blob: 1c27dd76fcb2f0df333ccd92b0f252955c93f0e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.schema
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.{AlterTableDataTypeChangeModel, DataTypeInfo, MetadataCommand}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.CarbonSessionCatalogUtil
import org.apache.spark.util.{AlterTableUtil, SparkUtil}
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedCarbonCommandException
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.features.TableOperation
import org.apache.carbondata.core.locks.{ICarbonLock, LockUsage}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.converter.ThriftWrapperSchemaConverterImpl
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.datatype.DecimalType
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.CarbonTable
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.column.CarbonColumn
import{AlterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePostEvent, AlterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePreEvent, OperationContext, OperationListenerBus}
import org.apache.carbondata.format.{ColumnSchema, SchemaEvolutionEntry, TableInfo}
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.DataTypeConverterUtil
abstract class CarbonAlterTableColumnRenameCommand(oldColumnName: String, newColumnName: String)
extends MetadataCommand {
protected def validColumnsForRenaming(carbonColumns: mutable.Buffer[CarbonColumn],
oldCarbonColumn: CarbonColumn,
carbonTable: CarbonTable): Unit = {
// check whether new column name is already an existing column name
if (carbonColumns.exists(_.getColName.equalsIgnoreCase(newColumnName))) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(s"Column Rename Operation failed. New " +
s"column name $newColumnName already exists" +
s" in table ${ carbonTable.getTableName }")
// if the column rename is for complex column, block the operation
if (oldCarbonColumn.isComplex) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(s"Column Rename Operation failed. Rename " +
s"column is unsupported for complex datatype " +
s"column ${ oldCarbonColumn.getColName }")
// if column rename operation is on partition column, then fail the rename operation
if (null != carbonTable.getPartitionInfo) {
val partitionColumns = carbonTable.getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList
partitionColumns.asScala.foreach {
col =>
if (col.getColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName)) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
s"Column Rename Operation failed. Renaming " +
s"the partition column $newColumnName is not " +
// if column rename operation is on bucket column, then fail the rename operation
if (null != carbonTable.getBucketingInfo) {
val bucketColumns = carbonTable.getBucketingInfo.getListOfColumns
bucketColumns.asScala.foreach {
col =>
if (col.getColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName)) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
s"Column Rename Operation failed. Renaming " +
s"the bucket column $oldColumnName is not " +
private[sql] case class CarbonAlterTableColRenameDataTypeChangeCommand(
alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel: AlterTableDataTypeChangeModel,
childTableColumnRename: Boolean = false)
extends CarbonAlterTableColumnRenameCommand(alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.columnName,
alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.newColumnName) {
override def processMetadata(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass.getCanonicalName)
val tableName = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.tableName
val dbName = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.databaseName
var isDataTypeChange = false
setAuditTable(dbName, tableName)
"column" -> alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.columnName,
"newColumn" -> alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.newColumnName,
"newType" -> alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.dataTypeInfo.dataType))
val locksToBeAcquired = List(LockUsage.METADATA_LOCK, LockUsage.COMPACTION_LOCK)
var locks = List.empty[ICarbonLock]
// get the latest carbon table and check for column existence
var carbonTable: CarbonTable = null
var timeStamp = 0L
try {
locks = AlterTableUtil
.validateTableAndAcquireLock(dbName, tableName, locksToBeAcquired)(sparkSession)
val metaStore = CarbonEnv.getInstance(sparkSession).carbonMetaStore
carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some(dbName), tableName)(sparkSession)
if (!alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename &&
!carbonTable.canAllow(carbonTable, TableOperation.ALTER_CHANGE_DATATYPE,
alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.columnName)) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
"alter table change datatype is not supported for index indexSchema")
if (alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename &&
!carbonTable.canAllow(carbonTable, TableOperation.ALTER_COLUMN_RENAME,
alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.columnName)) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
"alter table column rename is not supported for index indexSchema")
// Do not allow spatial index column and its source columns to be changed.
