blob: e35235b3329655cd410fef75e6886554e6e60bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
package accord.maelstrom;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import accord.coordinate.Timeout;
import accord.local.CommandStore;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.api.MessageSink;
import accord.messages.Callback;
import accord.messages.Reply;
import accord.messages.Request;
import accord.topology.Shards;
import accord.api.Scheduler;
// TODO: merge with accord.impl.basic.Cluster
public class Cluster implements Scheduler
public interface Queue<T>
void add(T item);
void add(T item, long delay, TimeUnit units);
T poll();
int size();
public interface QueueSupplier
<T> Queue<T> get();
public static class InstanceSink implements MessageSink
final Id self;
final Function<Id, Node> lookup;
final Cluster parent;
final Random random;
int nextMessageId = 0;
Map<Long, Callback> callbacks = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public InstanceSink(Id self, Function<Id, Node> lookup, Cluster parent, Random random)
this.self = self;
this.lookup = lookup;
this.parent = parent;
this.random = random;
public synchronized void send(Id to, Request send)
parent.add(self, to, Body.SENTINEL_MSG_ID, send);
public void send(Id to, Request send, Callback callback)
long messageId = nextMessageId++;
callbacks.put(messageId, callback);
parent.add(self, to, messageId, send);
parent.pending.add((Runnable)() -> {
if (callback == callbacks.remove(messageId))
callback.onFailure(to, new Timeout());
}, 1000 + random.nextInt(10000), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public void reply(Id replyToNode, long replyToMessage, Reply reply)
parent.add(self, replyToNode, replyToMessage, reply);
final Function<Id, Node> lookup;
final Queue<Object> pending;
final Consumer<Packet> responseSink;
final Map<Id, InstanceSink> sinks = new HashMap<>();
final PrintWriter err;
int clock;
int recurring;
Set<Id> partitionSet;
public Cluster(QueueSupplier queueSupplier, Function<Id, Node> lookup, Consumer<Packet> responseSink, OutputStream stderr)
this.pending = queueSupplier.get();
this.lookup = lookup;
this.responseSink = responseSink;
this.err = new PrintWriter(stderr);
this.partitionSet = new HashSet<>();
InstanceSink create(Id self, Random random)
InstanceSink sink = new InstanceSink(self, lookup, this, random);
sinks.put(self, sink);
return sink;
private void add(Packet packet)
err.println(clock++ + " SEND " + packet);
if (lookup.apply(packet.dest) == null) responseSink.accept(packet);
else pending.add(packet);
void add(Id from, Id to, long messageId, Request send)
add(new Packet(from, to, messageId, send));
void add(Id from, Id to, long replyId, Reply send)
add(new Packet(from, to, replyId, send));
public boolean processPending()
if (pending.size() == recurring)
return false;
Object next = pending.poll();
if (next == null)
return false;
if (next instanceof Packet)
Packet deliver = (Packet) next;
Node on = lookup.apply(deliver.dest);
switch (deliver.body.type)
case init:
throw new IllegalStateException();
case txn:
err.println(clock++ + " RECV " + deliver);
on.receive((MaelstromRequest)deliver.body, deliver.src, deliver.body.msg_id);
// Drop the message if it goes across the partition
boolean drop = !(partitionSet.contains(deliver.src) && partitionSet.contains(deliver.dest)
|| !partitionSet.contains(deliver.src) && !partitionSet.contains(deliver.dest));
if (drop)
err.println(clock++ + " DROP " + deliver);
err.println(clock++ + " RECV " + deliver);
if (deliver.body.in_reply_to > Body.SENTINEL_MSG_ID)
Reply reply = (Reply)((Wrapper)deliver.body).body;
Callback callback = reply.isFinal() ? sinks.get(deliver.dest).callbacks.remove(deliver.body.in_reply_to)
: sinks.get(deliver.dest).callbacks.get(deliver.body.in_reply_to);
if (callback != null)
on.scheduler().now(() -> callback.onSuccess(deliver.src, reply));
else on.receive((Request)((Wrapper)deliver.body).body, deliver.src, deliver.body.msg_id);
((Runnable) next).run();
return true;
class CancellableRunnable implements Runnable, Scheduled
final boolean recurring;
final long delay;
final TimeUnit units;
Runnable run;
CancellableRunnable(Runnable run, boolean recurring, long delay, TimeUnit units)
{ = run;
this.recurring = recurring;
this.delay = delay;
this.units = units;
public void run()
if (run != null)
if (recurring)
pending.add(this, delay, units);
public void cancel()
run = null;
public Scheduled recurring(Runnable run, long delay, TimeUnit units)
CancellableRunnable result = new CancellableRunnable(run, true, delay, units);
pending.add(result, delay, units);
return result;
public Scheduled once(Runnable run, long delay, TimeUnit units)
CancellableRunnable result = new CancellableRunnable(run, false, delay, units);
pending.add(result, delay, units);
return result;
public void now(Runnable run)
public static void run(Id[] nodes, QueueSupplier queueSupplier, Consumer<Packet> responseSink, Supplier<Random> randomSupplier, Supplier<LongSupplier> nowSupplier, TopologyFactory topologyFactory, InputStream stdin, OutputStream stderr) throws IOException
try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdin)))
run(nodes, queueSupplier, responseSink, randomSupplier, nowSupplier, topologyFactory, () -> {
return Packet.parse(in.readLine());
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
}, stderr);
public static void run(Id[] nodes, QueueSupplier queueSupplier, Consumer<Packet> responseSink, Supplier<Random> randomSupplier, Supplier<LongSupplier> nowSupplier, TopologyFactory topologyFactory, Supplier<Packet> in, OutputStream stderr)
Shards shards = topologyFactory.toShards(nodes);
Map<Id, Node> lookup = new HashMap<>();
Cluster sinks = new Cluster(queueSupplier, lookup::get, responseSink, stderr);
for (Id node : nodes)
lookup.put(node, new Node(node, shards, sinks.create(node, randomSupplier.get()), randomSupplier.get(),
nowSupplier.get(), MaelstromStore::new, MaelstromAgent.INSTANCE, sinks, CommandStore.Factory.SINGLE_THREAD));
List<Id> nodesList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nodes));
sinks.recurring(() ->
Collections.shuffle(nodesList, randomSupplier.get());
int partitionSize = randomSupplier.get().nextInt((topologyFactory.rf+1)/2);
sinks.partitionSet = new HashSet<>(nodesList.subList(0, partitionSize));
}, 5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Packet next;
while ((next = in.get()) != null)
while (sinks.processPending());