blob: d6b957af4b59e70207a87ca51fb7aaf4c5eb44e8 [file] [log] [blame]
import queue
import sys
import threading
import time
import pytest
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel, consistency_value_to_name
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from tools.assertions import (assert_all, assert_length_equal, assert_none,
from dtest import MultiError, Tester, create_ks, create_cf
from import (create_c1c2_table, insert_c1c2, insert_columns,
query_c1c2, rows_to_list)
from tools.jmxutils import JolokiaAgent, make_mbean, remove_perf_disable_shared_mem
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ExpectedConsistency = namedtuple('ExpectedConsistency', ('num_write_nodes', 'num_read_nodes', 'is_strong'))
class TestHelper(Tester):
def _is_local(self, cl):
return (cl == ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM or
cl == ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE or
cl == ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL)
def _is_conditional(self, cl):
return (cl == ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL or
cl == ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL)
def _required_nodes(self, cl, rf_factors, dc):
Return the number of nodes required by this consistency level
in the current data center, specified by the dc parameter,
given a list of replication factors, one per dc.
return {
ConsistencyLevel.ANY: 1,
ConsistencyLevel.ONE: 1,
ConsistencyLevel.TWO: 2,
ConsistencyLevel.THREE: 3,
ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM: sum(rf_factors) // 2 + 1,
ConsistencyLevel.ALL: sum(rf_factors),
ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM: rf_factors[dc] // 2 + 1,
ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM: rf_factors[dc] // 2 + 1,
ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL: sum(rf_factors) // 2 + 1,
ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL: rf_factors[dc] // 2 + 1,
ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE: 1,
def get_expected_consistency(self, idx, rf_factors, write_cl, read_cl):
Given a node index, identify to which data center we are connecting and return
the expected consistency: number of nodes we write to, read from, and whether
we should have strong consistency, that is whether R + W > N
nodes = [self.nodes] if isinstance(self.nodes, int) else self.nodes
def get_data_center():
:return: the data center corresponding to this node
dc = 0
for i in range(1, len(nodes)):
if idx < sum(nodes[:i]):
dc += 1
return dc
data_center = get_data_center()
if write_cl == ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM:
write_nodes = sum([self._required_nodes(write_cl, rf_factors, i) for i in range(0, len(nodes))])
write_nodes = self._required_nodes(write_cl, rf_factors, data_center)
read_nodes = self._required_nodes(read_cl, rf_factors, data_center)
is_strong = read_nodes + write_nodes > sum(rf_factors)
return ExpectedConsistency(num_write_nodes=write_nodes,
def _should_succeed(self, cl, rf_factors, num_nodes_alive, current):
Return true if the read or write operation should succeed based on
the consistency level requested, the replication factors and the
number of nodes alive in each data center.
if self._is_local(cl):
return num_nodes_alive[current] >= self._required_nodes(cl, rf_factors, current)
elif cl == ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM:
for i in range(0, len(rf_factors)):
if num_nodes_alive[i] < self._required_nodes(cl, rf_factors, i):
return False
return True
return sum(num_nodes_alive) >= self._required_nodes(cl, rf_factors, current)
def _start_cluster(self, save_sessions=False, requires_local_reads=False):
cluster = self.cluster
nodes = self.nodes
rf = self.rf
configuration_options = {'hinted_handoff_enabled': False}
# If we must read from the local replica first, then the dynamic snitch poses a problem
# because occasionally it may think that another replica is preferable even if the
# coordinator is a replica
if requires_local_reads:
configuration_options['dynamic_snitch'] = False
if requires_local_reads and isinstance(nodes, int):
