blob: 27645f928875b5398beee03deb9458bd81b3f24a [file] [log] [blame]
package accord.primitives;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.primitives.Routable.Domain;
import accord.utils.IndexedFold;
import accord.utils.IndexedFoldToLong;
import accord.utils.IndexedRangeFoldToLong;
import accord.utils.SortedArrays;
import net.nicoulaj.compilecommand.annotations.Inline;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static accord.primitives.Routables.Slice.Overlapping;
import static accord.utils.SortedArrays.Search.FLOOR;
* A collection of either Seekable or Unseekable
public interface Routables<K extends Routable, U extends Routables<K, ?>> extends Iterable<K>
enum Slice
/** (Default) Overlapping ranges are returned unmodified */
/** Overlapping ranges are split/shrunk to the intersection of the overlaps */
/** Overlapping ranges are extended to the union of the overlaps */
int indexOf(K item);
K get(int i);
int size();
boolean isEmpty();
boolean intersects(AbstractRanges<?> ranges);
boolean intersects(AbstractKeys<?, ?> keys);
default boolean intersects(Routables<?, ?> routables)
switch (routables.domain())
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Key: return intersects((AbstractKeys<?, ?>) routables);
case Range: return intersects((AbstractRanges<?>) routables);
boolean contains(RoutableKey key);
boolean containsAll(Routables<?, ?> keysOrRanges);
U slice(Ranges ranges);
Routables<K, ?> slice(Ranges ranges, Slice slice);
* Search forwards from {code thisIndex} and {@code withIndex} to find the first entries in each collection
* that intersect with each other. Return their position packed in a long, with low bits representing
* the resultant {@code thisIndex} and high bits {@code withIndex}.
long findNextIntersection(int thisIndex, AbstractRanges<?> with, int withIndex);
* Search forwards from {code thisIndex} and {@code withIndex} to find the first entries in each collection
* that intersect with each other. Return their position packed in a long, with low bits representing
* the resultant {@code thisIndex} and high bits {@code withIndex}.
long findNextIntersection(int thisIndex, AbstractKeys<?, ?> with, int withIndex);
* Search forwards from {code thisIndex} and {@code withIndex} to find the first entries in each collection
* that intersect with each other. Return their position packed in a long, with low bits representing
* the resultant {@code thisIndex} and high bits {@code withIndex}.
long findNextIntersection(int thisIndex, Routables<K, ?> with, int withIndex);
* Perform {@link SortedArrays#exponentialSearch} from {@code thisIndex} looking for {@code find} with behaviour of {@code search}
int findNext(int thisIndex, Range find, SortedArrays.Search search);
* Perform {@link SortedArrays#exponentialSearch} from {@code thisIndex} looking for {@code find} with behaviour of {@code search}
int findNext(int thisIndex, RoutableKey find, SortedArrays.Search search);
Domain domain();
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable, T> T foldl(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedFold<? super Input, T> fold, T initialValue)
return Helper.foldl(Routables::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, matching, fold, initialValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* If the inputs are ranges, narrow them to the parts the intersect with {@code matching}, so that we never visit
* any portion of a {@code Range} that is not in {@code matching} (See {@link Slice#Minimal}).
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <T> T foldlMinimal(Seekables<?, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedFold<? super Seekable, T> fold, T initialValue)
return Helper.foldlMinimal(inputs, matching, fold, initialValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends RoutableKey, T> T foldl(AbstractKeys<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedFold<? super Input, T> fold, T initialValue)
return Helper.foldl(AbstractKeys::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, matching, fold, initialValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <T> T foldl(AbstractRanges<?> inputs, Routables<?, ?> matching, IndexedFold<? super Range, T> fold, T initialValue)
switch (matching.domain())
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Key: return Helper.foldl(AbstractRanges::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, (AbstractKeys<?,?>)matching, fold, initialValue);
case Range: return Helper.foldl(AbstractRanges::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, (AbstractRanges<?>)matching, fold, initialValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends RoutableKey> long foldl(AbstractKeys<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.foldl(AbstractKeys::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable> long foldl(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.foldl(Routables::findNextIntersection, Helper::findLimit, inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable> long foldl(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractKeys<?, ?> matching, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.foldl(Routables::findNextIntersection, (ls, li, rs, ri) -> li + 1,
inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends RoutingKey, Matching extends Routable> long foldl(AbstractKeys<Input, ?> inputs, Routables<Matching, ?> matching, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.foldl((ls, li, rs, ri) -> SortedArrays.swapHighLow32b(rs.findNextIntersection(ri, ls, li)), (ls, li, rs, ri) -> li + 1,
inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order, passing the contiguous ranges that intersect to the IndexedRangeFold function.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable> long rangeFoldl(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractRanges<?> matching, IndexedRangeFoldToLong fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.rangeFoldl(Routables::findNextIntersection, (ls, li, rs, ri) -> li + 1,
inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order, passing the contiguous ranges that intersect to the IndexedRangeFold function.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable> long rangeFoldl(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, AbstractKeys<?, ?> matching, IndexedRangeFoldToLong fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.rangeFoldl(Routables::findNextIntersection, (ls, li, rs, ri) -> li + 1,
inputs, matching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
* Fold-left over the {@code inputs} that <b>do not</b> intersect with {@code matching} in ascending order.
