blob: 971c70e77dd2d3ad8ee79ebc0e24cb750eb76186 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import accord.api.Key;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.impl.IntHashKey;
import accord.impl.IntKey;
import accord.impl.PrefixedIntHashKey;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.primitives.Ballot;
import accord.primitives.Deps;
import accord.primitives.KeyDeps;
import accord.primitives.Range;
import accord.primitives.RangeDeps;
import accord.primitives.Ranges;
import accord.primitives.Routable;
import accord.primitives.RoutableKey;
import accord.primitives.Timestamp;
import accord.primitives.Txn;
import accord.primitives.TxnId;
import accord.topology.Shard;
import accord.topology.Topology;
import org.agrona.collections.IntHashSet;
import static accord.utils.Utils.toArray;
public class AccordGens
public static Gen.LongGen epochs()
return Gens.longs().between(0, Timestamp.MAX_EPOCH);
public static Gen<Node.Id> nodes()
return nodes(RandomSource::nextInt);
public static Gen<Node.Id> nodes(Gen.IntGen nodes)
public static Gen.IntGen flags()
return rs -> rs.nextInt(0, 1 << 16);
public static Gen<Timestamp> timestamps()
return timestamps(epochs()::nextLong, rs -> rs.nextLong(0, Long.MAX_VALUE), flags(), RandomSource::nextInt);
public static Gen<Timestamp> timestamps(Gen.LongGen epochs, Gen.LongGen hlcs, Gen.IntGen flags, Gen.IntGen nodes)
return rs -> Timestamp.fromValues(epochs.nextLong(rs), hlcs.nextLong(rs), flags.nextInt(rs), new Node.Id(nodes.nextInt(rs)));
public static Gen<TxnId> txnIds()
return txnIds(epochs()::nextLong, rs -> rs.nextLong(0, Long.MAX_VALUE), RandomSource::nextInt);
public static Gen<TxnId> txnIds(Gen.LongGen epochs, Gen.LongGen hlcs, Gen.IntGen nodes)
Gen<Txn.Kind> kinds = Gens.enums().all(Txn.Kind.class);
Gen<Routable.Domain> domains = Gens.enums().all(Routable.Domain.class);
return rs -> new TxnId(epochs.nextLong(rs), hlcs.nextLong(rs),,, new Node.Id(nodes.nextInt(rs)));
public static Gen<Ballot> ballot()
return ballot(epochs()::nextLong, rs -> rs.nextLong(0, Long.MAX_VALUE), flags(), RandomSource::nextInt);
public static Gen<Ballot> ballot(Gen.LongGen epochs, Gen.LongGen hlcs, Gen.IntGen flags, Gen.IntGen nodes)
return rs -> Ballot.fromValues(epochs.nextLong(rs), hlcs.nextLong(rs), flags.nextInt(rs), new Node.Id(nodes.nextInt(rs)));
public static Gen<Key> intKeys()
return rs -> new IntKey.Raw(rs.nextInt());
public static Gen<Key> intKeysInsideRanges(Ranges ranges)
return rs -> {
Range range = ranges.get(rs.nextInt(0, ranges.size()));
int start = intKey(range.start());
int end = intKey(range.end());
// end inclusive, so +1 the result to include end and exclude start
return IntKey.key(rs.nextInt(start, end) + 1);
public static Gen<Key> intKeysOutsideRanges(Ranges ranges)
return rs -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int index = rs.nextInt(0, ranges.size());
Range first = index == 0 ? null : ranges.get(index - 1);
Range second = ranges.get(index);
// retries
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
Key key = intKeyOutside(rs, first, second);
if (key == null)
return key;
throw new AssertionError("Unable to find keys within the range " + ranges);
private static Key intKeyOutside(RandomSource rs, @Nullable Range first, Range second)
int start;
int end;
if (first == null)
start = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
end = intKey(second.start()); // start is not inclusive, so can use
start = intKey(first.end()) + 1; // end is inclusive, so +1 to skip
end = intKey(second.start()); // start is not inclusive, so can use
if (start == end)
return null;
return IntKey.key(rs.nextInt(start, end + 1));
