blob: 0fa91858ee6bb0f8f53dd770b441afe3a6624f2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.primitives;
import accord.api.RoutingKey;
import accord.utils.ArrayBuffers.ObjectBuffers;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import accord.utils.SortedArrays;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static accord.utils.ArrayBuffers.cachedRanges;
import static accord.utils.SortedArrays.Search.FAST;
import static accord.utils.SortedArrays.swapHighLow32b;
public abstract class AbstractRanges<RS extends Routables<Range, ?>> implements Iterable<Range>, Routables<Range, RS>
static final Range[] NO_RANGES = new Range[0];
final Range[] ranges;
AbstractRanges(@Nonnull Range[] ranges)
// TODO (simple, validation): check ranges are non-overlapping (or make sure it's safe for all methods that they aren't)
this.ranges = Invariants.nonNull(ranges);
public int indexOf(RoutableKey key)
return SortedArrays.binarySearch(ranges, 0, ranges.length, key, (k, r) -> -r.compareTo(k), FAST);
public int indexOf(Range find)
return SortedArrays.binarySearch(ranges, 0, ranges.length, find, Range::compareIntersecting, FAST);
public boolean contains(RoutableKey key)
return indexOf(key) >= 0;
public boolean containsAll(Routables<?, ?> that)
switch (that.domain())
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Key: return containsAll((AbstractKeys<?, ?>) that);
case Range: return containsAll((AbstractRanges<?>) that);
* @return true iff {@code that} is fully contained within {@code this}
public boolean containsAll(AbstractKeys<?, ?> that)
if (this.isEmpty()) return that.isEmpty();
if (that.isEmpty()) return true;
return Routables.rangeFoldl(that, this, (p, v, from, to) -> v + (to - from), 0, 0, 0) == that.size();
* @return true iff {@code that} is a subset of {@code this}
public boolean containsAll(AbstractRanges<?> that)
if (this.isEmpty()) return that.isEmpty();
if (that.isEmpty()) return true;
return ((int) supersetLinearMerge(this.ranges, that.ranges)) == that.size();
public boolean intersectsAll(Routables<?, ?> that)
switch (that.domain())
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Key: return containsAll((AbstractKeys<?, ?>) that);
case Range: return intersectsAll((AbstractRanges<?>) that);
* @return true iff {@code that} is a subset of {@code this}
public boolean intersectsAll(AbstractRanges<?> that)
if (this.isEmpty()) return that.isEmpty();
if (that.isEmpty()) return true;
return Routables.rangeFoldl(that, this, (p, v, from, to) -> v + (to - from), 0, 0, 0) == that.size();
public int size()
return ranges.length;
public final Routable.Domain domain()
return Routable.Domain.Range;
public final Range get(int i)
return ranges[i];
public final boolean isEmpty()
return size() == 0;
public final boolean intersects(AbstractKeys<?, ?> keys)
return findNextIntersection(0, keys, 0) >= 0;
public final boolean intersects(AbstractRanges<?> that)
return SortedArrays.findNextIntersection(this.ranges, 0, that.ranges, 0, Range::compareIntersecting) >= 0;
public final boolean intersects(Range that)
return indexOf(that) >= 0;
// returns ri in low 32 bits, ki in top, or -1 if no match found
public final long findNextIntersection(int ri, AbstractKeys<?, ?> keys, int ki)
return swapHighLow32b(SortedArrays.findNextIntersectionWithMultipleMatches(keys.keys, ki, ranges, ri));
// returns ki in bottom 32 bits, ri in top, or -1 if no match found
public final long findNextIntersection(int thisi, AbstractRanges<?> that, int thati)
return SortedArrays.findNextIntersectionWithMultipleMatches(ranges, thisi, that.ranges, thati, Range::compareIntersecting, Range::compareIntersecting);
public final long findNextIntersection(int thisIndex, Routables<Range, ?> with, int withIndex)
return findNextIntersection(thisIndex, (AbstractRanges<?>) with, withIndex);
public final int findNext(int thisIndex, Range find, SortedArrays.Search search)
return SortedArrays.exponentialSearch(ranges, thisIndex, size(), find, Range::compareIntersecting, search);
public final int findNext(int thisIndex, RoutableKey find, SortedArrays.Search search)
return SortedArrays.exponentialSearch(ranges, thisIndex, size(), find, (k, r) -> -r.compareTo(k), search);
* Returns the ranges that intersect with any of the members of the parameter.