val operationContext = new OperationContext
operationContext.setProperty("childTableColumnRename", childTableColumnRename)
val alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePreEvent =
AlterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePreEvent(sparkSession, carbonTable,
.fireEvent(alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePreEvent, operationContext)
val newColumnName = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.newColumnName.toLowerCase
val oldColumnName = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.columnName.toLowerCase
val carbonColumns = carbonTable.getCreateOrderColumn().asScala.filter(!_.isInvisible)
if (!carbonColumns.exists(_.getColName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName))) {
throwMetadataException(dbName, tableName, s"Column does not exist: $oldColumnName")
val oldCarbonColumn = carbonColumns.filter(_.getColName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName))
if (oldCarbonColumn.size != 1) {
throwMetadataException(dbName, tableName, s"Invalid Column: $oldColumnName")
val newColumnPrecision = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.dataTypeInfo.precision
val newColumnScale = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.dataTypeInfo.scale
if (alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename) {
// validate the columns to be renamed
validColumnsForRenaming(carbonColumns, oldCarbonColumn.head, carbonTable)
// if the datatype is source datatype, then it is just a column rename operation, else set
// the isDataTypeChange flag to true
if (oldCarbonColumn.head.getDataType.getName
.equalsIgnoreCase(alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.dataTypeInfo.dataType)) {
val newColumnPrecision =
val newColumnScale = alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.dataTypeInfo.scale
// if the source datatype is decimal and there is change in precision and scale, then
// along with rename, datatype change is also required for the command, so set the
// isDataTypeChange flag to true in this case
if (oldCarbonColumn.head.getDataType.getName.equalsIgnoreCase("decimal") &&
(oldCarbonColumn.head.getDataType.asInstanceOf[DecimalType].getPrecision !=
newColumnPrecision ||
oldCarbonColumn.head.getDataType.asInstanceOf[DecimalType].getScale !=
newColumnScale)) {
isDataTypeChange = true
} else {
isDataTypeChange = true
} else {
isDataTypeChange = true
if (isDataTypeChange) {
// if column datatype change operation is on partition column, then fail the datatype change
// operation
if (null != carbonTable.getPartitionInfo) {
val partitionColumns = carbonTable.getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList
partitionColumns.asScala.foreach {
col =>
if (col.getColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName)) {
throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
s"Alter datatype of the partition column $newColumnName is not allowed")
// read the latest schema file
val tableInfo: TableInfo =
// maintain the added column for schema evolution history
var addColumnSchema: ColumnSchema = null
var deletedColumnSchema: ColumnSchema = null
var schemaEvolutionEntry: SchemaEvolutionEntry = null
val columnSchemaList = tableInfo.fact_table.table_columns.asScala.filter(!_.isInvisible)
columnSchemaList.foreach { columnSchema =>
if (columnSchema.column_name.equalsIgnoreCase(oldColumnName)) {
deletedColumnSchema = columnSchema.deepCopy()
if (alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename) {
// if only column rename, just get the column schema and rename, make a
// schemaEvolutionEntry
// if the column rename is false,it will be just datatype change only, then change the
// datatype and make an evolution entry, If both the operations are happening, then rename
// change datatype and make an evolution entry
if (isDataTypeChange) {
// if only datatype change, just get the column schema and change datatype, make a
// schemaEvolutionEntry
addColumnSchema = columnSchema
timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
// make a new schema evolution entry after column rename or datatype change
schemaEvolutionEntry = AlterTableUtil
.addNewSchemaEvolutionEntry(timeStamp, addColumnSchema, deletedColumnSchema)
// modify the table Properties with new column name if column rename happened
if (alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename) {
oldColumnName, newColumnName)
val alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePostEvent
: AlterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePostEvent =
AlterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePostEvent(sparkSession, carbonTable,
.fireEvent(alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangePostEvent, operationContext)
if (isDataTypeChange) {
.info(s"Alter table for column rename or data type change is successful for table " +
if (alterTableColRenameAndDataTypeChangeModel.isColumnRename) {"Alter table for column rename is successful for table $dbName.$tableName")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