private static int intKey(RoutableKey key)
return ((IntKey.Routing) key).key;
public static Gen<IntKey.Routing> intRoutingKey()
return rs -> IntKey.routing(rs.nextInt());
public static Gen<Key> intHashKeys()
return rs -> IntHashKey.key(rs.nextInt());
public static Gen<Key> prefixedIntHashKey()
return prefixedIntHashKey(RandomSource::nextInt, rs -> rs.nextInt(PrefixedIntHashKey.MIN_KEY, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
public static Gen<Key> prefixedIntHashKey(Gen.IntGen prefixGen)
return prefixedIntHashKey(prefixGen, rs -> rs.nextInt(PrefixedIntHashKey.MIN_KEY, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
public static Gen<Key> prefixedIntHashKey(Gen.IntGen prefixGen, Gen.IntGen keyGen)
return rs -> {
int prefix = prefixGen.nextInt(rs);
int key = keyGen.nextInt(rs);
int hash = PrefixedIntHashKey.hash(key);
return PrefixedIntHashKey.key(prefix, key, hash);
public static Gen<Key> prefixedIntHashKeyInsideRanges(Ranges ranges)
return rs -> {
Range range = ranges.get(rs.nextInt(0, ranges.size()));
PrefixedIntHashKey start = (PrefixedIntHashKey) range.start();
PrefixedIntHashKey end = (PrefixedIntHashKey) range.end();
// end inclusive, so +1 the result to include end and exclude start
int hash = rs.nextInt(start.hash, end.hash) + 1;
int key = CRCUtils.reverseCRC32LittleEnding(hash);
PrefixedIntHashKey.Key ret = PrefixedIntHashKey.key(start.prefix, key, hash);
// we have tests to make sure this doesn't fail... just a safety check
assert ret.hash == hash;
return ret;
public static Gen<KeyDeps> keyDeps(Gen<? extends Key> keyGen)
return keyDeps(keyGen, txnIds());
public static Gen<KeyDeps> keyDeps(Gen<? extends Key> keyGen, Gen<TxnId> idGen)
double emptyProb = .2D;
return rs -> {
if (rs.decide(emptyProb)) return KeyDeps.NONE;
Set<Key> seenKeys = new HashSet<>();
Set<TxnId> seenTxn = new HashSet<>();
Gen<? extends Key> uniqKeyGen = keyGen.filter(seenKeys::add);
Gen<TxnId> uniqIdGen = idGen.filter(seenTxn::add);
try (KeyDeps.Builder builder = KeyDeps.builder())
for (int i = 0, numKeys = rs.nextInt(1, 10); i < numKeys; i++)
for (int j = 0, numTxn = rs.nextInt(1, 10); j < numTxn; j++)
public static Gen<Shard> shards(Gen<Range> rangeGen, Gen<List<Node.Id>> nodesGen)
return rs -> {
Range range =;
List<Node.Id> nodes =;
int maxFailures = (nodes.size() - 1) / 2;
Set<Node.Id> fastPath = new HashSet<>();
if (maxFailures == 0)
int minElectorate = nodes.size() - maxFailures;
for (int i = 0, size = rs.nextInt(minElectorate, nodes.size()); i < size; i++)
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while (!fastPath.add(nodes.get(rs.nextInt(nodes.size()))));
Set<Node.Id> joining = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0, size = rs.nextInt(nodes.size()); i < size; i++)
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while (!joining.add(nodes.get(rs.nextInt(nodes.size()))));
return new Shard(range, nodes, fastPath, joining);
public static Gen<Topology> topologys()
return topologys(epochs(), nodes());
public static Gen<Topology> topologys(Gen.LongGen epochGen)
return topologys(epochGen, nodes());
public static Gen<Topology> topologys(Gen.LongGen epochGen, Gen<Node.Id> nodeGen)
return topologys(epochGen, nodeGen, AccordGens::prefixedIntHashKeyRanges);
public static Gen<Topology> topologys(Gen.LongGen epochGen, Gen<Node.Id> nodeGen, RangesGenFactory rangesGenFactory)
return rs -> {
long epoch = epochGen.nextLong(rs);
float chance = rs.nextFloat();
int rf;
if (chance < 0.2f) { rf = rs.nextInt(2, 9); }
else if (chance < 0.4f) { rf = 3; }
else if (chance < 0.7f) { rf = 5; }
else if (chance < 0.8f) { rf = 7; }
else { rf = 9; }
