blob: bcf4d28c42d100bdf13e08a21f91e4eb525a4705 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package accord.coordinate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import accord.coordinate.tracking.*;
import accord.primitives.*;
import accord.messages.Commit;
import accord.utils.Invariants;
import accord.api.Result;
import accord.topology.Topologies;
import accord.messages.Callback;
import accord.local.Node;
import accord.local.Node.Id;
import accord.messages.BeginRecovery;
import accord.messages.BeginRecovery.RecoverOk;
import accord.messages.BeginRecovery.RecoverReply;
import accord.messages.WaitOnCommit;
import accord.messages.WaitOnCommit.WaitOnCommitOk;
import accord.topology.Topology;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.AsyncPromise;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.AsyncFuture;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Promise;
import static accord.coordinate.Propose.Invalidate.proposeInvalidate;
import static accord.coordinate.tracking.RequestStatus.Failed;
import static accord.coordinate.tracking.RequestStatus.Success;
import static accord.messages.BeginRecovery.RecoverOk.maxAcceptedOrLater;
import static accord.utils.Invariants.debug;
// TODO (low priority, cleanup): rename to Recover (verb); rename Recover message to not clash
public class Recover implements Callback<RecoverReply>, BiConsumer<Result, Throwable>
class AwaitCommit extends AsyncFuture<Timestamp> implements Callback<WaitOnCommitOk>
// TODO (desired, efficiency): this should collect the executeAt of any commit, and terminate as soon as one is found
// that is earlier than TxnId for the Txn we are recovering; if all commits we wait for
// are given earlier timestamps we can retry without restarting.
final QuorumTracker tracker;
AwaitCommit(Node node, TxnId txnId, Unseekables<?, ?> unseekables)
Topology topology = node.topology().globalForEpoch(txnId.epoch()).forSelection(unseekables);
this.tracker = new QuorumTracker(new Topologies.Single(node.topology().sorter(), topology));
node.send(topology.nodes(), to -> new WaitOnCommit(to, topology, txnId, unseekables), this);
public synchronized void onSuccess(Id from, WaitOnCommitOk reply)
if (isDone()) return;
if (tracker.recordSuccess(from) == Success)
public synchronized void onFailure(Id from, Throwable failure)
if (isDone()) return;
if (tracker.recordFailure(from) == Failed)
tryFailure(new Timeout(txnId, route.homeKey()));
public void onCallbackFailure(Id from, Throwable failure)
Future<Object> awaitCommits(Node node, Deps waitOn)
AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger(waitOn.txnIdCount());
Promise<Object> future = new AsyncPromise<>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < waitOn.txnIdCount() ; ++i)
TxnId txnId = waitOn.txnId(i);
new AwaitCommit(node, txnId, waitOn.someUnseekables(txnId)).addCallback((success, failure) -> {
if (future.isDone())
if (success != null && remaining.decrementAndGet() == 0)
return future;
private final Node node;
private final Ballot ballot;
private final TxnId txnId;
private final Txn txn;
private final FullRoute<?> route;
private final BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback;
private boolean isDone;
private final List<RecoverOk> recoverOks = new ArrayList<>();
private final RecoveryTracker tracker;
private boolean isBallotPromised;
private final Map<Id, RecoverReply> debug = debug() ? new HashMap<>() : null;
private Recover(Node node, Ballot ballot, TxnId txnId, Txn txn, FullRoute<?> route, BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback, Topologies topologies)
this.node = node;
this.ballot = ballot;
this.txnId = txnId;
this.txn = txn;
this.route = route;
this.callback = callback;
assert topologies.oldestEpoch() == topologies.currentEpoch() && topologies.currentEpoch() == txnId.epoch();
this.tracker = new RecoveryTracker(topologies);
public void accept(Result result, Throwable failure)
isDone = true;
if (failure == null) callback.accept(ProgressToken.APPLIED, null);
else callback.accept(null, failure);
node.agent().onRecover(node, result, failure);
public static Recover recover(Node node, TxnId txnId, Txn txn, FullRoute<?> route, BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback)
return recover(node, txnId, txn, route, callback, node.topology().forEpoch(route, txnId.epoch()));
public static Recover recover(Node node, TxnId txnId, Txn txn, FullRoute<?> route, BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback, Topologies topologies)
Ballot ballot = new Ballot(node.uniqueNow());
return recover(node, ballot, txnId, txn, route, callback, topologies);
public static Recover recover(Node node, Ballot ballot, TxnId txnId, Txn txn, FullRoute<?> route, BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback)
