blob: eac7274e98723d512443c58761cee828f96d0045 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
# pre-conditions
command -v ant >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "ant needs to be installed"; exit 1; }
command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "git needs to be installed"; exit 1; }
[ -f "build.xml" ] || { echo >&2 "build.xml must exist"; exit 1; }
# print debug information on versions
ant -version
git --version
# lists all tests for the specific test type
_list_tests() {
local -r classlistprefix="$1"
find "test/$classlistprefix" -name '*' | sed "s;^test/$classlistprefix/;;g" | sort
_split_tests() {
local -r split_chunk="$1"
if [[ "x" == "x${split_chunk}" ]] ; then
split -n r/1/1
split -n r/${split_chunk}
_timeout_for() {
grep "name=\"$1\"" build.xml | awk -F'"' '{print $4}'
_build_all_dtest_jars() {
mkdir -p build
until git clone --quiet --depth 1 --no-single-branch cassandra-dtest-jars ; do echo "git clone failed… trying again… " ; done
cd cassandra-dtest-jars
for branch in cassandra-2.2 cassandra-3.0 cassandra-3.11 cassandra-4.0 cassandra-4.1 trunk; do
git checkout $branch
ant realclean
ant jar dtest-jar
cp build/dtest*.jar ../../build/
cd ../..
rm -fR ${TMP_DIR}/cassandra-dtest-jars
ant clean dtest-jar
ls -l build/dtest*.jar
_run_testlist() {
local _target_prefix=$1
local _testlist_target=$2
local _split_chunk=$3
local _test_timeout=$4
testlist="$( _list_tests "${_target_prefix}" | _split_tests "${_split_chunk}")"
if [[ -z "$testlist" ]]; then
# something has to run in the split to generate a junit xml result
echo Hacking ${_target_prefix} ${_testlist_target} to run only first test found as no tests in split ${_split_chunk} were found
testlist="$( _list_tests "${_target_prefix}" | head -n1)"
ant clean jar
ant $_testlist_target -Dtest.classlistprefix="${_target_prefix}" -Dtest.classlistfile=<(echo "${testlist}") -Dtest.timeout="${_test_timeout}" -Dtmp.dir="${TMP_DIR}" || echo "failed ${_target_prefix} ${_testlist_target}"
_main() {
# parameters
local -r target="${1:-}"
local -r split_chunk="${2:-}" # Optional: pass in chunk to test, formatted as "K/N" for the Kth chunk of N chunks
local -r java_version=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}' | awk -F. '{print $1}')
local -r version=$(grep 'property\s*name=\"base.version\"' build.xml |sed -ne 's/.*value=\"\([^"]*\)\".*/\1/p')
if [ "$java_version" -ge 11 ]; then
export CASSANDRA_USE_JDK11=true
if ! grep -q CASSANDRA_USE_JDK11 build.xml ; then
echo "Skipping ${target}. JDK11 not supported against ${version}"
exit 0
elif [[ "${target}" == "jvm-dtest-upgrade" ]] ; then
echo "Skipping JDK11 execution. Mixed JDK compilation required for ${target}"
exit 0
# check test target exists in code
case $target in
"stress-test" | "fqltool-test")
ant -projecthelp | grep -q " $target " || { echo "Skipping ${target}. It does not exist in ${version}"; exit 0; }
! [[ $version =~ $regx_version ]] || { echo "Skipping ${target}. It does not exist in ${version}"; exit 0; }
[[ -f "./pylib/" ]] || { echo "Skipping ${target}. It does not exist in ${version}"; exit 0; }
export TMP_DIR="$(pwd)/tmp"
mkdir -p ${TMP_DIR}
case $target in
# hard fail on test compilation, but dont fail the test run as unstable test reports are processed
ant clean jar stress-build-test
ant $target -Dtmp.dir="$(pwd)/tmp" || echo "failed $target"
# hard fail on test compilation, but dont fail the test run so unstable test reports are processed
ant clean jar fqltool-build-test
ant $target -Dtmp.dir="$(pwd)/tmp" || echo "failed $target"
ant clean $target -Dtmp.dir="$(pwd)/tmp" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
_run_testlist "unit" "testclasslist" "${split_chunk}" "$(_timeout_for 'test.timeout')"
_run_testlist "unit" "testclasslist-cdc" "${split_chunk}" "$(_timeout_for 'test.timeout')"
_run_testlist "unit" "testclasslist-compression" "${split_chunk}" "$(_timeout_for 'test.timeout')"
_run_testlist "burn" "testclasslist" "${split_chunk}" "$(_timeout_for 'test.burn.timeout')"
_run_testlist "long" "testclasslist" "${split_chunk}" "$(_timeout_for 'test.long.timeout')"
ant clean jar
testlist=$( _list_tests "distributed" | grep -v "upgrade" | _split_tests "${split_chunk}")
if [[ -z "$testlist" ]]; then
# something has to run in the split to generate a junit xml result
echo Hacking jvm-dtest to run only first test found as no tests in split ${split_chunk} were found
testlist="$( _list_tests "distributed" | grep -v "upgrade" | head -n1)"
ant testclasslist -Dtest.classlistprefix=distributed -Dtest.timeout=$(_timeout_for "test.distributed.timeout") -Dtest.classlistfile=<(echo "${testlist}") -Dtmp.dir="${TMP_DIR}" || echo "failed $target"
testlist=$( _list_tests "distributed" | grep "upgrade" | _split_tests "${split_chunk}")
if [[ -z "$testlist" ]]; then
# something has to run in the split to generate a junit xml result
echo Hacking jvm-dtest-upgrade to run only first test found as no tests in split ${split_chunk} were found
testlist="$( _list_tests "distributed" | grep "upgrade" | head -n1)"
ant testclasslist -Dtest.classlistprefix=distributed -Dtest.timeout=$(_timeout_for "test.distributed.timeout") -Dtest.classlistfile=<(echo "${testlist}") -Dtmp.dir="${TMP_DIR}" || echo "failed $target"
./pylib/ $(pwd)
echo "unregconised \"$target\""
exit 1
_main "$@"