Node.Id[] nodes = Utils.toArray(Gens.lists(nodeGen).unique().ofSizeBetween(rf, rf * 3).next(rs), Node.Id[]::new);
Ranges ranges = rangesGenFactory.apply(nodes.length, rf).next(rs);
int numElectorate = nodes.length + rf - 1;
List<WrapAroundList<Node.Id>> electorates = new ArrayList<>(numElectorate);
for (int i = 0; i < numElectorate; i++)
electorates.add(new WrapAroundList<>(nodes, i % nodes.length, (i + rf) % nodes.length));
final List<Shard> shards = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Node.Id> noShard = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(nodes));
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size() ; ++i)
WrapAroundList<Node.Id> replicas = electorates.get(i % electorates.size());
Range range = ranges.get(i);
shards.add(shards(ignore -> range, ignore -> replicas).next(rs));
if (!noShard.isEmpty())
throw new AssertionError(String.format("The following electorates were found without a shard: %s", noShard));
return new Topology(epoch, toArray(shards, Shard[]::new));
public interface RangesGenFactory
Gen<Ranges> apply(int nodeCount, int rf);
public interface RangeFactory<T extends RoutingKey>
Range create(RandomSource rs, T a, T b);
public static Gen<Range> ranges(Gen<? extends RoutingKey> keyGen, BiFunction<? super RoutingKey, ? super RoutingKey, ? extends Range> factory)
return ranges(keyGen, (ignore, a, b) -> factory.apply(a, b));
public static Gen<Range> ranges(Gen<? extends RoutingKey> keyGen)
return ranges(keyGen, (rs, a, b) -> {
boolean left = rs.nextBoolean();
return Range.range(a, b, left, !left);
public static <T extends RoutingKey> Gen<Range> ranges(Gen<T> keyGen, RangeFactory<T> factory)
List<T> keys = Arrays.asList(null, null);
return rs -> {
// range doesn't allow a=b
do keys.set(1,;
while (Objects.equals(keys.get(0), keys.get(1)));
return factory.create(rs, keys.get(0), keys.get(1));
public static <T extends RoutingKey> Gen<Ranges> ranges(Gen.IntGen sizeGen, Gen<T> keyGen, RangeFactory<T> factory)
Gen<Range> rangeGen = ranges(keyGen, factory);
return rs -> {
int size = sizeGen.nextInt(rs);
Range[] ranges = new Range[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
ranges[i] =;
return Ranges.of(ranges);
public static <T extends RoutingKey> Gen<Ranges> ranges(Gen.IntGen sizeGen, Gen<T> keyGen, BiFunction<? super T, ? super T, ? extends Range> factory)
return ranges(sizeGen, keyGen, (ignore, a, b) -> factory.apply(a, b));
public static Gen<Ranges> prefixedIntHashKeyRanges(int numNodes, int rf)
return rs -> {
int numPrefixes = rs.nextInt(1, 10);
List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<>(numPrefixes * numNodes * rf);
IntHashSet prefixes = new IntHashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < numPrefixes; i++)
int prefix;
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
while (!prefixes.add(prefix = rs.nextInt(0, 100)));
ranges.addAll(Arrays.asList(PrefixedIntHashKey.ranges(prefix, numNodes * rf)));
return Ranges.ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(Utils.toArray(ranges, Range[]::new));
public static Gen<RangeDeps> rangeDeps(Gen<? extends Range> rangeGen)
return rangeDeps(rangeGen, txnIds());
public static Gen<RangeDeps> rangeDeps(Gen<? extends Range> rangeGen, Gen<TxnId> idGen)
double emptyProb = .2D;
return rs -> {
if (rs.decide(emptyProb)) return RangeDeps.NONE;
RangeDeps.Builder builder = RangeDeps.builder();
List<? extends Range> uniqRanges = Gens.lists(rangeGen).uniqueBestEffort().ofSize(rs.nextInt(1, 10)).next(rs);
for (Range range : uniqRanges)
for (int j = 0, numTxn = rs.nextInt(1, 10); j < numTxn; j++)
public static Gen<Deps> deps(Gen<KeyDeps> keyDepsGen, Gen<RangeDeps> rangeDepsGen)
return rs -> new Deps(,;