blob: c2a03e3c8671f51e3f758459d4d1533aa8c216e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.primitives;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.local.Status;
import accord.utils.ReducingIntervalMap;
import accord.utils.ReducingRangeMap;
import accord.utils.TriFunction;
import static accord.local.Status.KnownDeps.DepsProposed;
public class LatestDeps extends ReducingRangeMap<LatestDeps.LatestEntry>
public static final LatestDeps EMPTY = new LatestDeps();
public static class SerializerSupport
public static <V> LatestDeps create(boolean inclusiveEnds, RoutingKey[] starts, LatestEntry[] values)
return new LatestDeps(inclusiveEnds, starts, values);
public static class MergedCommitResult
public final Deps deps;
public final Ranges sufficientFor;
public MergedCommitResult(Deps deps, Ranges sufficientFor)
this.deps = deps;
this.sufficientFor = sufficientFor;
public static class AbstractEntry
public final Status.KnownDeps known;
public final Ballot ballot;
public final @Nullable Deps coordinatedDeps;
private AbstractEntry(Status.KnownDeps known, Ballot ballot, Deps coordinatedDeps)
this.known = known;
this.ballot = ballot;
this.coordinatedDeps = coordinatedDeps;
// merge's first parameter should be the one with higher phase or ballot (as appropriate);
// the second parameter will be used only for merging any localDeps
static <T extends AbstractEntry> T reduce(T a, T b, BiFunction<T, T, T> merge)
int c = a.known.compareTo(b.known);
if (c == 0 && a.known.phase.tieBreakWithBallot) c = a.ballot.compareTo(b.ballot);
if (c < 0)
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
// TODO (required): consider more whether we need to also maintain and merge localDeps for Committed
if (a.known.compareTo(DepsProposed) <= 0)
return merge.apply(a, b);
// note that it is *not* necessarily guaranteed that stable deps will be the same - only that they will imply the same relations once filtered
// so it is not safe to test equality of deps when merging two stable deps, as one might include additional TxnId that will not impact execution
return a;
public static class LatestEntry extends AbstractEntry
// set only if DepsUnknown or DepsProposed
public final @Nullable Deps localDeps;
public LatestEntry(Status.KnownDeps known, Ballot ballot, Deps coordinatedDeps, Deps localDeps)
super(known, ballot, coordinatedDeps);
this.localDeps = localDeps;
static LatestEntry reduce(LatestEntry a, LatestEntry b)
return reduce(a, b, (v1, v2) -> new LatestEntry(v1.known, v1.ballot, v1.coordinatedDeps, v1.localDeps.with(v2.localDeps)));
static LatestEntry slice(RoutingKey start, RoutingKey end, LatestEntry v)
Deps coordinatedDeps = slice(start, end, v.coordinatedDeps);
Deps localDeps = slice(start, end, v.localDeps);
if (coordinatedDeps == v.coordinatedDeps && localDeps == v.localDeps)
return v;
return new LatestEntry(v.known, v.ballot, coordinatedDeps, localDeps);
private static Deps slice(RoutingKey start, RoutingKey end, @Nullable Deps deps)
if (deps == null) return null;
KeyDeps keyDeps = deps.keyDeps;
RangeDeps rangeDeps = deps.rangeDeps;
Keys keys = deps.keyDeps.keys;
boolean slice = keys.indexOf(start) != -1 || keys.indexOf(end) != -1 - keys.size();
if (!slice) slice = rangeDeps.indexOfStart(start) != -1 || rangeDeps.indexOfStart(end) != -1 - rangeDeps.rangeCount();
if (!slice) return deps;
Ranges ranges = Ranges.of(start.rangeFactory().newRange(start, end));
return new Deps(keyDeps.slice(ranges), rangeDeps.slice(ranges));
public String toString()
return known + "," + ballot
+ (localDeps == null ? "" : ",local:" + localDeps.keyDeps.toBriefString() + "/" + localDeps.rangeDeps.toBriefString())
+ (coordinatedDeps == null ? "" : ",coordinated:" + coordinatedDeps.keyDeps.toBriefString() + "/" + coordinatedDeps.rangeDeps.toBriefString());
