blob: 2e6ed9220a5cf0e63fa371a47cffa41f807dfd7a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#################### System Configuration ##################
##Optional. Location where CarbonData will create the store, and write the data in its own format.
##If not specified then it takes spark.sql.warehouse.dir path.
#Base directory for Data files
#Path where the bad records are stored
#################### Performance Configuration ##################
######## DataLoading Configuration ########
#File read buffer size used during sorting(in MB) :MIN=1:MAX=100
#Number of cores to be used while data loading
#Record count to sort and write to temp intermediate files
#Algorithm for hashmap for hashkey calculation
#enable prefetch of data during merge sort while reading data from sort temp files in data loading
######## Alter Partition Configuration ########
#Number of cores to be used while alter partition
######## Compaction Configuration ########
#Number of cores to be used while compacting
#For minor compaction, Number of segments to be merged in stage 1, number of compacted segments to be merged in stage 2.
#default size (in MB) for major compaction to be triggered
######## Query Configuration ########
#Number of records to be in memory while querying :MIN=100000:MAX=240000
##number of core to load the blocks in driver
#################### Extra Configuration ##################
##Timestamp format of input data used for timestamp data type.
#carbon.timestamp.format=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
######## Dataload Configuration ########
##File write buffer size used during sorting.
##Locking mechanism for data loading on a table
##Minimum no of intermediate files after which sort merged to be started.
##space reserved in percentage for writing block meta data in carbon data file
##csv reading buffer size.
##maximum no of threads used for reading intermediate files for final merging.
##Carbon blocklet size. Note: this configuration cannot be change once store is generated
##Minimum blocklets needed for distribution.
##Interval between the retries to get the lock
##To dissable/enable carbon block distribution
######## Compaction Configuration ########
##to specify number of segments to be preserved from compaction
##To determine the loads of number of days to be compacted
##To enable compaction while data loading
######## Query Configuration ########
##Maximum time allowed for one query to be executed.
##Min max is feature added to enhance query performance. To disable this feature, make it false.
######## Global Dictionary Configurations ########
##The property to set the date to be considered as start date for calculating the timestamp.
##The property to set the timestamp (ie milis) conversion to the SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR or DAY level.
##the number of prefetched rows in sort step