blob: dfbcf07734acf6a3caf7315d3a898d4be3b5eced [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.rdd
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap, HashSet, LinkedHashSet}
import org.apache.spark.Partition
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskLocation
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
* DataLoadPartitionCoalescer
* Repartition the partitions of rdd to few partitions, one partition per node.
* exmaple:
* blk_hst host1 host2 host3 host4 host5
* block1 host1 host2 host3
* block2 host2 host4 host5
* block3 host3 host4 host5
* block4 host1 host2 host4
* block5 host1 host3 host4
* block6 host1 host2 host5
* -------------------------------------------------------
* 1. sort host by number of blocks
* -------------------------------------------------------
* host3: block1 block3 block5
* host5: block2 block3 block6
* host1: block1 block4 block5 block6
* host2: block1 block2 block4 block6
* host4: block2 block3 block4 block5
* -------------------------------------------------------
* 2. sort blocks of each host1
* new partitions are before old partitions
* -------------------------------------------------------
* host3: block1 block3 block5
* host5: block2 block6+block3
* host1: block4+block1 block5 block6
* host2: block1 block2 block4 block6
* host4: block2 block3 block4 block5
* -------------------------------------------------------
* 3. assign blocks to host
* -------------------------------------------------------
* step1: host3 choose block1, remove from host1, host2
* step2: host5 choose block2, remove from host2, host4
* step3: host1 choose block4, .....
* -------------------------------------------------------
* result:
* host3: block1 block5
* host5: block2
* host1: block4
* host2: block6
* host4: block3
class DataLoadPartitionCoalescer(prev: RDD[_], nodeList: Array[String]) {
private val LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass.getCanonicalName)
val prevPartitions = prev.partitions
val numOfParts = Math.max(1, Math.min(nodeList.length, prevPartitions.length))
// host => partition id list
val hostMapPartitionIds = new HashMap[String, LinkedHashSet[Int]]
// partition id => host list
val partitionIdMapHosts = new HashMap[Int, ArrayBuffer[String]]
val noLocalityPartitions = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
var noLocality = true
* assign a task location for a partition
private def getLocation(index: Int): Option[String] = {
if (index < nodeList.length) {
} else {
* collect partitions to each node
private def groupByNode(): Unit = {
// initialize hostMapPartitionIds
nodeList.foreach { node =>
val map = new LinkedHashSet[Int]
hostMapPartitionIds.put(node, map)
// collect partitions for each node
val tmpNoLocalityPartitions = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
prevPartitions.foreach { p =>
val locs = DataLoadPartitionCoalescer.getPreferredLocs(prev, p)
if (locs.isEmpty) {
// if a partition has no location, add to noLocalityPartitions
tmpNoLocalityPartitions += p.index
} else {
// add partion to hostMapPartitionIds and partitionIdMapHosts
locs.foreach { loc =>
val host =
hostMapPartitionIds.get(host) match {
// if the location of the partition is not in node list,
// will add this partition to noLocalityPartitions
case None => tmpNoLocalityPartitions += p.index
case Some(ids) =>
noLocality = false
ids += p.index
partitionIdMapHosts.get(p.index) match {
case None =>
val hosts = new ArrayBuffer[String]
hosts += host
partitionIdMapHosts.put(p.index, hosts)
case Some(hosts) =>
hosts += host
// remove locality partition
tmpNoLocalityPartitions.distinct.foreach {index =>
partitionIdMapHosts.get(index) match {
case None => noLocalityPartitions += index
case Some(_) =>
* sort host and partitions
private def sortHostAndPartitions(hostMapPartitionIdsSeq: Seq[(String, LinkedHashSet[Int])]) = {
val oldPartitionIdSet = new HashSet[Int]
// sort host by number of partitions
hostMapPartitionIdsSeq.sortBy(_._2.size).map { loc =>
// order: newPartitionIds + oldPartitionIds
val sortedPartitionIdSet = new LinkedHashSet[Int]
var newPartitionIds = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
var oldPartitionIds = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
loc._2.foreach { p =>
if (oldPartitionIdSet.contains(p)) {
oldPartitionIds += p
} else {
newPartitionIds += p
// sort and add new partitions
newPartitionIds.sortBy(x => x).foreach(sortedPartitionIdSet.add(_))
// sort and add old partitions
oldPartitionIds.sortBy(x => x).foreach(sortedPartitionIdSet.add(_))
// update hostMapPartitionIds
hostMapPartitionIds.put(loc._1, sortedPartitionIdSet)
(loc._1, sortedPartitionIdSet)
* assign locality partition to each host
private def assignPartitionNodeLocality(
noEmptyHosts: Seq[(String, LinkedHashSet[Int])]): Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = {
val localityResult = new Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]](noEmptyHosts.length)
for (i <- 0 until localityResult.length) {
localityResult(i) = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
val noEmptyHostSet = new HashSet[String]
noEmptyHosts.foreach {loc => noEmptyHostSet.add(loc._1)}
var hostIndex = 0
