
# see
if cmd1.thread_exc_info is not None:
raise cmd1.thread_exc_info[1].with_traceback(cmd1.thread_exc_info[2])
# exactly 1 of the two nodetool calls should fail
# usually it will be the one in the main thread,
# but occasionally it wins the race with the one in the secondary thread,
# so we check that one succeeded and the other failed
assert self.rebuild_errors == 1, \
'rebuild errors should be 1, but found {}. Concurrent rebuild should not be allowed, but one rebuild command should have succeeded.'.format(self.rebuild_errors)
# check data
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
def test_resumable_rebuild(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10810
Test rebuild operation is resumable
self.fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = list(self.fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns) + [
r'Error while rebuilding node',
r'Streaming error occurred on session with peer',
r'Remote peer failed stream session',
r'Streaming error occurred on session with peer',
r'Remote peer failed stream session'
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
# Create 2 nodes on dc1
node1 = cluster.create_node('node1', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7100', '2000', None,
binary_interface=('', 9042))
node2 = cluster.create_node('node2', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7200', '2001', None,
binary_interface=('', 9042))
cluster.add(node1, True, data_center='dc1')
cluster.add(node2, True, data_center='dc1')
# Insert data into node1 and node2
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', {'dc1': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=10000, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
key = list(range(10000, 20000))
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute('USE ks')
insert_c1c2(session, keys=key, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# Create a new node3 on dc2
node3 = cluster.create_node('node3', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7300', '2002', None,
binary_interface=('', 9042),
cluster.add(node3, False, data_center='dc2')
node3.start(wait_other_notice=False, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# Wait for snitch to be refreshed
# Alter necessary keyspace for rebuild operation
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
# Path to byteman script which makes the streaming to node2 throw an exception, making rebuild fail
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
script = ['./byteman/pre4.0/inject_failure_streaming_to_node2.btm']
script = ['./byteman/4.0/inject_failure_streaming_to_node2.btm']
# First rebuild must fail and data must be incomplete
with pytest.raises(ToolError, msg='Unexpected: SUCCEED'):
logger.debug('Executing first rebuild -> '),
node3.nodetool('rebuild dc1')
logger.debug('Expected: FAILED')
session.execute('USE ks')
with pytest.raises(AssertionError, msg='Unexpected: COMPLETE'):
logger.debug('Checking data is complete -> '),
for i in range(0, 20000):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
logger.debug('Expected: INCOMPLETE')
logger.debug('Executing second rebuild -> '),
node3.nodetool('rebuild dc1')
logger.debug('Expected: SUCCEED')
# Check all streaming sessions completed, streamed ranges are skipped and verify streamed data
node3.watch_log_for('All sessions completed')
node3.watch_log_for('Skipping streaming those ranges.')
logger.debug('Checking data is complete -> '),
for i in range(0, 20000):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
logger.debug('Expected: COMPLETE')
def test_rebuild_ranges(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10406
keys = 1000
cluster = self.cluster
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens_across_dcs(['dc1', 'dc2'])
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'num_tokens': 1})
node1 = cluster.create_node('node1', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7100', '2000', tokens[0],
binary_interface=('', 9042))
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': tokens[0]})
cluster.add(node1, True, data_center='dc1')
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
# start node in dc1
# populate data in dc1
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
# ks1 will be rebuilt in node2
create_ks(session, 'ks1', {'dc1': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=keys, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# ks2 will not be rebuilt in node2
create_ks(session, 'ks2', {'dc1': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=keys, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# Bootstraping a new node in dc2 with auto_bootstrap: false
node2 = cluster.create_node('node2', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7200', '2001', tokens[1],
binary_interface=('', 9042))
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': tokens[1]})
cluster.add(node2, False, data_center='dc2')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# wait for snitch to reload
# alter keyspace to replicate to dc2
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks1 WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks2 WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1};")
session.execute('USE ks1')
# rebuild only ks1 with range that is node1's replica
node2.nodetool('rebuild -ks ks1 -ts (%s,%s] dc1' % (tokens[1], str(pow(2, 63) - 1)))
# check data is sent by stopping node1
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
# ks2 should not be streamed
session.execute('USE ks2')
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, tolerate_missing=True, must_be_missing=True)
def test_disallow_rebuild_nonlocal_range(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9875
Verifies that nodetool rebuild throws an error when an operator
attempts to rebuild a range that does not actually belong to the
current node
1. Set up a 3 node cluster
2. Create a new keyspace with replication factor 2
3. Run rebuild on node1 with a range that it does not own and assert that an error is raised
cluster = self.cluster
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(3)
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'num_tokens': 1})
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
node1_token, node2_token, node3_token = tokens[:3]
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node1_token})
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node2_token})
node3.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node3_token})
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':2};")
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match='is not a range that is owned by this node'):
node1.nodetool('rebuild -ks ks1 -ts (%s,%s]' % (node1_token, node2_token))
def test_disallow_rebuild_from_nonreplica(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9875
Verifies that nodetool rebuild throws an error when an operator
attempts to rebuild a range and specifies sources that are not
replicas of that range.
