blob: 78cc4443a2f2ae510447949b06ff75cfa1134175 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.cassandra.spark.cdc;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.apache.cassandra.bridge.CassandraBridge;
import org.apache.cassandra.bridge.CassandraVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.bridge.RangeTombstone;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.TestUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.Tester;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.utils.ComparisonUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.utils.test.TestSchema;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
import scala.collection.mutable.AbstractSeq;
import static org.apache.cassandra.spark.utils.ScalaConversionUtils.mutableSeqAsJavaList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.quicktheories.QuickTheory.qt;
public class CdcTombstoneTests extends VersionRunner
public static TemporaryFolder DIRECTORY = new TemporaryFolder(); // CHECKSTYLE IGNORE: Constant cannot be made final
public void setup()
CdcTester.setup(bridge, DIRECTORY);
public void tearDown()
public CdcTombstoneTests(CassandraVersion version)
private static void assertEqualsWithMessage(Object expected, Object actual)
assertTrue(String.format("Expect %s to equal to %s, but not.", expected, actual),
ComparisonUtils.equals(expected, actual));
public void testCellDeletion()
// The test write cell-level tombstones, i.e. deleting one or more columns in a row, for CDC job to aggregate
.checkAssert(type -> CdcTester
.builder(bridge, DIRECTORY, TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn("c1", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c2", type)
.withColumn("c3", bridge.list(type)))
.withWriter((tester, rows, writer) -> {
for (int row = 0; row < tester.numRows; row++)
TestSchema.TestRow testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
testRow = testRow.copy("c1", CassandraBridge.UNSET_MARKER); // Mark c1 as not updated / unset
testRow = testRow.copy("c2", null); // Delete c2
testRow = testRow.copy("c3", null); // Delete c3
writer.accept(testRow, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(System.currentTimeMillis()));
.withRowChecker(sparkRows -> {
for (Row row : sparkRows)
byte[] updatedFieldsIndicator = (byte[]) row.get(4);
BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(updatedFieldsIndicator);
BitSet expected = new BitSet(4);
expected.set(0); // Expecting pk to be set...
expected.set(2); // ... and c2 to be set
expected.set(3); // ... and c3 to be set
assertEquals(expected, bs);
assertNotNull("pk should not be null", row.get(0)); // pk should be set
assertNull("c1 should be null", row.get(1)); // null due to unset
assertNull("c2 should be null", row.get(2)); // null due to deletion
assertNull("c3 should be null", row.get(3)); // null due to deletion
public void testRowDeletionWithClusteringKeyAndStatic()
testRowDeletion(5, // Number of columns
true, // Has clustering key?
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck", bridge.bigint())
.withStaticColumn("sc", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
public void testRowDeletionWithClusteringKeyNoStatic()
testRowDeletion(4, // Number of columns
true, // Has clustering key?
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
public void testRowDeletionSimpleSchema()
testRowDeletion(3, // Number of columns
false, // Has clustering key?
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
private void testRowDeletion(int numOfColumns,
boolean hasClustering,
Function<CqlField.NativeType, TestSchema.Builder> schemaBuilder)
// The test write row-level tombstones.
// The expected output should include the values of all primary keys but all other columns should be null,
// i.e. [pk.., ck.., null..]. The bitset should indicate that only the primary keys are present.
// This kind of output means the entire row is deleted.
Set<Integer> rowDeletionIndices = new HashSet<>();
Random random = new Random(1);
long minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numRows = 1000;
.checkAssert(type -> CdcTester
.builder(bridge, DIRECTORY, schemaBuilder.apply(type))
.withWriter((tester, rows, writer) -> {
long timestamp = minTimestamp;
for (int row = 0; row < tester.numRows; row++)
TestSchema.TestRow testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
if (random.nextDouble() < 0.5)
timestamp += 1;
writer.accept(testRow, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(timestamp));
// Disable checker on the test row. The check is done in the row checker below.
.withChecker((testRows, actualRows) -> { })
.withRowChecker(sparkRows -> {
assertEquals("Unexpected number of rows in output", numRows, sparkRows.size());
for (int index = 0; index < sparkRows.size(); index++)
Row row = sparkRows.get(index);
long lmtInMillis = row.getTimestamp(numOfColumns).getTime();
assertTrue("Last modification time should have a lower bound of " + minTimestamp,
lmtInMillis >= minTimestamp);
byte[] updatedFieldsIndicator = (byte[]) row.get(numOfColumns + 1); // Indicator column
BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(updatedFieldsIndicator);
BitSet expected = new BitSet(numOfColumns);
if (rowDeletionIndices.contains(index)) // Verify row deletion
expected.set(0); // Expecting pk...
