blob: 34212cbd2ab3677d3fedbcdf18982435a96296f5 [file] [log] [blame]
from collections import namedtuple
import pytest
from ccmlib.node import ToolError
def run_cqlsh_safe(node, cmds, cqlsh_options=None, expect_error=True):
cqlsh behavior has changed to set an error code on exit. This wrapper
makes it easier to run cqlsh commands while expecting exceptions.
ret = node.run_cqlsh(cmds=cmds, cqlsh_options=cqlsh_options)
if expect_error:"Expected ToolError but didn't get one")
return ret
except ToolError as e:
ret = namedtuple('Subprocess_Return', 'stdout stderr rc')
return ret(stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr, rc=e.exit_status)