# Changing the snitch to PropertyFileSnitch even in the
# single dc tests ensures that StorageProxy sorts the replicas eligible
# for reading by proximity to the local host, essentially picking the
# local host for local reads, see IEndpointSnitch.sortByProximity() and
# StorageProxy.getLiveSortedEndpoints(), which is called by the AbstractReadExecutor
# to determine the target replicas. The default case, a SimpleSnitch wrapped in
# a dynamic snitch, may rarely choose a different replica.
logger.debug('Changing snitch for single dc case')
for node in cluster.nodelist():
node.data_center = 'dc1'
'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.PropertyFileSnitch'})
cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)
self.ksname = 'mytestks'
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(cluster.nodelist()[0])
create_ks(session, self.ksname, rf)
self.create_tables(session, requires_local_reads)
if save_sessions:
self.sessions = []
for node in cluster.nodelist()[1:]:
self.sessions.append(self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node, self.ksname))
def create_tables(self, session, requires_local_reads):
self.create_users_table(session, requires_local_reads)
self.create_counters_table(session, requires_local_reads)
def truncate_tables(self, session):
statement = SimpleStatement("TRUNCATE users", ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
statement = SimpleStatement("TRUNCATE counters", ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
def create_users_table(self, session, requires_local_reads):
create_cmd = """
userid int PRIMARY KEY,
firstname text,
lastname text,
age int
if requires_local_reads:
create_cmd += " WITH " + self.get_local_reads_properties(self.cluster.version())
def get_local_reads_properties(cluster_version):
If we must read from the local replica first, then we should disable read repair and
speculative retry, see CASSANDRA-12092
if cluster_version < '4.0':
return " dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0 AND read_repair_chance = 0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'"
return " speculative_retry = 'NONE'"
def insert_user(self, session, userid, age, consistency, serial_consistency=None):
text = "INSERT INTO users (userid, firstname, lastname, age) VALUES ({}, 'first{}', 'last{}', {}) {}"\
.format(userid, userid, userid, age, "IF NOT EXISTS" if serial_consistency else "")
statement = SimpleStatement(text, consistency_level=consistency, serial_consistency_level=serial_consistency)
def update_user(self, session, userid, age, consistency, serial_consistency=None, prev_age=None):
text = "UPDATE users SET age = {} WHERE userid = {}".format(age, userid)
if serial_consistency and prev_age:
text = text + " IF age = {}".format(prev_age)
statement = SimpleStatement(text, consistency_level=consistency, serial_consistency_level=serial_consistency)
def delete_user(self, session, userid, consistency):
statement = SimpleStatement("DELETE FROM users where userid = {}".format(userid), consistency_level=consistency)
def query_user(self, session, userid, age, consistency, check_ret=True):
statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT userid, age FROM users where userid = {}".format(userid), consistency_level=consistency)
res = session.execute(statement)
expected = [[userid, age]] if age else []
ret = rows_to_list(res) == expected
if check_ret:
assert ret, "Got {} from {}, expected {} at {}".format(rows_to_list(res), session.cluster.contact_points, expected, consistency_value_to_name(consistency))
return ret
def create_counters_table(self, session, requires_local_reads):
create_cmd = """
CREATE TABLE counters (
c counter
if requires_local_reads:
create_cmd += " WITH " + self.get_local_reads_properties(self.cluster.version())
def update_counter(self, session, id, consistency, serial_consistency=None):
text = "UPDATE counters SET c = c + 1 WHERE id = {}".format(id)
statement = SimpleStatement(text, consistency_level=consistency, serial_consistency_level=serial_consistency)
return statement
def query_counter(self, session, id, val, consistency, check_ret=True):
statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from counters WHERE id = {}".format(id), consistency_level=consistency)
ret = rows_to_list(session.execute(statement))
if check_ret:
assert ret[0][1] == val, "Got {} from {}, expected {} at {}".format(ret[0][1],
return ret[0][1] if ret else 0
class TestAvailability(TestHelper):
Test that we can read and write depending on the number of nodes that are alive and the consistency levels.
def _test_simple_strategy(self, combinations):
Helper test function for a single data center: invoke _test_insert_query_from_node() for each node
and each combination, progressively stopping nodes.
cluster = self.cluster
nodes = self.nodes
rf = self.rf
num_alive = nodes
for node in range(nodes):
logger.debug('Testing node {} in single dc with {} nodes alive'.format(node, num_alive))
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(cluster.nodelist()[node], self.ksname)
for combination in combinations:
self._test_insert_query_from_node(session, 0, [rf], [num_alive], *combination)
num_alive -= 1
def _test_network_topology_strategy(self, combinations):
Helper test function for multiple data centers, invoke _test_insert_query_from_node() for each node
in each dc and each combination, progressively stopping nodes.