if (hasClustering) // ... and ck to be set
assertEquals("row" + index + " should only have the primary keys to be flagged.",
expected, bs);
assertNotNull("pk should not be null", row.get(0)); // pk should be set
if (hasClustering)
assertNotNull("ck should not be null", row.get(1)); // ck should be set
for (int colIndex = hasClustering ? 2 : 1; colIndex < numOfColumns; colIndex++)
// null due to row deletion
assertNull("None primary key columns should be null", row.get(colIndex));
// Verify update
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numOfColumns; colIndex++)
assertNotNull("All column values should exist for full row update",
assertEquals("row" + index + " should have all columns set", expected, bs);
public void testPartitionDeletionWithStaticColumn()
testPartitionDeletion(5, // Number of columns
true, // Has clustering key
1, // Partition key columns
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck", bridge.bigint())
.withStaticColumn("sc", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
public void testPartitionDeletionWithCompositePK()
testPartitionDeletion(5, // Number of columns
true, // Has clustering key
2, // Partition key columns
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withPartitionKey("pk2", type)
.withClusteringKey("ck", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
public void testPartitionDeletionWithoutCK()
testPartitionDeletion(5, // Number of columns
false, // Has clustering key
3, // Partition key columns
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withPartitionKey("pk2", type)
.withPartitionKey("pk3", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type)
.withColumn("c2", bridge.bigint()));
// At most can have 1 clustering key when `hasClustering` is true
private void testPartitionDeletion(int numOfColumns,
boolean hasClustering,
int partitionKeys,
Function<CqlField.NativeType, TestSchema.Builder> schemaBuilder)
// The test write partition-level tombstones.
// The expected output should include the values of all partition keys but all other columns should be null,
// i.e. [pk.., null..]. The bitset should indicate that only the partition keys are present.
// This kind of output means the entire partition is deleted.
Set<Integer> partitionDeletionIndices = new HashSet<>();
List<List<Object>> validationPk = new ArrayList<>(); // pk of the partition deletions
Random random = new Random(1);
long minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numRows = 1000;
.checkAssert(type -> CdcTester
.builder(bridge, DIRECTORY, schemaBuilder.apply(type))
.withWriter((tester, rows, writer) -> {
long timestamp = minTimestamp;
for (int row = 0; row < tester.numRows; row++)
TestSchema.TestRow testRow;
if (random.nextDouble() < 0.5)
testRow = Tester.newUniquePartitionDeletion(tester.schema, rows);
List<Object> pk = new ArrayList<>(partitionKeys);
for (int key = 0; key < partitionKeys; key++)
testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
timestamp += 1;
writer.accept(testRow, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(timestamp));
// Disable checker on the test row. The check is done in the row checker below.
.withChecker((testRows, actualRows) -> { })
.withRowChecker(sparkRows -> {
assertEquals("Unexpected number of rows in output", numRows, sparkRows.size());
for (int index = 0, pkValidationIdx = 0; index < sparkRows.size(); index++)
Row row = sparkRows.get(index);
long lmtInMillis = row.getTimestamp(numOfColumns).getTime();
assertTrue("Last modification time should have a lower bound of " + minTimestamp,
lmtInMillis >= minTimestamp);
byte[] updatedFieldsIndicator = (byte[]) row.get(numOfColumns + 1); // Indicator column
BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(updatedFieldsIndicator);
BitSet expected = new BitSet(numOfColumns);
if (partitionDeletionIndices.contains(index))
// Verify partition deletion
List<Object> pk = new ArrayList<>(partitionKeys);
// Expecting partition keys
for (int key = 0; key < partitionKeys; key++)
assertNotNull("partition key should not be null", row.get(key));
assertEquals("row" + index + " should only have only the partition keys to be flagged.",
expected, bs);
List<Object> expectedPK = validationPk.get(pkValidationIdx++);
assertTrue("Partition deletion should indicate the correct partition at row" + index + ". "
+ "Expected: " + expectedPK + ", actual: " + pk,
ComparisonUtils.equals(expectedPK.toArray(), pk.toArray()));
if (hasClustering)
assertNull("ck should be null at row" + index, row.get(partitionKeys)); // ck should be set
for (int colIndex = partitionKeys; colIndex < numOfColumns; colIndex++)
// null due to partition deletion
assertNull("None partition key columns should be null at row" + 1, row.get(colIndex));
// Verify update
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numOfColumns; colIndex++)