return recover(node, ballot, txnId, txn, route, callback, node.topology().forEpoch(route, txnId.epoch()));
public static Recover recover(Node node, Ballot ballot, TxnId txnId, Txn txn, FullRoute<?> route, BiConsumer<Outcome, Throwable> callback, Topologies topologies)
Recover recover = new Recover(node, ballot, txnId, txn, route, callback, topologies);
return recover;
void start(Set<Id> nodes)
node.send(nodes, to -> new BeginRecovery(to, tracker.topologies(), txnId, txn, route, ballot), this);
public synchronized void onSuccess(Id from, RecoverReply reply)
if (isDone || isBallotPromised)
if (debug != null) debug.put(from, reply);
if (!reply.isOk())
accept(null, new Preempted(txnId, route.homeKey()));
RecoverOk ok = (RecoverOk) reply;
boolean fastPath = ok.executeAt.compareTo(txnId) == 0;
if (tracker.recordSuccess(from, fastPath) == Success)
private void recover()
isBallotPromised = true;
// first look for the most recent Accept; if present, go straight to proposing it again
RecoverOk acceptOrCommit = maxAcceptedOrLater(recoverOks);
if (acceptOrCommit != null)
Timestamp executeAt = acceptOrCommit.executeAt;
switch (acceptOrCommit.status)
default: throw new IllegalStateException();
case Invalidated:
case Applied:
case PreApplied:
// TODO (desired, efficiency): in some cases we can use the deps we already have (e.g. if we have a quorum of Committed responses)
node.withEpoch(executeAt.epoch(), () -> {
CollectDeps.withDeps(node, txnId, route, txn, acceptOrCommit.executeAt, (deps, fail) -> {
if (fail != null)
accept(null, fail);
// TODO (required, consider): when writes/result are partially replicated, need to confirm we have quorum of these
Persist.persistAndCommit(node, txnId, route, txn, executeAt, deps, acceptOrCommit.writes, acceptOrCommit.result);
accept(acceptOrCommit.result, null);
case ReadyToExecute:
case PreCommitted:
case Committed:
// TODO (desired, efficiency): in some cases we can use the deps we already have (e.g. if we have a quorum of Committed responses)
node.withEpoch(executeAt.epoch(), () -> {
CollectDeps.withDeps(node, txnId, route, txn, executeAt, (deps, fail) -> {
if (fail != null) accept(null, fail);
else Execute.execute(node, txnId, txn, route, acceptOrCommit.executeAt, deps, this);
case Accepted:
// no need to preaccept the later round, as future operations always include every old epoch (until it is fully migrated)
propose(acceptOrCommit.executeAt, mergeDeps());
case AcceptedInvalidate:
case NotWitnessed:
case PreAccepted:
throw new IllegalStateException("Should only be possible to have Accepted or later commands");
if (tracker.rejectsFastPath() || -> ok.rejectsFastPath))
// should all be PreAccept
Deps deps = mergeDeps();
Deps earlierAcceptedNoWitness = Deps.merge(recoverOks, ok -> ok.earlierAcceptedNoWitness);
Deps earlierCommittedWitness = Deps.merge(recoverOks, ok -> ok.earlierCommittedWitness);
earlierAcceptedNoWitness = earlierAcceptedNoWitness.without(earlierCommittedWitness::contains);
if (!earlierAcceptedNoWitness.isEmpty())
// If there exist commands that were proposed an earlier execution time than us that have not witnessed us,
// we have to be certain these commands have not successfully committed without witnessing us (thereby
// ruling out a fast path decision for us and changing our recovery decision).
// So, we wait for these commands to finish committing before retrying recovery.
// TODO (required): check paper: do we assume that witnessing in PreAccept implies witnessing in Accept? Not guaranteed.
// See whitepaper for more details
awaitCommits(node, earlierAcceptedNoWitness).addCallback((success, failure) -> {
if (failure != null) accept(null, failure);
else retry();
propose(txnId, deps);
private void invalidate()
proposeInvalidate(node, ballot, txnId, route.homeKey(), (success, fail) -> {
if (fail != null) accept(null, fail);
else commitInvalidate();
private void commitInvalidate()
Timestamp invalidateUntil = -> ok.executeAt).reduce(txnId, Timestamp::max);
node.withEpoch(invalidateUntil.epoch(), () -> Commit.Invalidate.commitInvalidate(node, txnId, route, invalidateUntil));
isDone = true;
callback.accept(ProgressToken.INVALIDATED, null);
private void propose(Timestamp executeAt, Deps deps)
node.withEpoch(executeAt.epoch(), () -> Propose.propose(node, ballot, txnId, txn, route, executeAt, deps, this));
private Deps mergeDeps()
Ranges ranges = -> r.deps.covering).reduce(Ranges::with).orElseThrow(NoSuchElementException::new);
return Deps.merge(recoverOks, r -> r.deps);
private void retry()
Recover.recover(node, ballot, txnId, txn, route, callback, tracker.topologies());
public void onFailure(Id from, Throwable failure)
if (isDone)
if (tracker.recordFailure(from) == Failed)
accept(null, new Timeout(txnId, route.homeKey()));
public void onCallbackFailure(Id from, Throwable failure)
accept(null, failure);