cluster = self.cluster
nodes = self.nodes
rf = self.rf
nodes_alive = deepcopy(nodes)
rf_factors = list(rf.values())
for i in range(0, len(nodes)): # for each dc
logger.debug('Testing dc {} with rf {} and {} nodes alive'.format(i, rf_factors[i], nodes_alive))
for n in range(nodes[i]): # for each node in this dc
logger.debug('Testing node {} in dc {} with {} nodes alive'.format(n, i, nodes_alive))
node = n + sum(nodes[:i])
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(cluster.nodelist()[node], self.ksname)
for combination in combinations:
self._test_insert_query_from_node(session, i, rf_factors, nodes_alive, *combination)
nodes_alive[i] -= 1
def _test_insert_query_from_node(self, session, dc_idx, rf_factors, num_nodes_alive, write_cl, read_cl, serial_cl=None, check_ret=True):
Test availability for read and write via the session passed in as a parameter.
logger.debug("Connected to %s for %s/%s/%s" %
(session.cluster.contact_points, consistency_value_to_name(write_cl), consistency_value_to_name(read_cl), consistency_value_to_name(serial_cl)))
start = 0
end = 100
age = 30
if self._should_succeed(write_cl, rf_factors, num_nodes_alive, dc_idx):
for n in range(start, end):
self.insert_user(session, n, age, write_cl, serial_cl)
assert_unavailable(self.insert_user, session, end, age, write_cl, serial_cl)
if self._should_succeed(read_cl, rf_factors, num_nodes_alive, dc_idx):
for n in range(start, end):
self.query_user(session, n, age, read_cl, check_ret)
assert_unavailable(self.query_user, session, end, age, read_cl, check_ret)
def test_simple_strategy(self):
Test for a single datacenter, using simple replication strategy.
self.nodes = 3
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ANY, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
def test_simple_strategy_each_quorum(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for a single datacenter, using simple replication strategy, only
the each quorum reads.
self.nodes = 3
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
def test_network_topology_strategy(self):
Test for multiple datacenters, using network topology replication strategy.
self.nodes = [3, 3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3), ('dc3', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ANY, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE, None, False),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
def test_network_topology_strategy_each_quorum(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for multiple datacenters, using network topology strategy, only
the each quorum reads.
self.nodes = [3, 3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3), ('dc3', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
class TestAccuracy(TestHelper):
Test that we can consistently read back what we wrote depending on the write and read consistency levels.
class Validation:
def __init__(self, outer, sessions, nodes, rf_factors, start, end, write_cl, read_cl, serial_cl=None):
self.outer = outer
self.sessions = sessions
self.nodes = nodes
self.rf_factors = rf_factors
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.write_cl = write_cl
self.read_cl = read_cl
self.serial_cl = serial_cl
logger.debug('Testing accuracy with WRITE/READ/SERIAL consistency set to {}/{}/{} (keys : {} to {})'
.format(consistency_value_to_name(write_cl), consistency_value_to_name(read_cl), consistency_value_to_name(serial_cl), start, end - 1))
def get_expected_consistency(self, idx):
return self.outer.get_expected_consistency(idx, self.rf_factors, self.write_cl, self.read_cl)
def validate_users(self):
First validation function: update the users table sending different values to different sessions
and check that when strong_consistency is true (R + W > N) we read back the latest value from all sessions.
If strong_consistency is false we instead check that we read back the latest value from at least
the number of nodes we wrote to.
outer = self.outer
sessions = self.sessions
start = self.start
end = self.end
write_cl = self.write_cl
read_cl = self.read_cl
serial_cl = self.serial_cl
def check_all_sessions(idx, n, val):
expected_consistency = self.get_expected_consistency(idx)
num = 0
for s in sessions:
if outer.query_user(s, n, val, read_cl, check_ret=expected_consistency.is_strong):
num += 1
assert num >= expected_consistency.num_write_nodes, "Failed to read value from sufficient number of nodes," + \
" required {} but got {} - [{}, {}]".format(expected_consistency.num_write_nodes, num, n, val)
for n in range(start, end):
age = 30
for s in range(0, len(sessions)):
outer.insert_user(sessions[s], n, age, write_cl, serial_cl)
check_all_sessions(s, n, age)
if serial_cl is None:
age += 1
for s in range(0, len(sessions)):
outer.update_user(sessions[s], n, age, write_cl, serial_cl, age - 1)
check_all_sessions(s, n, age)
age += 1
outer.delete_user(sessions[0], n, write_cl)
check_all_sessions(s, n, None)
def validate_counters(self):
Second validation function: update the counters table sending different values to different sessions
and check that when strong_consistency is true (R + W > N) we read back the latest value from all sessions.