1. Set up a 3 node cluster
2. Create a new keyspace with replication factor 2
3. Run rebuild on node1 with a specific range using a source that
does not own the range and assert that an error is raised
cluster = self.cluster
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(3)
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'num_tokens': 1})
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
node1_token, node2_token, node3_token = tokens[:3]
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node1_token})
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node2_token})
node3.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': node3_token})
node3_address = node3.network_interfaces['binary'][0]
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':2};")
with pytest.raises(ToolError, message='Unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range'):
node1.nodetool('rebuild -ks ks1 -ts (%s,%s] -s %s' % (node3_token, node1_token, node3_address))
def test_rebuild_with_specific_sources(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9875
Verifies that an operator can specify specific sources to use
when rebuilding.
1. Set up a 2 node cluster across dc1 and dc2
2. Create new keyspaces with replication factor 2 (one replica in each datacenter)
4. Populate nodes with data
5. Create a new node in dc3 and update the keyspace replication
6. Run rebuild on the new node with a specific source in dc2
7. Assert that streaming only occurred between the new node and the specified source
8. Assert that the rebuild was successful by checking the data
keys = 1000
cluster = self.cluster
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens_across_dcs(['dc1', 'dc2', 'dc3'])
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'num_tokens': 1})
cluster.populate([1, 1], tokens=tokens[:2])
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
# populate data in dc1, dc2
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
# ks1 will be rebuilt in node3
create_ks(session, 'ks1', {'dc1': 1, 'dc2': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=keys, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# ks2 will not be rebuilt in node3
create_ks(session, 'ks2', {'dc1': 1, 'dc2': 1})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
insert_c1c2(session, n=keys, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# bootstrap a new node in dc3 with auto_bootstrap: false
node3 = cluster.create_node('node3', False,
('', 9160),
('', 7000),
'7300', '2002', tokens[2],
binary_interface=('', 9042))
cluster.add(node3, False, data_center='dc3')
node3.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# wait for snitch to reload
# alter keyspace to replicate to dc3
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks1 WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1, 'dc3':1};")
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks2 WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1':1, 'dc2':1, 'dc3':1};")
session.execute('USE ks1')
node2_address = node2.network_interfaces['binary'][0]
node3_address = node3.network_interfaces['binary'][0]
# rebuild only ks1, restricting the source to node2
node3.nodetool('rebuild -ks ks1 -ts (%s,%s] -s %s' % (tokens[2], str(pow(2, 63) - 1), node2_address))
# verify that node2 streamed to node3
log_matches = node2.grep_log('Session with %s is complete' % node3.address_for_current_version_slashy())
assert len(log_matches) > 0
# verify that node1 did not participate
log_matches = node1.grep_log('streaming plan for Rebuild')
assert len(log_matches) == 0
# check data is sent by stopping node1, node2
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
# ks2 should not be streamed
session.execute('USE ks2')
for i in range(0, keys):
query_c1c2(session, i, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, tolerate_missing=True, must_be_missing=True)