blob: 9009898139bade406703504e69d16a45e1313ba8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.impl.mock;
import accord.NetworkFilter;
import accord.api.MessageSink;
import accord.coordinate.Timeout;
import accord.impl.*;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.local.ShardDistributor;
import accord.primitives.Ranges;
import accord.utils.EpochFunction;
import accord.utils.ThreadPoolScheduler;
import accord.primitives.TxnId;
import accord.messages.Callback;
import accord.messages.Reply;
import accord.messages.Request;
import accord.topology.Topology;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import static accord.Utils.*;
public class MockCluster implements Network, AutoCloseable, Iterable<Node>
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MockCluster.class);
private final Random random;
private final Config config;
private final LongSupplier nowSupplier;
private final Map<Id, Node> nodes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final BiFunction<Id, Network, MessageSink> messageSinkFactory;
private int nextNodeId = 1;
public NetworkFilter networkFilter = new NetworkFilter();
private long nextMessageId = 0;
Map<Long, Callback> callbacks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final EpochFunction<MockConfigurationService> onFetchTopology;
private MockCluster(Builder builder)
this.config = new Config(builder);
this.random = new Random(config.seed);
this.nowSupplier = builder.nowSupplier;
this.messageSinkFactory = builder.messageSinkFactory;
this.onFetchTopology = builder.onFetchTopology;
public Iterator<Node> iterator()
return nodes.values().iterator();
public void close()
private synchronized Id nextNodeId()
return id(nextNodeId++);
private synchronized long nextMessageId()
return nextMessageId++;
private Node createNode(Id id, Topology topology)
MockStore store = new MockStore();
MessageSink messageSink = messageSinkFactory.apply(id, this);
MockConfigurationService configurationService = new MockConfigurationService(messageSink, onFetchTopology, topology);
return new Node(id,
() -> store,
new ShardDistributor.EvenSplit(8, ignore -> new IntKey.Splitter()),
new TestAgent(),
new Random(random.nextLong()),
new ThreadPoolScheduler(),
private void init(Topology topology)
List<Id> ids = new ArrayList<>(config.initialNodes);
for (int i=0; i<config.initialNodes; i++)
Id nextId = nextNodeId();
if (topology == null)
Ranges ranges = TopologyUtils.initialRanges(config.initialNodes, config.maxKey);
topology = TopologyUtils.initialTopology(ids, ranges, config.replication);
for (int i=0; i<config.initialNodes; i++)
Id id = ids.get(i);
Node node = createNode(id, topology);
nodes.put(id, node);
public void send(Id from, Id to, Request request, Callback callback)
Node node = nodes.get(to);
if (node == null)
{"dropping message to unknown node {}: {} from {}", to, request, from);
if (networkFilter.shouldDiscard(from, to, request))
// TODO: more flexible timeouts
if (callback != null)
callback.onFailure(to, new Timeout(null, null));"discarding filtered message from {} to {}: {}", from, to, request);
long messageId = nextMessageId();
if (callback != null)
callbacks.put(messageId, callback);
node.scheduler().once(() -> {
if (callbacks.remove(messageId, callback))
callback.onFailure(to, new Timeout(null, null));
}, 2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
}"processing message[{}] from {} to {}: {}", messageId, from, to, request);
node.receive(request, from, Network.replyCtxFor(messageId));
public void reply(Id from, Id replyingToNode, long replyingToMessage, Reply reply)
Node node = nodes.get(replyingToNode);
if (node == null)
{"dropping reply to unknown node {}: {} from {}", replyingToNode, reply, from);
Callback callback = callbacks.remove(replyingToMessage);
if (networkFilter.shouldDiscard(from, replyingToNode, reply))
{"discarding filtered reply from {} to {}: {}", from, reply, reply);
if (callback != null)
callback.onFailure(from, new Timeout(null, null));
if (callback == null)
logger.warn("Callback not found for reply from {} to {}: {} (msgid: {})", from, replyingToNode, reply, replyingToMessage);
}"processing reply[{}] from {} to {}: {}", replyingToMessage, from, replyingToNode, reply);
node.scheduler().now(() -> {
callback.onSuccess(from, reply);
catch (Throwable t)
callback.onCallbackFailure(from, t);
public Node get(Id id)
Node node = nodes.get(id);
if (node == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("No node exists with id " + id);
return node;
public Node get(int i)
return get(id(i));
public static MockConfigurationService configService(Node node)
return (MockConfigurationService) node.configService();
public MockConfigurationService configService(Id id)
Node node = nodes.get(id);
if (node == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("No node exists with id " + id);
return configService(node);
public MockConfigurationService configService(int i)
return configService(id(i));
public Iterable<MockConfigurationService> configServices(int... ids)
assert ids.length > 0;
List<MockConfigurationService> result = new ArrayList<>(ids.length);
for (int id : ids)
return result;
public List<Node> nodes(Iterable<Id> ids)
List<Node> rlist = new ArrayList<>();
for (Id id : ids)
return rlist;
public Iterable<Node> nodes(int... ids)
assert ids.length > 0;
return nodes(idList(ids));
public static class Config
private final long seed;
private final int initialNodes;
private final int replication;
private final int maxKey;
private Config(MockCluster.Builder builder)
this.seed = builder.seed;
this.initialNodes = builder.initialNodes;
this.replication = builder.replication;
this.maxKey = builder.maxKey;
public static class Builder
private long seed = 0;
private int initialNodes = 3;
private int replication = 3;
private int maxKey = 10000;
private Topology topology = null;
private LongSupplier nowSupplier = System::currentTimeMillis;
private BiFunction<Id, Network, MessageSink> messageSinkFactory = SimpleMessageSink::new;
private EpochFunction<MockConfigurationService> onFetchTopology = EpochFunction.noop();
public Builder seed(long seed)
this.seed = seed;
return this;
public Builder nodes(int initialNodes)
this.initialNodes = initialNodes;
return this;
public Builder replication(int replication)
this.replication = replication;
return this;
public Builder maxKey(int max)
this.maxKey = max;
return this;
public Builder nowSupplier(LongSupplier supplier)
nowSupplier = supplier;
return this;
public Builder topology(Topology topology)
this.topology = topology;
return this;
public Builder messageSink(BiFunction<Id, Network, MessageSink> factory)
this.messageSinkFactory = factory;
return this;
public Builder setOnFetchTopology(EpochFunction<MockConfigurationService> onFetchTopology)
this.onFetchTopology = onFetchTopology;
return this;
public MockCluster build()
Invariants.checkArgument(initialNodes > 0);
Invariants.checkArgument(replication > 0);
Invariants.checkArgument(maxKey >= 0);
return new MockCluster(this);
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
public static class Clock implements LongSupplier
private final AtomicLong now;
public Clock(long now)
{ = new AtomicLong(now);
public long increment(long by)
return now.addAndGet(by);
public long increment()
return increment(1);
public long now()
return now.get();
public long getAsLong()
return now();
public TxnId idForNode(long epoch, Id id)
return new TxnId(epoch, now.get(), 0, id);
public TxnId idForNode(long epoch, int id)
return idForNode(epoch, new Id(id));