If strong_consistency is false we instead check that we read back the latest value from at least
the number of nodes we wrote to.
outer = self.outer
sessions = self.sessions
start = self.start
end = self.end
write_cl = self.write_cl
read_cl = self.read_cl
serial_cl = self.serial_cl
def check_all_sessions(idx, n, val):
expected_consistency = self.get_expected_consistency(idx)
results = []
for s in sessions:
results.append(outer.query_counter(s, n, val, read_cl, check_ret=expected_consistency.is_strong))
assert results.count(val) >= expected_consistency.num_write_nodes, "Failed to read value from sufficient number of nodes, required {} nodes to have a" + \
" counter value of {} at key {}, instead got these values: {}".format(expected_consistency.num_write_nodes, val, n, results)
for n in range(start, end):
c = 1
for s in range(0, len(sessions)):
outer.update_counter(sessions[s], n, write_cl, serial_cl)
check_all_sessions(s, n, c)
# Update the counter again at CL ALL to make sure all nodes are on the same page
# since a counter update requires a read
outer.update_counter(sessions[s], n, ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
c += 2 # the counter was updated twice
def _run_test_function_in_parallel(self, valid_fcn, nodes, rf_factors, combinations):
Run a test function in parallel.
requires_local_reads = False
for combination in combinations:
for i, _ in enumerate(nodes):
expected_consistency = self.get_expected_consistency(i, rf_factors, combination[0], combination[1])
if not expected_consistency.is_strong:
# if at least one combination does not reach strong consistency, in order to validate weak
# consistency we require local reads, see CASSANDRA-12092 for details.
requires_local_reads = True
if requires_local_reads:
self._start_cluster(save_sessions=True, requires_local_reads=requires_local_reads)
input_queue = queue.Queue()
exceptions_queue = queue.Queue()
def run():
while not input_queue.empty():
v = TestAccuracy.Validation(self, self.sessions, nodes, rf_factors, *input_queue.get(block=False))
except queue.Empty:
except Exception:
start = 0
num_keys = 50
for combination in combinations:
input_queue.put((start, start + num_keys) + combination)
start += num_keys
threads = []
for n in range(0, 8):
t = threading.Thread(target=run)
logger.debug("Waiting for workers to complete")
while exceptions_queue.empty():
if len([t for t in threads if t.isAlive()]) == 0:
if not exceptions_queue.empty():
_, exceptions, tracebacks = list(zip(*exceptions_queue.queue))
raise MultiError(exceptions=exceptions, tracebacks=tracebacks)
def test_simple_strategy_users(self):
Test for a single datacenter, users table, only the each quorum reads.
self.nodes = 5
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ANY, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
# These are multi-DC consistency levels that should default to quorum calls
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
logger.debug("Testing single dc, users")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_users, [self.nodes], [self.rf], combinations)
def test_simple_strategy_each_quorum_users(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for a single datacenter, users table, only the each quorum reads.
self.nodes = 5
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
logger.debug("Testing single dc, users, each quorum reads")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_users, [self.nodes], [self.rf], combinations)
def test_network_topology_strategy_users(self):
Test for multiple datacenters, users table.
self.nodes = [3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ANY, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_SERIAL),
logger.debug("Testing multiple dcs, users")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_users, self.nodes, list(self.rf.values()), combinations),
def test_network_topology_strategy_each_quorum_users(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for a multiple datacenters, users table, only the each quorum
self.nodes = [3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
logger.debug("Testing multiple dcs, users, each quorum reads")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_users, self.nodes, list(self.rf.values()), combinations)
def test_simple_strategy_counters(self):
Test for a single datacenter, counters table.
self.nodes = 3
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
# These are multi-DC consistency levels that should default to quorum calls
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
logger.debug("Testing single dc, counters")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_counters, [self.nodes], [self.rf], combinations)
def test_simple_strategy_each_quorum_counters(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for a single datacenter, counters table, only the each quorum
self.nodes = 3
self.rf = 3
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
logger.debug("Testing single dc, counters, each quorum reads")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_counters, [self.nodes], [self.rf], combinations)
def test_network_topology_strategy_counters(self):
Test for multiple datacenters, counters table.
self.nodes = [3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.ALL, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.THREE),
(ConsistencyLevel.THREE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
(ConsistencyLevel.ONE, ConsistencyLevel.TWO),
(ConsistencyLevel.TWO, ConsistencyLevel.ONE),
logger.debug("Testing multiple dcs, counters")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_counters, self.nodes, list(self.rf.values()), combinations),
def test_network_topology_strategy_each_quorum_counters(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10584
Test for multiple datacenters, counters table, only the each quorum
self.nodes = [3, 3]
self.rf = OrderedDict([('dc1', 3), ('dc2', 3)])
combinations = [
(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
(ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM, ConsistencyLevel.EACH_QUORUM),
logger.debug("Testing multiple dcs, counters, each quorum reads")
self._run_test_function_in_parallel(TestAccuracy.Validation.validate_counters, self.nodes, list(self.rf.values()), combinations),
class TestConsistency(Tester):
def test_14330(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-14330
A regression test to prove that we no longer trigger
AssertionError during read repair in DataResolver
when encountering a repeat open RT bound from short
read protection responses.
