blob: 546ee16a8de2804bb57fc9d532f2c82bd80d84b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package accord.utils;
import java.util.Comparator;
import accord.primitives.Range;
import accord.primitives.RoutableKey;
import static accord.utils.SearchableRangeList.MAX_SCAN_DISTANCE;
* Builder for {@link SearchableRangeList}
public class SearchableRangeListBuilder extends CheckpointIntervalArrayBuilder<Range[], Range, RoutableKey>
public static final Accessor<Range[], Range, RoutableKey> RANGE_ACCESSOR = new Accessor<>()
public int size(Range[] ranges)
return ranges.length;
public Range get(Range[] ranges, int index)
return ranges[index];
public RoutableKey start(Range[] ranges, int index)
return ranges[index].start();
public RoutableKey start(Range range)
return range.start();
public RoutableKey end(Range[] ranges, int index)
return ranges[index].end();
public RoutableKey end(Range range)
return range.end();
public Comparator<RoutableKey> keyComparator()
return Comparator.naturalOrder();
public int binarySearch(Range[] ranges, int from, int to, RoutableKey find, AsymmetricComparator<RoutableKey, Range> comparator, SortedArrays.Search op)
return SortedArrays.binarySearch(ranges, from, to, find, comparator, op);
public SearchableRangeListBuilder(Range[] ranges, Strategy strategy, Links links)
super(RANGE_ACCESSOR, ranges, strategy, links);
public SearchableRangeListBuilder(Range[] ranges, int goalScanDistance, Strategy strategy, Links links)
super(RANGE_ACCESSOR, ranges, goalScanDistance, strategy, links);
Invariants.checkArgument(goalScanDistance <= MAX_SCAN_DISTANCE);
public SearchableRangeList build()
return build((ranges, bounds, headers, lists, maxScanAndCheckpointMatches) ->
new SearchableRangeList(ranges, bounds, headers, lists, maxScanAndCheckpointMatches));