* Terminate once we hit {@code terminalValue}.
static <Input extends Routable> long foldlMissing(Routables<Input, ?> inputs, Routables<Input, ?> notMatching, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
return Helper.foldlMissing((ls, li, rs, ri) -> rs.findNextIntersection(ri, ls, li), (ls, li, rs, ri) -> li + 1,
inputs, notMatching, fold, param, initialValue, terminalValue);
class Helper
interface SetIntersections<L extends Routables<?, ?>, R extends Routables<?, ?>>
long findNext(L left, int li, R right, int ri);
interface ValueIntersections<L extends Routables<?, ?>, R extends Routables<?, ?>>
int findLimit(L left, int li, R right, int ri);
static <T> T foldlMinimal(Seekables<?, ?> is, AbstractRanges<?> ms, IndexedFold<? super Seekable, T> fold, T initialValue)
int i = 0, m = 0;
while (true)
long im = is.findNextIntersection(i, ms, m);
if (im < 0)
i = (int)(im);
m = (int)(im >>> 32);
Range mv = ms.get(m);
int nexti = Helper.findLimit(is, i, ms, m);
while (i < nexti)
initialValue = fold.apply(is.get(i).slice(mv), initialValue, i);
return initialValue;
static <Input extends Routable, Inputs extends Routables<Input, ?>, Matches extends Routables<?, ?>, T>
T foldl(SetIntersections<Inputs, Matches> setIntersections, ValueIntersections<Inputs, Matches> valueIntersections,
Inputs is, Matches ms, IndexedFold<? super Input, T> fold, T initialValue)
int i = 0, m = 0;
while (true)
long im = setIntersections.findNext(is, i, ms, m);
if (im < 0)
i = (int)(im);
m = (int)(im >>> 32);
int nexti = valueIntersections.findLimit(is, i, ms, m);
while (i < nexti)
initialValue = fold.apply(is.get(i), initialValue, i);
return initialValue;
static <Input extends Routable, Inputs extends Routables<Input, ?>, Matches extends Routables<?, ?>>
long foldl(SetIntersections<Inputs, Matches> setIntersections, ValueIntersections<Inputs, Matches> valueIntersections,
Inputs is, Matches ms, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
int i = 0, m = 0;
done: while (true)
long im = setIntersections.findNext(is, i, ms, m);
if (im < 0)
i = (int)(im);
m = (int)(im >>> 32);
int nexti = valueIntersections.findLimit(is, i, ms, m);
while (i < nexti)
initialValue = fold.apply(is.get(i), param, initialValue, i);
if (initialValue == terminalValue)
break done;
return initialValue;
static <Input extends Routable, Inputs extends Routables<Input, ?>, Matches extends Routables<?, ?>>
long foldlMissing(SetIntersections<Inputs, Matches> setIntersections, ValueIntersections<Inputs, Matches> valueIntersections,
Inputs is, Matches ms, IndexedFoldToLong<? super Input> fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
int i = 0, m = 0;
done: while (true)
long im = setIntersections.findNext(is, i, ms, m);
if (im < 0)
int nexti = (int)(im);
while (i < nexti)
initialValue = fold.apply(is.get(i), param, initialValue, i);
if (initialValue == terminalValue)
break done;
m = (int)(im >>> 32);
i = 1 + valueIntersections.findLimit(is, nexti, ms, m);
return initialValue;
static <Input extends Routable, Inputs extends Routables<Input, ?>, Matches extends Routables<?, ?>>
long rangeFoldl(SetIntersections<Inputs, Matches> setIntersections, ValueIntersections<Inputs, Matches> valueIntersections,
Inputs is, Matches ms, IndexedRangeFoldToLong fold, long param, long initialValue, long terminalValue)
int i = 0, m = 0;
while (true)
long kri = setIntersections.findNext(is, i, ms, m);
if (kri < 0)
i = (int)(kri);
m = (int)(kri >>> 32);
int nexti = valueIntersections.findLimit(is, i, ms, m);
initialValue = fold.apply(param, initialValue, i, nexti);
if (initialValue == terminalValue)
i = nexti;
return initialValue;
static <L extends Routable> int findLimit(Routables<L, ?> ls, int li, AbstractRanges<?> rs, int ri)
Range range = rs.get(ri);
int nextl = ls.findNext(li + 1, range, FLOOR);
if (nextl < 0) nextl = -1 - nextl;
else nextl++;
return nextl;
static int findLimit(AbstractRanges<?> ls, int li, AbstractKeys<?, ?> rs, int ri)
RoutableKey r = rs.get(ri);
int nextl = ls.findNext(li + 1, r, FLOOR);
if (nextl < 0) nextl = -1 - nextl;
else nextl++;
return nextl;