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));'
# with all nodes up, insert an RT and 2 rows on every node
# node1 | RT[0...] 0 1
# node2 | RT[0...] 0 1
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test USING TIMESTAMP 0 WHERE pk = 0 AND ck >= 0;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 1;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 1;')
# with node1 down, delete row 0 on node2
# node1 | RT[0...] 0 1
# node2 | RT[0...] x 1
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test USING TIMESTAMP 1 WHERE pk = 0 AND ck = 0;')
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with both nodes up, make a LIMIT 1 read that would trigger a short read protection
# request, which in turn will trigger the AssertionError in DataResolver (prior to
# CASSANDRA-14330 fix)
'SELECT ck FROM test.test WHERE pk = 0 LIMIT 1;',
def test_13911(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13911
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));'
# with node2 down, insert row 0 on node1
# node1, partition 0 | 0
# node2, partition 0 |
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 0);')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with node1 down, delete row 1 and 2 on node2
# node1, partition 0 | 0
# node2, partition 0 | x x
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test WHERE pk = 0 AND ck IN (1, 2);')
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with both nodes up, do a CL.ALL query with per partition limit of 1;
# prior to CASSANDRA-13911 this would trigger an IllegalStateException
'SELECT DISTINCT pk FROM test.test;',
def test_13911_rows_srp(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13911
A regression test to prove that we can no longer rely on
!singleResultCounter.isDoneForPartition() to abort single
partition SRP early if a per partition limit is set.
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));'
# with node2 down
# node1, partition 0 | 0 1 - -
# node1, partition 2 | 0 x - -
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (2, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test USING TIMESTAMP 42 WHERE pk = 2 AND ck = 1;')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with node1 down
# node2, partition 0 | - - 2 3
# node2, partition 2 | x 1 2 -
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 2) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 3) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test USING TIMESTAMP 42 WHERE pk = 2 AND ck = 0;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (2, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (2, 2) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with both nodes up, do a CL.ALL query with per partition limit of 2 and limit of 3;
# without the change to if (!singleResultCounter.isDoneForPartition()) branch,
# the query would skip SRP on node2, partition 2, and incorrectly return just
# [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
[[0, 0], [0, 1],
[2, 2]],
def test_13911_partitions_srp(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13911
A regression test to prove that we can't rely on
!singleResultCounter.isDone() to abort ranged
partition SRP early if a per partition limit is set.
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));'
# with node2 down
# node1, partition 0 | 0 1 - -
# node1, partition 2 | x x - -
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test USING TIMESTAMP 42 WHERE pk = 2 AND ck IN (0, 1);')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with node1 down
# node2, partition 0 | - - 2 3
# node2, partition 2 | 0 1 - -
# node2, partition 4 | 0 1 - -
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 2) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 3) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (2, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (2, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (4, 0) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (4, 1) USING TIMESTAMP 42;')
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# with both nodes up, do a CL.ALL query with per partition limit of 2 and limit of 4;
# without the extra condition in if (!singleResultCounter.isDone()) branch,
# the query would skip partitions SRP on node2 at the end of partition 2,
# and incorrectly return just [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
[[0, 0], [0, 1],
[4, 0], [4, 1]],
def test_13880(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13880
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test (id int PRIMARY KEY);"
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO test.test (id) VALUES (0);",
# with node2 down and hints disabled, delete the partition on node1
session.execute("DELETE FROM test.test WHERE id = 0;")
# with both nodes up, do a CL.ALL query with per partition limit of 1;
# prior to CASSANDRA-13880 this would cause short read protection to loop forever
assert_none(session, "SELECT DISTINCT id FROM test.test WHERE id = 0;", cl=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
def test_13747(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13747
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test (id int PRIMARY KEY);"