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>, P> RS intersect(RS input, Unseekables<?, ?> keysOrRanges, P param, BiFunction<P, Range[], RS> constructor)
switch (keysOrRanges.domain())
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Range:
AbstractRanges<?> that = (AbstractRanges<?>) keysOrRanges;
Range[] result = SortedArrays.linearIntersection(input.ranges, input.ranges.length, that.ranges, that.ranges.length, Range::compareIntersecting, cachedRanges());
return result == input.ranges ? input : constructor.apply(param, result);
case Key:
AbstractKeys<?, ?> that = (AbstractKeys<?, ?>) keysOrRanges;
Range[] result = SortedArrays.linearIntersection(input.ranges, input.ranges.length, that.keys, that.keys.length, cachedRanges());
return result == input.ranges ? input : constructor.apply(param, result);
interface SliceConstructor<P, RS extends AbstractRanges<?>>
RS construct(Ranges covering, P param, Range[] ranges);
public final Ranges slice(Ranges ranges, Slice slice)
return slice(ranges, slice, this, null, (i1, i2, rs) -> new Ranges(rs));
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>, P> RS slice(Ranges covering, Slice slice, AbstractRanges<?> input, P param, SliceConstructor<P, RS> constructor)
switch (slice)
default: throw new AssertionError();
case Overlapping: return sliceOverlapping(covering, input, param, constructor);
case Minimal: return sliceMinimal(covering, input, param, constructor);
case Maximal: return sliceMaximal(covering, input, param, constructor);
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>, P> RS sliceOverlapping(Ranges covering, AbstractRanges<?> input, P param, SliceConstructor<P, RS> constructor)
ObjectBuffers<Range> cachedRanges = cachedRanges();
Range[] buffer = cachedRanges.get(covering.ranges.length + input.ranges.length);
int bufferCount = 0;
int li = 0, ri = 0;
while (true)
long lri = covering.findNextIntersection(li, input, ri);
if (lri < 0)
li = (int) (lri);
ri = (int) (lri >>> 32);
Range l = covering.ranges[li], r = input.ranges[ri];
buffer[bufferCount++] = r;
if (l.end().compareTo(r.end()) <= 0) li++;
Range[] result = cachedRanges.complete(buffer, bufferCount);
cachedRanges.discard(buffer, bufferCount);
return constructor.construct(covering, param, result);
catch (Throwable t)
cachedRanges.forceDiscard(buffer, bufferCount);
throw t;
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>, P> RS sliceMinimal(Ranges covering, AbstractRanges<?> input, P param, SliceConstructor<P, RS> constructor)
ObjectBuffers<Range> cachedRanges = cachedRanges();
Range[] buffer = cachedRanges.get(covering.ranges.length + input.ranges.length);
int bufferCount = 0;
int li = 0, ri = 0;
while (true)
long lri = covering.findNextIntersection(li, input, ri);
if (lri < 0)
if (bufferCount == buffer.length)
buffer = cachedRanges.resize(buffer, bufferCount, bufferCount + 1 + (bufferCount/2));
li = (int) (lri);
ri = (int) (lri >>> 32);
Range l = covering.ranges[li], r = input.ranges[ri];
RoutingKey ls = l.start(), rs = r.start(), le = l.end(), re = r.end();
int cs = rs.compareTo(ls), ce = re.compareTo(le);
if (cs >= 0 && ce <= 0)
buffer[bufferCount++] = r;
buffer[bufferCount++] = r.newRange(cs >= 0 ? rs : ls, ce <= 0 ? re : le);
if (ce <= 0) ++ri;
if (ce >= 0) li++; // le <= re
Range[] result = cachedRanges.complete(buffer, bufferCount);
cachedRanges.discard(buffer, bufferCount);
return constructor.construct(covering, param, result);
catch (Throwable t)
cachedRanges.forceDiscard(buffer, bufferCount);
throw t;
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>, P> RS sliceMaximal(Ranges covering, AbstractRanges<?> input, P param, SliceConstructor<P, RS> constructor)
ObjectBuffers<Range> cachedRanges = cachedRanges();
Range[] buffer = cachedRanges.get(covering.ranges.length + input.ranges.length);
