blob: 7724186194fa63d063027ce22d4d1c5241c67a15 [file] [log] [blame]
package accord.local;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import accord.api.Agent;
import accord.api.Key;
import accord.api.MessageSink;
import accord.api.Result;
import accord.api.Scheduler;
import accord.api.Store;
import accord.coordinate.Coordinate;
import accord.messages.Callback;
import accord.messages.Request;
import accord.messages.Reply;
import accord.topology.Shard;
import accord.topology.Shards;
import accord.topology.Topology;
import accord.txn.Keys;
import accord.txn.Timestamp;
import accord.txn.Txn;
import accord.txn.TxnId;
public class Node
public static class Id implements Comparable<Id>
public static final Id NONE = new Id(0);
public static final Id MAX = new Id(Long.MAX_VALUE);
public final long id;
public Id(long id)
{ = id;
public int hashCode()
return Long.hashCode(id);
public boolean equals(Object that)
return that instanceof Id && equals((Id) that);
public boolean equals(Id that)
return id ==;
public int compareTo(Id that)
public String toString()
return Long.toString(id);
private final Id id;
private final Topology cluster;
private final Shards local;
private final Instance[] instances;
private final MessageSink messageSink;
private final Random random;
private final LongSupplier nowSupplier;
private final AtomicReference<Timestamp> now;
private final Agent agent;
// TODO: this really needs to be thought through some more, as it needs to be per-instance in some cases, and per-node in others
private final Scheduler scheduler;
private final Map<TxnId, CompletionStage<Result>> coordinating = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Set<TxnId> pendingRecovery = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>());
public Node(Id id, Topology cluster, Shards local, MessageSink messageSink, Random random, LongSupplier nowSupplier, Supplier<Store> dataSupplier, Agent agent, Scheduler scheduler)
{ = id;
this.cluster = cluster;
this.random = random;
this.agent = agent; = new AtomicReference<>(new Timestamp(nowSupplier.getAsLong(), 0, id));
this.local = local;
this.messageSink = messageSink;
this.instances = new Instance[local.size()];
this.nowSupplier = nowSupplier;
this.scheduler = scheduler;
for (int i = 0 ; i < instances.length ; ++i)
instances[i] = new Instance(local.get(i), this, dataSupplier.get());
public Timestamp uniqueNow()
return now.updateAndGet(cur -> {
// TODO: this diverges from proof; either show isomorphism or make consistent
long now = nowSupplier.getAsLong();
if (now > cur.real) return new Timestamp(now, 0, id);
else return new Timestamp(cur.real, cur.logical + 1, id);
public Timestamp uniqueNow(Timestamp atLeast)
if (now.get().compareTo(atLeast) < 0)
now.accumulateAndGet(atLeast, (a, b) -> a.compareTo(b) < 0 ? new Timestamp(b.real, b.logical + 1, id) : a);
return now.updateAndGet(cur -> {
// TODO: this diverges from proof; either show isomorphism or make consistent
long now = nowSupplier.getAsLong();
if (now > cur.real) return new Timestamp(now, 0, id);
else return new Timestamp(cur.real, cur.logical + 1, id);
public long now()
return nowSupplier.getAsLong();
public Topology cluster()
return cluster;
public Stream<Instance> local(Keys keys)
// TODO: efficiency
return Stream.of(, instances, Instance[]::new));
public Optional<Instance> local(Key key)
return local(Keys.of(key)).reduce((i1, i2) -> {
throw new IllegalStateException("more than one instance encountered for key");
// send to every node besides ourselves
public void send(Shards shards, Request send)
Set<Id> contacted = new HashSet<>();
shards.forEach(shard -> send(shard, send, contacted));
public void send(Shard shard, Request send)
shard.nodes.forEach(node -> messageSink.send(node, send));
private <T> void send(Shard shard, Request send, Set<Id> alreadyContacted)
shard.nodes.forEach(node -> {
if (alreadyContacted.add(node))
send(node, send);
// send to every node besides ourselves
public <T> void send(Shards shards, Request send, Callback<T> callback)
// TODO efficiency
Set<Id> contacted = new HashSet<>();
shards.forEach(shard -> send(shard, send, callback, contacted));
public <T> void send(Shard shard, Request send, Callback<T> callback)
shard.nodes.forEach(node -> send(node, send, callback));
private <T> void send(Shard shard, Request send, Callback<T> callback, Set<Id> alreadyContacted)
shard.nodes.forEach(node -> {
if (alreadyContacted.add(node))
send(node, send, callback);
// send to a specific node
public <T> void send(Id to, Request send, Callback<T> callback)
messageSink.send(to, send, callback);
// send to a specific node
public void send(Id to, Request send)
messageSink.send(to, send);
public void reply(Id replyingToNode, long replyingToMessage, Reply send)
messageSink.reply(replyingToNode, replyingToMessage, send);
public CompletionStage<Result> coordinate(Txn txn)
TxnId txnId = new TxnId(uniqueNow());
CompletionStage<Result> result = Coordinate.execute(this, txnId, txn);
coordinating.put(txnId, result);
result.handle((success, fail) ->
// if we don't succeed, try again in 30s to make sure somebody finishes it
// TODO: this is an ugly liveness mechanism
if (fail != null && pendingRecovery.add(txnId))
scheduler.once(() -> { pendingRecovery.remove(txnId); recover(txnId, txn); } , 30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return null;
return result;
// TODO: encapsulate in Coordinate, so we can request that e.g. commits be re-sent?
public CompletionStage<Result> recover(TxnId txnId, Txn txn)
CompletionStage<Result> result = coordinating.get(txnId);
if (result != null)
return result;
result = Coordinate.recover(this, txnId, txn);
coordinating.putIfAbsent(txnId, result);
result.handle((success, fail) -> {
agent.onRecover(this, success, fail);
// if we don't succeed, try again in 30s to make sure somebody finishes it
// TODO: this is an ugly liveness mechanism
if (fail != null && pendingRecovery.add(txnId))
scheduler.once(() -> { pendingRecovery.remove(txnId); recover(txnId, txn); } , 30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return null;
return result;
public void receive(Request request, Id from, long messageId)
{ -> request.process(this, from, messageId));
public Scheduler scheduler()
return scheduler;
public Random random()
return random;
public Agent agent()
return agent;
public Id id()
return id;
public String toString()
return "Node{" + id + '}';