blob: a520b600fc1ad1a2fc6d843c8a191eb6bdb007a8 [file] [log] [blame]
package accord.local;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import accord.api.Result;
import accord.txn.Ballot;
import accord.txn.Dependencies;
import accord.txn.Timestamp;
import accord.txn.Txn;
import accord.txn.TxnId;
import accord.txn.Writes;
import static accord.local.Status.Accepted;
import static accord.local.Status.Applied;
import static accord.local.Status.Committed;
import static accord.local.Status.Executed;
import static accord.local.Status.NotWitnessed;
import static accord.local.Status.PreAccepted;
import static accord.local.Status.ReadyToExecute;
public class Command implements Listener, Consumer<Listener>
public final CommandStore commandStore;
private final TxnId txnId;
private Txn txn;
private Ballot promised = Ballot.ZERO, accepted = Ballot.ZERO;
private Timestamp executeAt;
private Dependencies deps = new Dependencies();
private Writes writes;
private Result result;
private Status status = NotWitnessed;
private NavigableMap<TxnId, Command> waitingOnCommit;
private NavigableMap<Timestamp, Command> waitingOnApply;
private final Listeners listeners = new Listeners();
public Command(CommandStore commandStore, TxnId id)
this.commandStore = commandStore;
this.txnId = id;
public TxnId txnId()
return txnId;
public Txn txn()
return txn;
public Ballot promised()
return promised;
public Ballot accepted()
return accepted;
public Timestamp executeAt()
return executeAt;
public Dependencies savedDeps()
return deps;
public Writes writes()
return writes;
public Result result()
return result;
public Status status()
return status;
public boolean hasBeen(Status status)
return this.status.compareTo(status) >= 0;
public boolean is(Status status)
return this.status == status;
// requires that command != null
// relies on mutual exclusion for each key
public boolean witness(Txn txn)
if (promised.compareTo(Ballot.ZERO) > 0)
return false;
if (hasBeen(PreAccepted))
return true;
Timestamp max = txn.maxConflict(commandStore);
// unlike in the Accord paper, we partition shards within a node, so that to ensure a total order we must either:
// - use a global logical clock to issue new timestamps; or
// - assign each shard _and_ process a unique id, and use both as components of the timestamp
Timestamp witnessed = txnId.compareTo(max) > 0 && txnId.epoch >= commandStore.epoch() ? txnId : commandStore.uniqueNow(max);
this.txn = txn;
this.executeAt = witnessed;
this.status = PreAccepted;
txn.register(commandStore, this);
return true;
public boolean accept(Ballot ballot, Txn txn, Timestamp executeAt, Dependencies deps)
if (this.promised.compareTo(ballot) > 0)
return false;
if (hasBeen(Committed))
return false;
this.deps = deps;
this.executeAt = executeAt;
promised = accepted = ballot;
status = Accepted;
return true;
// relies on mutual exclusion for each key
public boolean commit(Txn txn, Dependencies deps, Timestamp executeAt)
if (hasBeen(Committed))
if (executeAt.equals(this.executeAt))
return false;
commandStore.agent().onInconsistentTimestamp(this, this.executeAt, executeAt);
this.status = Committed;
this.deps = deps;
this.executeAt = executeAt;
this.waitingOnCommit = new TreeMap<>();
this.waitingOnApply = new TreeMap<>();
for (TxnId id : savedDeps().on(commandStore))
Command command = commandStore.command(id);
switch (command.status)
throw new IllegalStateException();
case NotWitnessed:
case PreAccepted:
case Accepted:
// we don't know when these dependencies will execute, and cannot execute until we do
waitingOnCommit.put(id, command);
case Committed:
// TODO: split into ReadyToRead and ReadyToWrite;
// the distributed read can be performed as soon as those keys are ready, and in parallel with any other reads
// the client can even ACK immediately after; only the write needs to be postponed until other in-progress reads complete
case ReadyToExecute:
case Executed:
case Applied:
if (waitingOnCommit.isEmpty())
waitingOnCommit = null;
if (waitingOnApply.isEmpty())
waitingOnApply = null;
return true;
public boolean apply(Txn txn, Dependencies deps, Timestamp executeAt, Writes writes, Result result)
if (hasBeen(Executed) && executeAt.equals(this.executeAt))
return false;
else if (!hasBeen(Committed))
commit(txn, deps, executeAt);
else if (!executeAt.equals(this.executeAt))
commandStore.agent().onInconsistentTimestamp(this, this.executeAt, executeAt);
this.executeAt = executeAt;
this.writes = writes;
this.result = result;
this.status = Executed;
return true;
public boolean recover(Txn txn, Ballot ballot)
if (this.promised.compareTo(ballot) > 0)
return false;
this.promised = ballot;
return true;
public Command addListener(Listener listener)
return this;
public void removeListener(Listener listener)
public void onChange(Command command)
switch (command.status)
case Committed:
case ReadyToExecute:
case Executed:
case Applied:
if (waitingOnApply != null)
if (waitingOnCommit != null)
if (waitingOnCommit.remove(command.txnId) != null && waitingOnCommit.isEmpty())
waitingOnCommit = null;
if (waitingOnCommit == null && waitingOnApply.isEmpty())
waitingOnApply = null;
private void maybeExecute()
if (status != Committed && status != Executed)
if (waitingOnApply != null)
switch (status)
case Committed:
// TODO: maintain distinct ReadyToRead and ReadyToWrite states
status = ReadyToExecute;
case Executed:
status = Applied;
private void updatePredecessor(Command committed)
if (committed.executeAt.compareTo(executeAt) > 0)
// cannot be a predecessor if we execute later
else if (committed.hasBeen(Applied))
waitingOnApply.putIfAbsent(committed.executeAt, committed);
public Command blockedBy()
Command cur = directlyBlockedBy();
if (cur == null)
return null;
Command next;
while (null != (next = cur.directlyBlockedBy()))
cur = next;
return cur;
private Command directlyBlockedBy()
// firstly we're waiting on every dep to commit
while (waitingOnCommit != null)
// TODO: when we change our liveness mechanism this may not be a problem
// cannot guarantee that listener updating this set is invoked before this method by another listener
// so we must check the entry is still valid, and potentially remove it if not
Command waitingOn = waitingOnCommit.firstEntry().getValue();
if (!waitingOn.hasBeen(Committed)) return waitingOn;
while (waitingOnApply != null)
// TODO: when we change our liveness mechanism this may not be a problem
// cannot guarantee that listener updating this set is invoked before this method by another listener
// so we must check the entry is still valid, and potentially remove it if not
Command waitingOn = waitingOnApply.firstEntry().getValue();
if (!waitingOn.hasBeen(Applied)) return waitingOn;
return null;
public void accept(Listener listener)
public String toString()
return "Command{" +
"txnId=" + txnId +
", txn=" + txn +
", executeAt=" + executeAt +
", deps=" + deps +
", status=" + status +