int bufferCount = 0;
int li = 0, ri = 0;
while (true)
long lri = covering.findNextIntersection(li, input, ri);
if (lri < 0)
if (bufferCount == buffer.length)
buffer = cachedRanges.resize(buffer, bufferCount, bufferCount + 1 + (bufferCount/2));
li = (int) (lri);
ri = (int) (lri >>> 32);
Range l = covering.ranges[li], r = input.ranges[ri]; // l(eft), r(right)
RoutingKey ls = l.start(), rs = r.start(), le = l.end(), re = r.end(); // l(eft),r(ight) s(tart),e(nd)
int cs = rs.compareTo(ls), ce = re.compareTo(le); // c(ompare) s(tart),e(nd)
if (cs <= 0 && ce >= 0)
buffer[bufferCount++] = r;
buffer[bufferCount++] = r.newRange(cs <= 0 ? rs : ls, ce >= 0 ? re : le);
Range[] result = cachedRanges.complete(buffer, bufferCount);
cachedRanges.discard(buffer, bufferCount);
return constructor.construct(covering, param, result);
catch (Throwable t)
cachedRanges.forceDiscard(buffer, bufferCount);
throw t;
* attempts a linear merge where {@code as} is expected to be a superset of {@code bs},
* terminating at the first indexes where this ceases to be true
* @return index of {@code as} in upper 32bits, {@code bs} in lower 32bits
* TODO (low priority, efficiency): better support for merging runs of overlapping or adjacent ranges
static long supersetLinearMerge(Range[] as, Range[] bs)
int ai = 0, bi = 0;
out: while (ai < as.length && bi < bs.length)
Range a = as[ai];
Range b = bs[bi];
int c = a.compareIntersecting(b);
if (c < 0)
else if (c > 0)
else if (b.start().compareTo(a.start()) < 0)
else if ((c = b.end().compareTo(a.end())) <= 0)
if (c == 0) ai++;
// use a temporary counter, so that if we don't find a run of ranges that enforce the superset
// condition we exit at the start of the mismatch run (and permit it to be merged)
// TODO (easy, efficiency): use exponentialSearch
int tmpai = ai;
if (++tmpai == as.length || !a.end().equals(as[tmpai].start()))
break out;
a = as[tmpai];
while (a.end().compareTo(b.end()) < 0);
ai = tmpai;
return ((long)ai << 32) | bi;
interface UnionConstructor<P1, P2, RS extends AbstractRanges<?>>
RS construct(P1 param1, P2 param2, Range[] ranges);
* @return the union of {@code left} and {@code right}, returning one of the two inputs if possible
static <P1, P2, RS extends AbstractRanges<?>> RS union(UnionMode mode, AbstractRanges<?> left, AbstractRanges<?> right, P1 param1, P2 param2, UnionConstructor<P1, P2, RS> constructor)
if (left == right || right.isEmpty()) return constructor.construct(param1, param2, left.ranges);
if (left.isEmpty()) return constructor.construct(param1, param2, right.ranges);
Range[] as = left.ranges, bs = right.ranges;
// make sure as/ai represent the ranges right might fully contain the other
int c = as[0].start().compareTo(bs[0].start());
if (c > 0 || c == 0 && as[as.length - 1].end().compareTo(bs[bs.length - 1].end()) < 0)
Range[] tmp = as; as = bs; bs = tmp;
int ai, bi; {
long tmp = supersetLinearMerge(as, bs);
ai = (int)(tmp >>> 32);
bi = (int)tmp;
if (bi == bs.length)
return constructor.construct(param1, param2, (as == left.ranges ? left : right).ranges);
// TODO (expected, efficiency): ArrayBuffers caching
Range[] result = new Range[as.length + (bs.length - bi)];
int resultCount;
switch (mode)
default: throw new AssertionError();
resultCount = copyAndMergeTouching(as, 0, result, 0, ai);
System.arraycopy(as, 0, result, 0, ai);
resultCount = ai;
while (ai < as.length && bi < bs.length)
Range a = as[ai];
Range b = bs[bi];
int c = a.compareIntersecting(b);
if (c < 0)
result[resultCount++] = a;
else if (c > 0)
result[resultCount++] = b;
// TODO (desired, efficiency/semantics): we don't seem to currently merge adjacent (but non-overlapping)
RoutingKey start = a.start().compareTo(b.start()) <= 0 ? a.start() : b.start();