# populate the table with 10 rows:
# -7509452495886106294 | 5
# -4069959284402364209 | 1 x
# -3799847372828181882 | 8
# -3485513579396041028 | 0 x
# -3248873570005575792 | 2
# -2729420104000364805 | 4 x
# 1634052884888577606 | 7
# 2705480034054113608 | 6 x
# 3728482343045213994 | 9
# 9010454139840013625 | 3 x
stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO test.test (id) VALUES (?);")
for id in range(0, 10):
session.execute(stmt, [id], ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# with node2 down and hints disabled, delete every other row on node1
session.execute("DELETE FROM test.test WHERE id IN (1, 0, 4, 6, 3);")
# with both nodes up, do a DISTINCT range query with CL.ALL;
# prior to CASSANDRA-13747 this would cause an assertion in short read protection code
stmt = SimpleStatement("SELECT DISTINCT token(id), id FROM test.test;",
result = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert_length_equal(result, 5)
def test_13595(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13595
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
remove_perf_disable_shared_mem(node1) # necessary for jmx
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.test (id int PRIMARY KEY);'
# populate the table with 10 partitions,
# then delete a bunch of them on different nodes
# until we get the following pattern:
# token | k | 1 | 2 |
# -7509452495886106294 | 5 | n | y |
# -4069959284402364209 | 1 | y | n |
# -3799847372828181882 | 8 | n | y |
# -3485513579396041028 | 0 | y | n |
# -3248873570005575792 | 2 | n | y |
# -2729420104000364805 | 4 | y | n |
# 1634052884888577606 | 7 | n | y |
# 2705480034054113608 | 6 | y | n |
# 3728482343045213994 | 9 | n | y |
# 9010454139840013625 | 3 | y | y |
stmt = session.prepare('INSERT INTO test.test (id) VALUES (?);')
for id in range(0, 10):
session.execute(stmt, [id], ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# delete every other partition on node1 while node2 is down
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test WHERE id IN (5, 8, 2, 7, 9);')
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
# delete every other alternate partition on node2 while node1 is down
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test WHERE id IN (1, 0, 4, 6);')
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
# until #13595 the query would incorrectly return [1]
'SELECT id FROM test.test LIMIT 1;',
srp = make_mbean('metrics', type='Table', name='ShortReadProtectionRequests', keyspace='test', scope='test')
with JolokiaAgent(node1) as jmx:
# 4 srp requests for node1 and 5 for node2, total of 9
assert 9 == jmx.read_attribute(srp, 'Count')
def test_12872(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12872
cluster = self.cluster
# disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = "CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));"
stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, ?);")
for ck in range(0, 4):
session.execute(stmt, [ck], ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
# node1 | up | 0 1 2 3
# node2 | up | 0 1 2 3
# node1 | up | 0 1 2 3
# node2 | down | 0 1 2 3
session.execute('DELETE FROM test.test WHERE pk = 0 AND ck IN (1, 2, 3);')
# node1 | up | 0 x x x
# node2 | down | 0 1 2 3
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 5);')
# node1 | up | 0 x x x 5
# node2 | down | 0 1 2 3
# node1 | down | 0 x x x 5
# node2 | up | 0 1 2 3
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck) VALUES (0, 4);')
# node1 | down | 0 x x x 5
# node2 | up | 0 1 2 3 4
# node1 | up | 0 x x x 5
# node2 | up | 0 1 2 3 4
'SELECT ck FROM test.test WHERE pk = 0 LIMIT 2;',
[[0], [4]],
def test_short_read(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9460
cluster = self.cluster
# this test causes the python driver to be extremely noisy due to
# frequent starting and stopping of nodes. let's move the log level
# of the driver to ERROR for this test only
# Disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't
# interfer with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 3)
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
create_cf(session, 'cf', read_repair=0.0)
create_cf(session, 'cf')
normal_key = 'normal'
reversed_key = 'reversed'
# Repeat this test 10 times to make it more easy to spot a null pointer exception caused by a race, see CASSANDRA-9460
for k in range(10):
# insert 9 columns in two rows
insert_columns(self, session, normal_key, 9)
insert_columns(self, session, reversed_key, 9)
# Delete 3 first columns (and 3 last columns, for the reversed version) with a different node dead each time
for node, column_number_to_delete in zip(list(range(1, 4)), list(range(3))):
self.delete(node, normal_key, column_number_to_delete)
self.delete(node, reversed_key, 8 - column_number_to_delete)
# Query 3 firsts columns in normal order
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, 'ks')
query = SimpleStatement(
'SELECT c, v FROM cf WHERE key=\'k{}\' LIMIT 3'.format(normal_key),
rows = list(session.execute(query))
res = rows
assert_length_equal(res, 3)
# value 0, 1 and 2 have been deleted
for i in range(1, 4):
assert 'value{}'.format(i + 2) == res[i - 1][1]
# Query 3 firsts columns in reverse order
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, 'ks')
