blob: 87f46f02a30eac5dc9b173acb5227c533bfc6b91 [file] [log] [blame]
keyspace: stresscql
keyspace_definition: |
CREATE KEYSPACE stresscql WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2};
table: typestest
table_definition: |
CREATE TABLE typestest (
key text,
col1 text,
val blob,
PRIMARY KEY(key, col1)
WITH compaction = { 'class':'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '1', 'class': ''};
# Optional meta information on the generated columns in the above table
# The min and max only apply to text and blob types
# The distribution field represents the total unique population
# distribution of that column across rows. Supported types are
# EXP(min..max) An exponential distribution over the range [min..max]
# EXTREME(min..max,shape) An extreme value (Weibull) distribution over the range [min..max]
# GAUSSIAN(min..max,stdvrng) A gaussian/normal distribution, where mean=(min+max)/2, and stdev is (mean-min)/stdvrng
# GAUSSIAN(min..max,mean,stdev) A gaussian/normal distribution, with explicitly defined mean and stdev
# UNIFORM(min..max) A uniform distribution over the range [min, max]
# FIXED(val) A fixed distribution, always returning the same value
# SEQ(min..max) A fixed sequence, returning values in the range min to max sequentially (starting based on seed), wrapping if necessary.
# Aliases: extr, gauss, normal, norm, weibull
# If preceded by ~, the distribution is inverted
# Defaults for all columns are size: uniform(4..8), population: uniform(1..100B), cluster: fixed(1)
- name: key
size: fixed(10)
population: fixed(1) # the range of unique values to select for the field (default is 100Billion)
- name: col1
cluster: fixed(1M)
- name: val
size: fixed(1K)
partitions: fixed(1) # number of unique partitions to update in a single operation
# if batchcount > 1, multiple batches will be used but all partitions will
# occur in all batches (unless they finish early); only the row counts will vary
batchtype: LOGGED # type of batch to use
select: fixed(10)/10 # uniform chance any single generated CQL row will be visited in a partition;
# generated for each partition independently, each time we visit it
cql: select * from typestest where key = ? and col1 = ? LIMIT 100
fields: samerow # samerow or multirow (select arguments from the same row, or randomly from all rows in the partition)