while (noEmptyHostSet.nonEmpty) {
val hostEntry = noEmptyHosts(hostIndex)
if (noEmptyHostSet.contains(hostEntry._1)) {
if (hostEntry._2.nonEmpty) {
var partitionId =
localityResult(hostIndex) += partitionId
// remove from sortedParts
partitionIdMapHosts.get(partitionId) match {
case Some(locs) =>
locs.foreach { loc =>
hostMapPartitionIds.get(loc) match {
case Some(parts) =>
case None =>
} else {
hostIndex = hostIndex + 1
if (hostIndex == noEmptyHosts.length) {
hostIndex = 0
* assign no locality partitions to each host
private def assignPartitionNoLocality(emptyHosts: mutable.Buffer[String],
noEmptyHosts: mutable.Buffer[String],
localityResult: mutable.Buffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]]): Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = {
val noLocalityResult = new Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]](emptyHosts.length)"non empty host: ${noEmptyHosts.length}, empty host: ${emptyHosts.length}")
val avgNumber = prevPartitions.length / (noEmptyHosts.length + emptyHosts.length)
for (i <- 0 until noLocalityResult.length) {
noLocalityResult(i) = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
var noLocalityPartitionIndex = 0
if (noLocalityPartitions.nonEmpty) {
if (emptyHosts.nonEmpty) {
// at first, assign avg number to empty node
for (i <- 0 until avgNumber) {
noLocalityResult.foreach { partitionIds =>
if (noLocalityPartitionIndex < noLocalityPartitions.length) {
partitionIds += noLocalityPartitions(noLocalityPartitionIndex)
noLocalityPartitionIndex = noLocalityPartitionIndex + 1
// still have no locality partitions
// assign to all hosts
if (noLocalityPartitionIndex < noLocalityPartitions.length) {
var partIndex = 0
for (i <- noLocalityPartitionIndex until noLocalityPartitions.length) {
if (partIndex < localityResult.length) {
localityResult(partIndex) += noLocalityPartitions(i)
} else {
noLocalityResult(partIndex - localityResult.length) += noLocalityPartitions(i)
partIndex = partIndex + 1
if (partIndex == localityResult.length + noLocalityResult.length) {
partIndex = 0
* no locality repartition
private def repartitionNoLocality(): Array[Partition] = {
// no locality repartition"no locality partition")
val prevPartIndexs = new Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]](numOfParts)
for (i <- 0 until numOfParts) {
prevPartIndexs(i) = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
for (i <- 0 until prevPartitions.length) {
prevPartIndexs(i % numOfParts) += prevPartitions(i).index
prevPartIndexs.filter(_.nonEmpty) { x =>
CoalescedRDDPartition(x._2, prev, x._1.toArray, getLocation(x._2))
private def repartitionLocality(): Array[Partition] = {"locality partition")
val hostMapPartitionIdsSeq = hostMapPartitionIds.toSeq
// empty host seq
val emptyHosts = hostMapPartitionIdsSeq.filter(_._2.isEmpty).map(_._1).toBuffer
// non empty host array
var tempNoEmptyHosts = hostMapPartitionIdsSeq.filter(_._2.nonEmpty)
// 1. do locality repartition
// sort host and partitions
tempNoEmptyHosts = sortHostAndPartitions(tempNoEmptyHosts)
// assign locality partition to non empty hosts
val templocalityResult = assignPartitionNodeLocality(tempNoEmptyHosts)
// collect non empty hosts and empty hosts
val noEmptyHosts = mutable.Buffer[String]()
val localityResult = mutable.Buffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]]()
for(index <- 0 until templocalityResult.size) {
if (templocalityResult(index).isEmpty) {
emptyHosts += tempNoEmptyHosts(index)._1
} else {
noEmptyHosts += tempNoEmptyHosts(index)._1
localityResult += templocalityResult(index)
// 2. do no locality repartition
// assign no locality partitions to all hosts
val noLocalityResult = assignPartitionNoLocality(emptyHosts, noEmptyHosts, localityResult)
// 3. generate CoalescedRDDPartition
(0 until localityResult.length + noLocalityResult.length).map { index =>
val ids = if (index < localityResult.length) {
} else {
noLocalityResult(index - localityResult.length).toArray
val loc = if (index < localityResult.length) {
} else {
Some(emptyHosts(index - localityResult.length))
}"CoalescedRDDPartition $index, ${ids.length}, $loc ")
CoalescedRDDPartition(index, prev, ids, loc)
def run(): Array[Partition] = {
// 1. group partitions by node
groupByNode()"partition: ${prevPartitions.length}, no locality: ${noLocalityPartitions.length}")
val partitions = if (noLocality) {
// 2.A no locality partition
} else {
// 2.B locality partition
DataLoadPartitionCoalescer.checkPartition(prevPartitions, partitions)
object DataLoadPartitionCoalescer {
def getPreferredLocs(prev: RDD[_], p: Partition): Seq[TaskLocation] = {
prev.context.getPreferredLocs(prev, p.index)
def getParentsIndices(p: Partition): Array[Int] = {
def checkPartition(prevParts: Array[Partition], parts: Array[Partition]): Unit = {
val prevPartIds = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
parts.foreach{ p =>
prevPartIds ++= DataLoadPartitionCoalescer.getParentsIndices(p)
// all partitions must be arranged once.
assert(prevPartIds.size == prevParts.size)
val prevPartIdsMap ={ id =>
(id, id)
prevParts.foreach{ p =>
prevPartIdsMap.get(p.index) match {
case None => assert(false, "partition " + p.index + " not found")
case Some(_) =>