query = SimpleStatement(
'SELECT c, v FROM cf WHERE key=\'k{}\' ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 3'.format(reversed_key),
rows = list(session.execute(query))
res = rows
assert_length_equal(res, 3)
# value 6, 7 and 8 have been deleted
for i in range(0, 3):
assert 'value{}'.format(5 - i) == res[i][1]
session.execute('TRUNCATE cf')
def test_short_read_delete(self):
""" Test short reads ultimately leaving no columns alive [#4000] """
cluster = self.cluster
# Disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't
# interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 3)
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
create_cf(session, 'cf', read_repair=0.0)
create_cf(session, 'cf')
# insert 2 columns in one row
insert_columns(self, session, 0, 2)
# Delete the row while first node is dead
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2, 'ks')
query = SimpleStatement('DELETE FROM cf WHERE key=\'k0\'', consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
# Query first column
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, 'ks')
assert_none(session, "SELECT c, v FROM cf WHERE key=\'k0\' LIMIT 1", cl=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
def test_short_read_quorum_delete(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8933
cluster = self.cluster
# Consider however 3 nodes A, B, C (RF=3), and following sequence of operations (all done at QUORUM):
# Disable hinted handoff and set batch commit log so this doesn't
# interfere with the test
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 3)
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
session.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id int, v int, PRIMARY KEY(id, v)) WITH read_repair_chance = 0.0")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id int, v int, PRIMARY KEY(id, v))")
# we write 1 and 2 in a partition: all nodes get it.
session.execute(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, 1)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL))
session.execute(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, 2)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL))
# we delete 1: only A and C get it.
session.execute(SimpleStatement("DELETE FROM t WHERE id = 0 AND v = 1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM))
# we delete 2: only B and C get it.
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2, 'ks')
session.execute(SimpleStatement("DELETE FROM t WHERE id = 0 AND v = 2", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM))
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, 'ks')
# we read the first row in the partition (so with a LIMIT 1) and A and B answer first.
assert_none(session, "SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 0 LIMIT 1", cl=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
def test_readrepair(self):
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
if not self.dtest_config.use_vnodes:
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(2)
cluster.populate(2, tokens=tokens).start()
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 2)
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
create_c1c2_table(self, session, read_repair=1.0)
create_c1c2_table(self, session)
insert_c1c2(session, n=10000, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)
# query everything to cause RR
for n in range(0, 10000):
query_c1c2(session, n, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
# Check node2 for all the keys that should have been repaired
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2, keyspace='ks')
for n in range(0, 10000):
query_c1c2(session, n, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
def test_quorum_available_during_failure(self):
cl = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM
rf = 3
logger.debug("Creating a ring")
cluster = self.cluster
if not self.dtest_config.use_vnodes:
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(3)
cluster.populate(3, tokens=tokens).start()
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
logger.debug("Set to talk to node 2")
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node2)
create_ks(session, 'ks', rf)
create_c1c2_table(self, session)
logger.debug("Generating some data")
insert_c1c2(session, n=100, consistency=cl)
logger.debug("Taking down node1")
logger.debug("Reading back data.")
for n in range(100):
query_c1c2(session, n, cl)
def stop_node(self, node_number):
to_stop = self.cluster.nodes["node%d" % node_number]
def delete(self, stopped_node_number, key, column):
next_node = self.cluster.nodes["node%d" % (((stopped_node_number + 1) % 3) + 1)]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(next_node, 'ks')
# delete data for normal key
query = 'BEGIN BATCH '
query = query + 'DELETE FROM cf WHERE key=\'k%s\' AND c=\'c%06d\'; ' % (key, column)
query = query + 'DELETE FROM cf WHERE key=\'k%s\' AND c=\'c2\'; ' % (key,)
query = query + 'APPLY BATCH;'
simple_query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
def restart_node(self, node_number):
stopped_node = self.cluster.nodes["node%d" % node_number]
stopped_node.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)