blob: 5d6710ed4db849e90ee0518fead8fac7b892759b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.diff;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.Phaser;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class RangeComparator {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RangeComparator.class);
private final DiffContext context;
private final BiConsumer<Throwable, BigInteger> errorReporter;
private final BiConsumer<MismatchType, BigInteger> mismatchReporter;
private final BiConsumer<RangeStats, BigInteger> journal;
private final ComparisonExecutor comparisonExecutor;
public RangeComparator(DiffContext context,
BiConsumer<Throwable, BigInteger> errorReporter,
BiConsumer<MismatchType,BigInteger> mismatchReporter,
BiConsumer<RangeStats, BigInteger> journal,
ComparisonExecutor comparisonExecutor) {
this.context = context;
this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
this.mismatchReporter = mismatchReporter;
this.journal = journal;
this.comparisonExecutor = comparisonExecutor;
public RangeStats compare(Iterator<PartitionKey> sourceKeys,
Iterator<PartitionKey> targetKeys,
Function<PartitionKey, PartitionComparator> partitionTaskProvider) {
final RangeStats rangeStats = RangeStats.newStats();
// We can catch this condition earlier, but it doesn't hurt to also check here
if (context.startToken.equals(context.endToken))
return rangeStats;
Phaser phaser = new Phaser(1);
AtomicLong partitionCount = new AtomicLong(0);
AtomicReference<BigInteger> highestTokenSeen = new AtomicReference<>(context.startToken);"Comparing range [{},{}]", context.startToken, context.endToken);
try {
PartitionKey sourceKey = nextKey(sourceKeys);
PartitionKey targetKey = nextKey(targetKeys);
// special case for start of range - handles one cluster supplying an empty range
if ((sourceKey == null) != (targetKey == null)) {
if (sourceKey == null) {"First in range, source iter is empty {}", context);
onlyInTarget(rangeStats, targetKey);
targetKeys.forEachRemaining(key -> onlyInTarget(rangeStats, key));
} else {"First in range, target iter is empty {}", context);
onlyInSource(rangeStats, sourceKey);
sourceKeys.forEachRemaining(key -> onlyInSource(rangeStats, key));
return rangeStats;
while (sourceKey != null && targetKey != null) {
int ret = sourceKey.compareTo(targetKey);
if (ret > 0) {
onlyInTarget(rangeStats, targetKey);
targetKey = nextKey(targetKeys);
} else if (ret < 0) {
onlyInSource(rangeStats, sourceKey);
sourceKey = nextKey(sourceKeys);
} else {
"Can only compare partitions with identical keys: (%s, %s)",
sourceKey, targetKey);
// For results where the key exists in both, we'll fire off an async task to walk the
// partition and compare all the rows. The result of that comparison is added to the
// totals for the range and the highest seen token updated in the onSuccess callback
if (!context.isTokenAllowed(sourceKey.getTokenAsBigInteger())) {
logger.debug("Skipping disallowed token {}", sourceKey.getTokenAsBigInteger());
sourceKey = nextKey(sourceKeys);
targetKey = nextKey(targetKeys);
BigInteger token = sourceKey.getTokenAsBigInteger();
try {
PartitionComparator comparisonTask = partitionTaskProvider.apply(sourceKey);
onSuccess(rangeStats, partitionCount, token, highestTokenSeen, mismatchReporter, journal),
onError(rangeStats, token, errorReporter),
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Handle errors thrown when creating the comparison task. This should trap timeouts and
// unavailables occurring when performing the initial query to read the full partition.
// Errors thrown when paging through the partition in comparisonTask will be handled by
// the onError callback.
recordError(rangeStats, token, errorReporter, t);
} finally {
// if the cluster has been shutdown because the task failed the underlying iterators
// of partition keys will return hasNext == false
sourceKey = nextKey(sourceKeys);
targetKey = nextKey(targetKeys);
// handle case where only one iterator is exhausted
if (sourceKey != null)
onlyInSource(rangeStats, sourceKey);
else if (targetKey != null)
onlyInTarget(rangeStats, targetKey);
drain(sourceKeys, targetKeys, rangeStats);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handles errors thrown by iteration of underlying resultsets of partition keys by
// calls to nextKey(). Such errors should cause the overall range comparison to fail,
// but we must ensure that any in-flight partition comparisons complete so that either
// the onSuccess or onError callback is fired for each one. This is necessary to ensure
// that we record the highest seen token and any failed partitions and can safely re-run.
logger.debug("Waiting for {} in flight tasks before propagating error", phaser.getUnarrivedParties());
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Error encountered during range comparison for [%s:%s]",
context.startToken, context.endToken), e);
logger.debug("Waiting for {} in flight tasks before returning", phaser.getUnarrivedParties());
if (!rangeStats.allMatches())"Segment [{}:{}] stats - ({})", context.startToken, context.endToken, rangeStats);
return rangeStats;
private void drain(Iterator<PartitionKey> sourceKeys,
Iterator<PartitionKey> targetKeys,
RangeStats rangeStats) {
if (sourceKeys.hasNext()) {"Source keys not exhausted {}", context);
sourceKeys.forEachRemaining(key -> onlyInSource(rangeStats, key));
} else if (targetKeys.hasNext()) {"Target keys not exhausted: {}", context);
targetKeys.forEachRemaining(key -> onlyInTarget(rangeStats, key));
private void onlyInTarget(RangeStats stats, PartitionKey key) {
mismatchReporter.accept(MismatchType.ONLY_IN_TARGET, key.getTokenAsBigInteger());
private void onlyInSource(RangeStats stats, PartitionKey key) {
mismatchReporter.accept(MismatchType.ONLY_IN_SOURCE, key.getTokenAsBigInteger());
private PartitionKey nextKey(Iterator<PartitionKey> keys) {
return keys.hasNext() ? : null;
private Consumer<PartitionStats> onSuccess(final RangeStats rangeStats,
final AtomicLong partitionCount,
final BigInteger currentToken,
final AtomicReference<BigInteger> highestSeenToken,
final BiConsumer<MismatchType, BigInteger> mismatchReporter,
final BiConsumer<RangeStats, BigInteger> journal) {
return (result) -> {
if (!result.allClusteringsMatch || result.mismatchedValues > 0) {
mismatchReporter.accept(MismatchType.PARTITION_MISMATCH, currentToken);
} else {
BigInteger highest = highestSeenToken.get();
while (currentToken.compareTo(highest) > 0) {
if (highestSeenToken.compareAndSet(highest, currentToken))
highest = highestSeenToken.get();
// checkpoint ever 10 partitions
if (partitionCount.incrementAndGet() % 10 == 0)
journal.accept(rangeStats, highestSeenToken.get());
private Consumer<Throwable> onError(final RangeStats rangeStats,
final BigInteger currentToken,
final BiConsumer<Throwable, BigInteger> errorReporter) {
return (error) -> recordError(rangeStats, currentToken, errorReporter, error);
private void recordError(final RangeStats rangeStats,
final BigInteger currentToken,
final BiConsumer<Throwable, BigInteger> errorReporter,
final Throwable error) {
errorReporter.accept(error, currentToken);