blob: d4face3b8efb974fb0128c889263643ad6855242 [file] [log] [blame]
package accord.messages;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.local.*;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.primitives.*;
import accord.topology.Topologies;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static accord.primitives.Route.castToFullRoute;
import static accord.primitives.Route.isFullRoute;
import static accord.utils.Functions.mapReduceNonNull;
public class BeginInvalidation extends AbstractEpochRequest<BeginInvalidation.InvalidateReply> implements Request, PreLoadContext
public final Ballot ballot;
public final Unseekables<?, ?> someUnseekables;
public BeginInvalidation(Id to, Topologies topologies, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?, ?> someUnseekables, Ballot ballot)
this.someUnseekables = someUnseekables.slice(topologies.computeRangesForNode(to));
this.ballot = ballot;
public BeginInvalidation(TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?, ?> someUnseekables, Ballot ballot)
this.someUnseekables = someUnseekables;
this.ballot = ballot;
public void process()
node.mapReduceConsumeLocal(this, someUnseekables, txnId.epoch, txnId.epoch, this);
public InvalidateReply apply(SafeCommandStore instance)
Command command = instance.command(txnId);
boolean isOk = command.preacceptInvalidate(ballot);
Ballot supersededBy = isOk ? null : command.promised();
boolean acceptedFastPath = command.executeAt() != null && command.executeAt().equals(command.txnId());
return new InvalidateReply(supersededBy, command.accepted(), command.status(), acceptedFastPath, command.route(), command.homeKey());
public InvalidateReply reduce(InvalidateReply o1, InvalidateReply o2)
// since the coordinator treats a node's response as a collective answer for the keys it owns
// we can safely take any reject from one key as a reject for the whole node
// unfortunately we must also treat the promise rejection as pan-node, even though we only need
// a single key to accept a promise globally for the invalidation to be able to succeed
boolean isOk = o1.isPromised() && o2.isPromised();
Ballot supersededBy = isOk ? null : Ballot.nonNullOrMax(o1.supersededBy, o2.supersededBy);
boolean acceptedFastPath = o1.acceptedFastPath && o2.acceptedFastPath;
Route<?> route = Route.merge((Route)o1.route, o2.route);
RoutingKey homeKey = o1.homeKey != null ? o1.homeKey : o2.homeKey != null ? o2.homeKey : null;
InvalidateReply maxStatus = Status.max(o1, o1.status, o1.accepted, o2, o2.status, o2.accepted);
return new InvalidateReply(supersededBy, maxStatus.accepted, maxStatus.status, acceptedFastPath, route, homeKey);
public Iterable<TxnId> txnIds()
return Collections.singleton(txnId);
public Seekables<?, ?> keys()
return Keys.EMPTY;
public long waitForEpoch()
return txnId.epoch;
public MessageType type()
return MessageType.BEGIN_INVALIDATE_REQ;
public String toString()
return "BeginInvalidate{" +
"txnId:" + txnId +
", ballot:" + ballot +
public static class InvalidateReply implements Reply
public final Ballot supersededBy;
public final Ballot accepted;
public final Status status;
public final boolean acceptedFastPath;
public final @Nullable Route<?> route;
public final @Nullable RoutingKey homeKey;
public InvalidateReply(Ballot supersededBy, Ballot accepted, Status status, boolean acceptedFastPath, @Nullable Route<?> route, @Nullable RoutingKey homeKey)
this.supersededBy = supersededBy;
this.accepted = accepted;
this.status = status;
this.acceptedFastPath = acceptedFastPath;
this.route = route;
this.homeKey = homeKey;
public boolean isPromised()
return supersededBy == null;
public String toString()
return "Invalidate" + (isPromised() ? "Promised{" : "NotPromised{" + supersededBy + ",") + status + ',' + (route != null ? route: homeKey) + '}';
public MessageType type()
return MessageType.BEGIN_INVALIDATE_RSP;
public static FullRoute<?> findRoute(List<InvalidateReply> invalidateOks)
for (InvalidateReply ok : invalidateOks)
if (isFullRoute(ok.route))
return castToFullRoute(ok.route);
return null;
public static Route<?> mergeRoutes(List<InvalidateReply> invalidateOks)
return mapReduceNonNull(ok -> (Route)ok.route, Route::union, invalidateOks);
public static InvalidateReply max(List<InvalidateReply> invalidateReplies)
return Status.max(invalidateReplies, r -> r.status, r -> r.accepted, invalidateReply -> true);
public static RoutingKey findHomeKey(List<InvalidateReply> invalidateOks)
for (InvalidateReply ok : invalidateOks)
if (ok.homeKey != null)
return ok.homeKey;
return null;