RoutingKey end = a.end().compareTo(b.end()) >= 0 ? a.end() : b.end();
while (ai < as.length || bi < bs.length)
Range min;
if (ai == as.length) min = bs[bi];
else if (bi == bs.length) min = a = as[ai];
else min = as[ai].start().compareTo(bs[bi].start()) < 0 ? a = as[ai] : bs[bi];
if (min.start().compareTo(end) > 0)
if (min.end().compareTo(end) > 0)
end = min.end();
if (a == min) ai++;
else bi++;
result[resultCount++] = a.newRange(start, end);
while (ai < as.length)
result[resultCount++] = as[ai++];
while (bi < bs.length)
result[resultCount++] = bs[bi++];
if (resultCount < result.length)
result = Arrays.copyOf(result, resultCount);
return constructor.construct(param1, param2, result);
public String toString()
return Arrays.toString(ranges);
public int hashCode()
return Arrays.hashCode(ranges);
public boolean equals(Object that)
if (that == null || this.getClass() != that.getClass())
return false;
return Arrays.equals(this.ranges, ((AbstractRanges<?>) that).ranges);
public Iterator<Range> iterator()
return Iterators.forArray(ranges);
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>> RS mergeTouching(RS input, Function<Range[], RS> constructor)
Range[] ranges = input.ranges;
if (ranges.length == 0)
return input;
ObjectBuffers<Range> cachedRanges = cachedRanges();
Range[] buffer = cachedRanges.get(ranges.length);
int count = copyAndMergeTouching(ranges, 0, buffer, 0, ranges.length);
if (count == buffer.length)
return input;
Range[] result = cachedRanges.complete(buffer, count);
cachedRanges.discard(buffer, count);
return constructor.apply(result);
catch (Throwable t)
cachedRanges.forceDiscard(buffer, ranges.length);
throw t;
static int copyAndMergeTouching(Range[] src, int srcPosition, Range[] trg, int trgPosition, int srcCount)
if (srcCount == 0)
return 0;
int count = 0;
Range prev = src[srcPosition];
RoutingKey end = prev.end();
for (int i = 1 ; i < srcCount ; ++i)
Range next = src[srcPosition + i];
if (!end.equals(next.start()))
trg[trgPosition + count++] = maybeUpdateEnd(prev, end);
prev = next;
end = next.end();
trg[trgPosition + count++] = maybeUpdateEnd(prev, end);
return count;
static Range maybeUpdateEnd(Range range, RoutingKey withEnd)
return withEnd == range.end() ? range : range.newRange(range.start(), withEnd);
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>> RS of(Function<Range[], RS> constructor, Range... ranges)
if (ranges.length == 0)
return constructor.apply(NO_RANGES);
return sortAndDeoverlap(constructor, ranges, ranges.length);
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>> RS sortAndDeoverlap(Function<Range[], RS> constructor, Range[] ranges, int count)
if (count == 0)
return constructor.apply(NO_RANGES);
if (count == 1)
if (ranges.length == 1)
return constructor.apply(ranges);
return constructor.apply(Arrays.copyOf(ranges, count));
Arrays.sort(ranges, 0, count, Range::compare);
Range prev = ranges[0];
int removed = 0;
for (int i = 1 ; i < count ; ++i)
Range next = ranges[i];
if (prev.end().compareTo(next.start()) > 0)
if (prev.end().compareTo(next.end()) >= 0)
if (prev.start().equals(next.start()))
ranges[i - removed] = prev = next;
prev = prev.newRange(prev.start(), next.start());
ranges[i - (1 + removed)] = prev;
prev = next;
if (removed > 0)
ranges[i - (1 + removed)] = prev;
prev = next;
count -= removed;
if (count != ranges.length)
ranges = Arrays.copyOf(ranges, count);
return constructor.apply(ranges);
static <RS extends AbstractRanges<?>> RS ofSortedAndDeoverlapped(Function<Range[], RS> constructor, Range... ranges)
for (int i = 1 ; i < ranges.length ; ++i)
if (ranges[i - 1].end().compareTo(ranges[i].start()) > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Arrays.toString(ranges) + " is not correctly sorted or deoverlapped");
return constructor.apply(ranges);