private LatestDeps()
private LatestDeps(boolean inclusiveEnds, RoutingKey[] starts, LatestEntry[] values)
super(inclusiveEnds, starts, values);
public Deps merge()
return Deps.merge(Arrays.asList(values), e -> e == null ? null : e.coordinatedDeps);
public static LatestDeps merge(LatestDeps a, LatestDeps b)
return ReducingIntervalMap.mergeIntervals(a, b, Builder::new);
public static LatestDeps create(Ranges ranges, Status.KnownDeps knownDeps, Ballot ballot, Deps coordinatedDeps, Deps localDeps)
if (ranges.isEmpty())
return new LatestDeps();
Builder builder = new Builder(ranges.get(0).endInclusive(), ranges.size() * 2);
for (int i = 0 ; i < ranges.size() ; ++i)
Range cur = ranges.get(i);
Ranges slice = Ranges.of(cur);
builder.append(cur.start(), cur.end(), new LatestEntry(knownDeps, ballot, slice(slice, coordinatedDeps), slice(slice, localDeps)));
private static Deps slice(Ranges ranges, @Nullable Deps deps)
if (deps == null)
return null;
return new Deps(deps.keyDeps.slice(ranges), deps.rangeDeps.slice(ranges));
static class Builder extends AbstractIntervalBuilder<RoutingKey, LatestEntry, LatestDeps>
protected Builder(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity)
super(inclusiveEnds, capacity);
protected LatestEntry slice(RoutingKey start, RoutingKey end, LatestEntry v)
return LatestEntry.slice(start, end, v);
protected LatestEntry reduce(LatestEntry a, LatestEntry b)
return LatestEntry.reduce(a, b);
protected LatestDeps buildInternal()
return new LatestDeps(inclusiveEnds, starts.toArray(new RoutingKey[0]), values.toArray(new LatestEntry[0]));
public static <T> Deps mergeProposal(List<T> list, Function<T, LatestDeps> getter)
// merge merge merge
Merge merge = merge(list, getter);
return merge.mergeProposal();
public static <T> MergedCommitResult mergeCommit(TxnId txnId, Timestamp executeAt, List<T> list, Function<T, LatestDeps> getter)
// merge merge merge
Merge merge = merge(list, getter);
return merge.mergeCommit(txnId, executeAt);
private static <T> Merge merge(List<T> list, Function<T, LatestDeps> getter)
Merge merge = Merge.EMPTY;
for (int i = 0, size = list.size() ; i < size ; ++i)
LatestDeps cur = getter.apply(list.get(i));
if (cur == null) continue;
merge = Merge.merge(merge, new Merge(cur));
// merge merge merge
return merge;
// build a merge-intention without actually merging any deps, to save time merging ones we discover we don't need to
private static class Merge extends ReducingRangeMap<Merge.MergeEntry>
private static final Merge EMPTY = new Merge();
static class MergeEntry extends AbstractEntry
final List<Deps> merge;
MergeEntry(Status.KnownDeps known, Ballot ballot, Deps coordinatedDeps, List<Deps> merge)
super(known, ballot, coordinatedDeps);
this.merge = merge;
MergeEntry(LatestEntry convert)
super(convert.known, convert.ballot, convert.coordinatedDeps);
this.merge = convert.localDeps == null ? ImmutableList.of() : ImmutableList.of(convert.localDeps);
static MergeEntry reduce(MergeEntry a, MergeEntry b)
return reduce(a, b, (v1, v2) -> new MergeEntry(a.known, a.ballot, a.coordinatedDeps,
private Merge()
private Merge(LatestDeps convert)
super(convert.inclusiveEnds(), convert.starts, convert(convert.values));
private Merge(boolean inclusiveEnds, RoutingKey[] starts, MergeEntry[] values)
super(inclusiveEnds, starts, values);
static Merge merge(Merge a, Merge b)
return mergeIntervals(a, b, MergeBuilder::new);
private static MergeEntry[] convert(LatestEntry[] convert)
MergeEntry[] result = new MergeEntry[convert.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < convert.length ; ++i)
if (convert[i] == null)
result[i] = new MergeEntry(convert[i]);
return result;
Deps mergeProposal()
if (size() == 0)
return Deps.NONE;
KeyDeps keyDeps = KeyDeps.merge(stream(Merge::forProposal, (d, r) -> d.keyDeps.slice(r)));
