blob: 3165aa2d379fdeed4adeb31574095a186faf4593 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.spark.bulkwriter.token;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.spark.common.model.CassandraInstance;
* Common Cassandra range operations on Guava ranges. Assumes ranges are not wrapped around.
* It's the responsibility of caller to unwrap ranges. For example, [100, 1] should become
* [100, MAX] and [MIN, 1]. MIN and MAX depend on {@link Partitioner}.
public final class RangeUtils
private RangeUtils()
public static BigInteger sizeOf(Range<BigInteger> range)
Preconditions.checkArgument(range.lowerEndpoint().compareTo(range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0,
"RangeUtils assume ranges are not wrap-around");
if (range.isEmpty())
return BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger size = range.upperEndpoint().subtract(range.lowerEndpoint()).add(BigInteger.ONE);
if (range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.OPEN)
size = size.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
if (range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.OPEN)
size = size.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
return size;
* Splits the given range into equal sized small ranges. Number of splits can be controlled by
* nrSplits. If nrSplits are smaller than size of the range, split size would be set to 1.
* This is best effort scheme, nrSplits not necessarily as promised and not all splits may not be
* exact same size.
* @param range the range to split
* @param nrSplits the number of sub-ranges into which the range should be divided
* @return a list of sub-ranges
public static List<Range<BigInteger>> split(Range<BigInteger> range, int nrSplits)
Preconditions.checkArgument(range.lowerEndpoint().compareTo(range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0,
"RangeUtils assume ranges are not wrap-around");
if (range.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
Preconditions.checkArgument(nrSplits >= 1, "nrSplits must be greater than or equal to 1");
// Make sure split size is not 0
BigInteger splitSize = sizeOf(range).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(nrSplits));
if (splitSize.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0)
splitSize = BigInteger.ONE;
// Start from range lower endpoint and spit ranges of size splitSize, until we cross the range
BigInteger nextLowerEndpoint = range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED
? range.lowerEndpoint()
: range.lowerEndpoint().add(BigInteger.ONE);
List<Range<BigInteger>> splits = new ArrayList<>();
while (range.contains(nextLowerEndpoint))
BigInteger upperEndpoint = nextLowerEndpoint.add(splitSize);
splits.add(range.intersection(Range.closedOpen(nextLowerEndpoint, upperEndpoint)));
nextLowerEndpoint = upperEndpoint;
return splits;
public static <Instance extends CassandraInstance> Multimap<Instance, Range<BigInteger>> calculateTokenRanges(
List<Instance> instances,
int replicationFactor,
Partitioner partitioner)
Preconditions.checkArgument(replicationFactor != 0, "Calculation token ranges wouldn't work with RF 0");
Preconditions.checkArgument(instances.size() == 0 || replicationFactor <= instances.size(),
"Calculation token ranges wouldn't work when RF (" + replicationFactor
+ ") is greater than number of Cassandra instances " + instances.size());
Multimap<Instance, Range<BigInteger>> tokenRanges = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (int index = 0; index < instances.size(); index++)
Instance instance = instances.get(index);
int disjointReplica = ((instances.size() + index) - replicationFactor) % instances.size();
BigInteger rangeStart = new BigInteger(instances.get(disjointReplica).getToken());
BigInteger rangeEnd = new BigInteger(instance.getToken());
// If start token is not strictly smaller than end token we are looking at a wrap around range, split it
if (rangeStart.compareTo(rangeEnd) >= 0)
tokenRanges.put(instance, Range.range(rangeStart, BoundType.OPEN, partitioner.maxToken(), BoundType.CLOSED));
tokenRanges.put(instance, Range.range(partitioner.minToken(), BoundType.CLOSED, rangeEnd, BoundType.CLOSED));
tokenRanges.put(instance, Range.openClosed(rangeStart, rangeEnd));
return tokenRanges;