blob: 363133a20b02b45a1633090fa02b4ce30f83b387 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -xe
# Builds (inside docker) the rpm packages for the provided git sha
# Called from build-scripts/ or cassandra-release/
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "$0 <branch|tag|sha> <java version>"
echo "if Java version is not set, it is set to 8 by default, choose from 8 or 11"
exit 1
# required arguments
[ "x${sha}" != "x" ] || { echo >&2 "Missing argument <branch|tag|sha>"; exit 1; }
# variables, with defaults
[ "x${deb_dir}" != "x" ] || deb_dir="`pwd`"
[ "x${cassandra_builds_dir}" != "x" ] || cassandra_builds_dir="`pwd`"
[ "x${java_version}" != "x" ] || java_version="8"
# pre-conditions
command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "docker needs to be installed"; exit 1; }
(docker info >/dev/null 2>&1) || { echo >&2 "docker needs to running"; exit 1; }
[ -d "${cassandra_builds_dir}" ] || { echo >&2 "cassandra-builds directory must exist"; exit 1; }
[ -f "${cassandra_builds_dir}/docker/bullseye-image.docker" ] || { echo >&2 "docker/bullseye-image.docker must exist"; exit 1; }
[ -f "${cassandra_builds_dir}/docker/" ] || { echo >&2 "docker/ must exist"; exit 1; }
# remove any previous older built images
docker image prune --all --force --filter label=org.cassandra.buildenv=bullseye --filter "until=4h" || true
pushd $cassandra_builds_dir
# Create build images containing the build tool-chain, Java and an Apache Cassandra git working directory, with retry
until docker build --build-arg CASSANDRA_GIT_URL=$CASSANDRA_GIT_URL --build-arg UID_ARG=`id -u` --build-arg GID_ARG=`id -g` -t cassandra-artifacts-bullseye:${sha} -f docker/bullseye-image.docker docker/ ; do echo "docker build failed… trying again in 10s… " ; sleep 10 ; done
# Run build script through docker (specify branch, tag, or sha)
docker run --rm -v "${deb_dir}":/dist -v ~/.m2/repository/:/home/build/.m2/repository/ cassandra-artifacts-bullseye:${sha} /home/build/ ${sha} ${java_version}