RangeDeps rangeDeps = RangeDeps.merge(stream(Merge::forProposal, (d, r) -> d.rangeDeps.slice(r)));
return new Deps(keyDeps, rangeDeps);
MergedCommitResult mergeCommit(TxnId txnId, Timestamp executeAt)
if (size() == 0)
return new MergedCommitResult(Deps.NONE, Ranges.EMPTY);
List<Range> sufficientFor = new ArrayList<>();
boolean useLocalDeps = txnId.equals(executeAt);
KeyDeps keyDeps = KeyDeps.merge(stream(forCommit(useLocalDeps, sufficientFor), (d, r) -> d.keyDeps.slice(r)));
RangeDeps rangeDeps = RangeDeps.merge(stream(forCommit(useLocalDeps, sufficientFor), (d, r) -> d.rangeDeps.slice(r)));
return new MergedCommitResult(new Deps(keyDeps, rangeDeps), Ranges.of(sufficientFor.toArray(new Range[0])));
private <V> Stream<V> stream(TriFunction<Ranges, MergeEntry, BiFunction<Deps, Ranges, V>, Stream<V>> selector, BiFunction<Deps, Ranges, V> getter)
RangeFactory rangeFactory = starts[0].rangeFactory();
return IntStream.range(0, size())
.filter(i -> values[i] != null)
.mapToObj(i -> selector.apply(Ranges.of(rangeFactory.newRange(starts[i], starts[i+1])), values[i], getter))
.flatMap(v -> v);
private static <V> Stream<V> forProposal(Ranges slice, MergeEntry e, BiFunction<Deps, Ranges, V> getter)
switch (e.known)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled KnownDeps: " + e.known);
case DepsProposed: return Stream.of(getter.apply(e.coordinatedDeps, slice));
case DepsUnknown: return -> getter.apply(d, slice));
case DepsKnown: case DepsErased: case NoDeps: case DepsCommitted:
throw new AssertionError("Invalid KnownDeps for proposal: " + e.known);
private static <V> TriFunction<Ranges, MergeEntry, BiFunction<Deps, Ranges, V>, Stream<V>> forCommit(boolean acceptLocal, List<Range> success)
return (Ranges ranges, MergeEntry e, BiFunction<Deps, Ranges, V> getter) -> {
switch (e.known)
default: throw new AssertionError("Unhandled KnownDeps: " + e.known);
case DepsUnknown:
if (!acceptLocal)
return Stream.empty();
return -> getter.apply(d, ranges));
case DepsProposed:
// we may encounter DepsProposed for any interrupted commit. This might be a fast-path commit that
// was partially recovered by a prior recovery coordinator, or a slow-path commit that was interrupted.
// For the former we would only require the previously proposed deps as these would represent a complete set of deps
// However in the latter case to skip re-proposing for this shard IFF txnId == executeAt we combine the coordinated/accepted deps
// with the computed deps from each response, as this is equivalent to the committed deps the prior coordinator
// would have committed using the accept responses.
if (!acceptLocal)
return Stream.empty();
return Stream.concat(Stream.of(getter.apply(e.coordinatedDeps, ranges)), -> getter.apply(d, ranges)));
case DepsKnown: case DepsCommitted:
return Stream.of(getter.apply(e.coordinatedDeps, ranges));
case DepsErased: case NoDeps:
throw new AssertionError("Invalid KnownDeps for commit: " + e.known);
// TODO (now): override tryMergeEqual
static class MergeBuilder extends AbstractIntervalBuilder<RoutingKey, MergeEntry, Merge>
protected MergeBuilder(boolean inclusiveEnds, int capacity)
super(inclusiveEnds, capacity);
protected MergeEntry slice(RoutingKey start, RoutingKey end, MergeEntry v)
return v;
protected MergeEntry reduce(MergeEntry a, MergeEntry b)
return MergeEntry.reduce(a, b);
protected MergeEntry tryMergeEqual(MergeEntry a, MergeEntry b)
if (a == null || b == null)
return null;
if (a.coordinatedDeps != b.coordinatedDeps)
return null;
if (a.merge.size() != b.merge.size())
return null;
for (int i = 0 ; i < a.merge.size() ; ++i)
if (a.merge.get(i) != b.merge.get(i))
return null;
return a;
protected Merge buildInternal()
return new Merge(inclusiveEnds, starts.toArray(new RoutingKey[0]), values.toArray(new MergeEntry[0]));