if (carbonTable != null) {
.revertColumnRenameAndDataTypeChanges(dbName, tableName, timeStamp)(sparkSession)
if (isDataTypeChange) {
throwMetadataException(dbName, tableName,
s"Alter table data type change operation failed: ${ e.getMessage }")
} else {
throwMetadataException(dbName, tableName,
s"Alter table data type change or column rename operation failed: ${ e.getMessage }")
} finally {
// release lock after command execution completion
* This method update the schema info and refresh the table
* @param sparkSession
* @param carbonTable carbonTable
* @param tableInfo tableInfo
* @param addColumnSchema added column schema
* @param schemaEvolutionEntry new SchemaEvolutionEntry
private def updateSchemaAndRefreshTable(sparkSession: SparkSession,
carbonTable: CarbonTable,
tableInfo: TableInfo,
addColumnSchema: ColumnSchema,
schemaEvolutionEntry: SchemaEvolutionEntry,
oldCarbonColumn: CarbonColumn): Unit = {
val schemaConverter = new ThriftWrapperSchemaConverterImpl
// get the carbon column in schema order
val carbonColumns = carbonTable.getCreateOrderColumn().asScala
.collect { case carbonColumn if !carbonColumn.isInvisible => carbonColumn.getColumnSchema }
// get the schema ordinal of the column for which the dataType changed or column is renamed
val schemaOrdinal = carbonColumns.indexOf(carbonColumns
.filter { column => column.getColumnName.equalsIgnoreCase(oldCarbonColumn.getColName) }.head)
// update the schema changed column at the specific index in carbonColumns based on schema order
.update(schemaOrdinal, schemaConverter.fromExternalToWrapperColumnSchema(addColumnSchema))
// When we call
// alterExternalCatalogForTableWithUpdatedSchema to update the new schema to external catalog
// in case of rename column or change datatype, spark gets the catalog table and then it itself
// adds the partition columns if the table is partition table for all the new data schema sent
// by carbon, so there will be duplicate partition columns, so send the columns without
// partition columns
val columns = if (carbonTable.isHivePartitionTable) {
val partitionColumns = carbonTable.getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList.asScala
Some(carbonColumns.filterNot(col => partitionColumns.contains(col)))
} else {
val (tableIdentifier, schemaParts) = AlterTableUtil.updateSchemaInfo(
carbonTable, schemaEvolutionEntry, tableInfo)(sparkSession)
tableIdentifier, schemaParts, columns, sparkSession)
* This method will validate a column for its data type and check whether the column data type
* can be modified and update if conditions are met.
private def validateColumnDataType(
dataTypeInfo: DataTypeInfo,
carbonColumn: CarbonColumn): Unit = {
carbonColumn.getDataType.getName match {
case "INT" =>
if (!dataTypeInfo.dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("bigint") &&
!dataTypeInfo.dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("long")) {
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } with data type " +
s"${ carbonColumn.getDataType.getName } cannot be modified. " +
s"Int can only be changed to bigInt or long")
case "DECIMAL" =>
if (!dataTypeInfo.dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("decimal")) {
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } with data type" +
s" ${ carbonColumn.getDataType.getName } cannot be modified." +
s" Decimal can be only be changed to Decimal of higher precision")
if (dataTypeInfo.precision <= carbonColumn.getColumnSchema.getPrecision) {
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } cannot be modified. " +
s"Specified precision value ${ dataTypeInfo.precision } should be " +
s"greater than current precision value " +
s"${ carbonColumn.getColumnSchema.getPrecision }")
} else if (dataTypeInfo.scale < carbonColumn.getColumnSchema.getScale) {
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } cannot be modified. " +
s"Specified scale value ${ dataTypeInfo.scale } should be greater or " +
s"equal to current scale value ${ carbonColumn.getColumnSchema.getScale }")
} else {
// difference of precision and scale specified by user should not be less than the
// difference of already existing precision and scale else it will result in data loss
val carbonColumnPrecisionScaleDiff = carbonColumn.getColumnSchema.getPrecision -
val dataInfoPrecisionScaleDiff = dataTypeInfo.precision - dataTypeInfo.scale
if (dataInfoPrecisionScaleDiff < carbonColumnPrecisionScaleDiff) {
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } cannot be modified. " +
s"Specified precision and scale values will lead to data loss")
case _ =>
sys.error(s"Given column ${ carbonColumn.getColName } with data type " +
s"${ carbonColumn.getDataType.getName } cannot be modified. " +
s"Only Int and Decimal data types are allowed for modification")
override protected def opName: String = "ALTER TABLE CHANGE DATA TYPE OR RENAME COLUMN"