assertNotNull("All column values should exist for full row update",
assertEquals("row" + index + " should have all columns set", expected, bs);
public void testElementDeletionInMap()
String name = "m";
testElementDeletionInCollection(2, // Number of columns
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn(name,, type)));
public void testElementDeletionInSet()
String name = "s";
testElementDeletionInCollection(2, // Number of columns
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn(name, bridge.set(type)));
public void testElementDeletionsInMultipleColumns()
testElementDeletionInCollection(4, // Number of columns
ImmutableList.of("c1", "c2", "c3"),
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn("c1", bridge.set(type))
.withColumn("c2", bridge.set(type))
.withColumn("c3", bridge.set(type)));
// Validate that cell deletions in a complex data can be correctly encoded
private void testElementDeletionInCollection(int numOfColumns,
List<String> collectionColumnNames,
Function<CqlField.NativeType, TestSchema.Builder> schemaBuilder)
// Key: row# that has deletion; value: the deleted cell key/path in the collection
Map<Integer, byte[]> elementDeletionIndices = new HashMap<>();
Random random = new Random(1);
long minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numRows = 1000;
.checkAssert(type -> CdcTester
.builder(bridge, DIRECTORY, schemaBuilder.apply(type))
.withWriter((tester, rows, writer) -> {
long timestamp = minTimestamp;
for (int row = 0; row < tester.numRows; row++)
int ignoredSize = 10;
TestSchema.TestRow testRow;
if (random.nextDouble() < 0.5)
// NOTE: This is a little hacky: for simplicity,
// all collections in the row has the SAME entry being deleted
ByteBuffer key = type.serialize(type.randomValue(ignoredSize));
testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
for (String name : collectionColumnNames)
testRow = testRow.copy(name, bridge.deletedCollectionElement(key));
elementDeletionIndices.put(row, key.array());
testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
timestamp += 1;
writer.accept(testRow, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(timestamp));
// Disable checker on the test row. The check is done in the sparkrow checker below.
.withChecker((testRows, actualRows) -> { })
.withRowChecker(sparkRows -> {
assertEquals("Unexpected number of rows in output", numRows, sparkRows.size());
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < sparkRows.size(); rowIndex++)
Row row = sparkRows.get(rowIndex);
long lmtInMillis = row.getTimestamp(numOfColumns).getTime();
assertTrue("Last modification time should have a lower bound of " + minTimestamp,
lmtInMillis >= minTimestamp);
byte[] updatedFieldsIndicator = (byte[]) row.get(numOfColumns + 1); // Indicator column
BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(updatedFieldsIndicator);
BitSet expected = new BitSet(numOfColumns);
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < numOfColumns; columnIndex++)
if (elementDeletionIndices.containsKey(rowIndex))
// Verify deletion
Map<Object, Object> cellTombstonesPerColumn = row.getJavaMap(numOfColumns + 3); // Cell deletion in complex
for (String name : collectionColumnNames)
assertNull("Collection column should be null after deletion",
List<?> deletedCellKeys =
mutableSeqAsJavaList((AbstractSeq<?>) cellTombstonesPerColumn.get(name));
assertEquals(1, deletedCellKeys.size());
byte[] keyBytesRead = (byte[]) deletedCellKeys.get(0);
assertArrayEquals("The key encoded should be the same",
elementDeletionIndices.get(rowIndex), keyBytesRead);
// Verify update
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numOfColumns; colIndex++)
assertNotNull("All column values should exist for full row update",
assertNull("the cell deletion map should be absent",
row.get(numOfColumns + 3));
assertEquals("row" + rowIndex + " should have all columns set", expected, bs);
public void testRangeDeletions()
testRangeDeletions(4, // Number of columns
1, // Number of partition key columns
2, // Number of clustering key columns
true, // Open end
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck1", type)
.withClusteringKey("ck2", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type));
testRangeDeletions(4, // Number of columns
1, // Number of partition key columns
2, // Number of clustering key columns
false, // Open end
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck1", type)
.withClusteringKey("ck2", bridge.bigint())
.withColumn("c1", type));
public void testRangeDeletionsWithStatic()
testRangeDeletions(5, // Number of columns
1, // Number of partition key columns
2, // Number of clustering key columns
true, // Open end
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck1", bridge.ascii())
.withClusteringKey("ck2", bridge.bigint())
.withStaticColumn("s1", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn("c1", type));
