blob: 4bcca7d51fac3cf18fb1fcfd579eff817fc07e1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.spark.sql.optimizer
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAlias, UnresolvedAttribute}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogTable, HiveTableRelation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, ScalaUDF}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Aggregate, Command, DeserializeToObject, LogicalPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.ThreadLocalSessionInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.core.view.{MVCatalog, MVCatalogFactory}
import{ModularPlan, Select}
import org.apache.carbondata.view.{MVCatalogInSpark, MVManagerInSpark, MVSchemaWrapper}
import org.apache.carbondata.view.MVFunctions.DUMMY_FUNCTION
* Analyzer rule to rewrite the query for MV
class MVRewriteRule(session: SparkSession) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
private val logger = MVRewriteRule.LOGGER
private val catalogFactory = new MVCatalogFactory[MVSchemaWrapper] {
override def newCatalog(): MVCatalog[MVSchemaWrapper] = {
new MVCatalogInSpark(session)
override def apply(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
var canApply = true
logicalPlan.transformAllExpressions {
// first check if any mv UDF is applied it is present is in plan
// then call is from create MV so no need to transform the query plan
case alias@Alias(_: ScalaUDF, name) if name.equalsIgnoreCase(DUMMY_FUNCTION) =>
canApply = false
// in case of query if any unresolve alias is present then wait for plan to be resolved
// return the same plan as we can tranform the plan only when everything is resolved
case alias@UnresolvedAlias(_, _) =>
canApply = false
case attribute@UnresolvedAttribute(_) =>
canApply = false
logicalPlan.transform {
case Aggregate(groupBy, aggregations, child) =>
// check for if plan is for dataload for preaggregate table, then skip applying mv
val haveDummyFunction = aggregations.exists {
aggregation =>
if (aggregation.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedAlias]) {
} else {
if (haveDummyFunction) {
canApply = false
Aggregate(groupBy, aggregations, child)
if (!canApply) {
return logicalPlan
val sessionInformation = ThreadLocalSessionInfo.getCarbonSessionInfo
if (sessionInformation != null && sessionInformation.getThreadParams != null) {
val disableViewRewrite = sessionInformation.getThreadParams.getProperty(
if (disableViewRewrite != null &&
disableViewRewrite.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
return logicalPlan
// when first time MVCatalogs are initialized, it stores session info also,
// but when carbon session is newly created, catalog map will not be cleared,
// so if session info is different, remove the entry from map.
val viewManager = MVManagerInSpark.get(session)
var viewCatalog = viewManager.getCatalog(catalogFactory, false)
if (!viewCatalog.session.equals(session)) {
viewCatalog = viewManager.getCatalog(catalogFactory, true)
if (viewCatalog != null && hasSuitableMV(logicalPlan, viewCatalog)) {
val viewRewrite = new MVRewrite(viewCatalog, logicalPlan, session)
val rewrittenPlan = viewRewrite.rewrittenPlan
if (rewrittenPlan.find(_.rewritten).isDefined) {
} else {
} else {
* This method is specially handled for timeseries on MV, because when we use timeseries UDF which
* is a scala UDF, so after plan matching when query is made. We get as below query for example
* SELECT gen_subsumer_0.`UDF:timeseries(projectjoindate, hour)` AS `UDF:timeseries(projectjoi...
* (SELECT mv1.`UDF:timeseries_projectjoindate_hour` AS `UDF:timeseries(projectjoin...
* default.mv1
* GROUP BY mv1.`UDF:timeseries_projectjoindate_hour`) gen_subsumer_0
* (UDF:timeseries(projectjoindate, hour) = TIMESTAMP('2016-02-23 09:00:00.0'))
* Here for Where filter expression is of type ScalaUDF, so when we do .sql() to prepare SQL, we
* get without qualifier name(Refer org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.NonSQLExpression)
* which is 'gen_subsumer_0', so this funtion rewrites with qualifier name and returns, so that
* parsing does not fail in spark, for rewritten MV query.
* @param modularPlan Modular Plan
* @return Rewritten plan with the qualifier names for where clauses in query.
private def rewriteFunctionWithQualifierName(modularPlan: ModularPlan): String = {
val compactSQL = modularPlan.asCompactSQL
modularPlan match {
case select: Select =>
var outputColumn = ""
select.outputList.collect {
case alias: Alias if alias.child.isInstanceOf[Attribute] =>
val childName = alias.child.asInstanceOf[Attribute].name
if (childName.startsWith("UDF:timeseries")) {
outputColumn = childName
var queryArray: Array[String] = Array.empty
if (!outputColumn.equalsIgnoreCase("") && compactSQL.contains("WHERE")) {
queryArray = compactSQL.split("\n")
queryArray(queryArray.indexOf("WHERE") + 1) = queryArray(
queryArray.indexOf("WHERE") + 1).toLowerCase.replace(outputColumn.toLowerCase,
} else {
case _ =>
* Whether the plan is valid for doing modular plan matching and mv replacing.
private def hasSuitableMV(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan,
catalog: MVCatalogInSpark): Boolean = {
if (!logicalPlan.isInstanceOf[Command] && !logicalPlan.isInstanceOf[DeserializeToObject]) {
val catalogs = logicalPlan collect {
case relation: LogicalRelation if relation.catalogTable.isDefined => relation.catalogTable
case relation: HiveTableRelation => Option(relation.tableMeta)
val validSchemas = catalog.getValidSchemas()
catalogs.nonEmpty &&
!isRewritten(validSchemas, catalogs) &&
!isRelatedTableSegmentsSetAsInput(catalogs) &&
isRelated(validSchemas, catalogs)
} else {
* Check whether mv table already updated in the query.
* @param viewSchemas Array of available mv which include modular plans
* @return Boolean whether already mv replaced in the plan or not
private def isRewritten(
viewSchemas: Array[MVSchemaWrapper],
tables: Seq[Option[CatalogTable]]): Boolean = {
tables.exists {
table =>
viewSchemas.exists {
viewSchemaWrapper =>
val viewIdentifier = viewSchemaWrapper.viewSchema.getIdentifier
viewIdentifier.getTableName.equals(table.get.identifier.table) &&
* Check whether any suitable mvs(like mv which related tables are present in the plan)
* exists for this plan.
* @return
private def isRelated(mvSchemas: Array[MVSchemaWrapper],
tables: Seq[Option[CatalogTable]]): Boolean = {
tables.exists {
table =>
mvSchemas.exists {
mvSchema =>
mvSchema.viewSchema.getRelatedTables.asScala.exists {
mvIdentifier =>
mvIdentifier.getTableName.equals(table.get.identifier.table) &&
* Check if any segments are set for related table for Query. If any segments are set, then
* skip mv mv table for query
private def isRelatedTableSegmentsSetAsInput(tables: Seq[Option[CatalogTable]]): Boolean = {
tables.foreach {
table =>
val sessionInfo = ThreadLocalSessionInfo.getCarbonSessionInfo
if (sessionInfo != null) {
val segmentsKey = CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_INPUT_SEGMENTS +
table.get.identifier.database.get + "." +
val segmentsToQuery = sessionInfo.getSessionParams.getProperty(segmentsKey, "")
return !segmentsToQuery.isEmpty && !segmentsToQuery.equalsIgnoreCase("*")
} else {
return false
object MVRewriteRule {
private val LOGGER =