testRangeDeletions(5, // Number of columns
1, // Number of partition key columns
2, // Number of clustering key columns
false, // Open end
type -> TestSchema.builder()
.withPartitionKey("pk1", bridge.uuid())
.withClusteringKey("ck1", bridge.ascii())
.withClusteringKey("ck2", bridge.bigint())
.withStaticColumn("s1", bridge.uuid())
.withColumn("c1", type));
// Validate that range deletions can be correctly encoded
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "SameParameterValue"})
private void testRangeDeletions(int numOfColumns,
int numOfPartitionKeys,
int numOfClusteringKeys,
boolean withOpenEnd,
Function<CqlField.NativeType, TestSchema.Builder> schemaBuilder)
Preconditions.checkArgument(0 < numOfClusteringKeys,
"Range deletion test won't run without having clustering keys!");
// Key: row# that has deletion; value: the deleted cell key/path in the collection
Map<Integer, TestSchema.TestRow> rangeTombestones = new HashMap<>();
Random random = new Random(1);
long minTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
int numRows = 1000;
.checkAssert(type -> CdcTester
.builder(bridge, DIRECTORY, schemaBuilder.apply(type))
.withWriter((tester, rows, writer) -> {
long timestamp = minTimestamp;
for (int row = 0; row < tester.numRows; row++)
TestSchema.TestRow testRow;
if (random.nextDouble() < 0.5)
testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
Object[] baseBound =
testRow.rawValues(numOfPartitionKeys, numOfPartitionKeys + numOfClusteringKeys);
// Create a new bound that has the last ck value different from the base bound
Object[] newBound = new Object[baseBound.length];
System.arraycopy(baseBound, 0, newBound, 0, baseBound.length);
TestSchema.TestRow newRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
int lastCK = newBound.length - 1;
newBound[lastCK] = newRow.get(numOfPartitionKeys + numOfClusteringKeys - 1);
Object[] open;
Object[] close;
// The field's corresponding java type should be comparable...
if (((Comparable<Object>) baseBound[lastCK]).compareTo(newBound[lastCK]) < 0) // For queries like WHERE ck > 1 AND ck < 2
open = baseBound;
close = newBound;
open = newBound;
close = baseBound;
if (withOpenEnd) // For queries like WHERE ck > 1
close[lastCK] = null;
testRow.setRangeTombstones(ImmutableList.of(new RangeTombstone(
new RangeTombstone.Bound(open, true), new RangeTombstone.Bound(close, true))));
rangeTombestones.put(row, testRow);
testRow = Tester.newUniqueRow(tester.schema, rows);
timestamp += 1;
writer.accept(testRow, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMicros(timestamp));
// Disable checker on the test row. The check is done in the sparkrow checker below.
.withChecker((testRows, actualRows) -> { })
.withSparkRowTestRowsChecker((testRows, sparkRows) -> {
assertEquals("Unexpected number of rows in output", numRows, sparkRows.size());
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < sparkRows.size(); rowIndex++)
Row row = sparkRows.get(rowIndex);
long lmtInMillis = row.getTimestamp(numOfColumns).getTime();
assertTrue("Last modification time should have a lower bound of " + minTimestamp,
minTimestamp <= lmtInMillis);
byte[] updatedFieldsIndicator = (byte[]) row.get(numOfColumns + 1); // Indicator column
BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(updatedFieldsIndicator);
BitSet expected = new BitSet(numOfColumns);
if (rangeTombestones.containsKey(rowIndex)) // Verify deletion
for (int column = 0; column < numOfColumns; column++)
if (column < numOfPartitionKeys)
assertNotNull("All partition keys should exist for range tombstone",
assertNull("Non-partition key columns should be null",
Object deletionColumn = row.get(numOfColumns + 4); // Range deletion column
List<?> tombstones = mutableSeqAsJavaList((AbstractSeq<?>) deletionColumn);
assertEquals("There should be 1 range tombstone", 1, tombstones.size());
TestSchema.TestRow sourceRow = rangeTombestones.get(rowIndex);
RangeTombstone expectedTombstone = sourceRow.rangeTombstones().get(0);
Row rangeTombstone = (Row) tombstones.get(0);
assertEquals("Range tombstone should have 4 fields", 4, rangeTombstone.length());
assertEquals(, rangeTombstone.getAs("StartInclusive"));
assertEquals(expectedTombstone.close.inclusive, rangeTombstone.getAs("EndInclusive"));
Row open = rangeTombstone.getAs("Start");
assertEquals(numOfClusteringKeys, open.length());
Row close = rangeTombstone.getAs("End");
assertEquals(numOfClusteringKeys, close.length());
for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < numOfClusteringKeys; keyIndex++)
else // Verify update
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < numOfColumns; columnIndex++)
assertNotNull("All column values should exist for full row update",
assertNull("the cell deletion map should be absent",
row.get(numOfColumns + 3));
assertEquals("row" + rowIndex + " should have the expected columns set", expected, bs);