blob: abdced7c2f8106880680de9b23f7d8f55067ff3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.carbondata.cluster.sdv.generated.datasource
import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, DataInputStream, File, InputStream}
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.avro
import org.apache.avro.file.DataFileWriter
import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericDatumReader, GenericDatumWriter, GenericRecord}
import{DecoderFactory, Encoder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.common.util.DataSourceTestUtil._
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestQueryExecutor
import org.junit.Assert
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll,FunSuite}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datamap.DataMapStoreManager
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.impl.FileFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.AbsoluteTableIdentifier
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.datatype.{DataTypes, StructField}
import org.apache.carbondata.hadoop.testutil.StoreCreator
import org.apache.carbondata.sdk.file.{CarbonWriter, Field, Schema}
class SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
import spark._
val warehouse1 = s"${TestQueryExecutor.projectPath}/integration/spark-datasource/target/warehouse"
test("test write using dataframe") {
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("drop table if exists testformat")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
assert(sql("select * from testformat").count() == 10)
assert(sql("select * from testformat where c1='a0'").count() == 1)
checkAnswer(sql("select c1 from testformat where number = 7"), Seq(Row("a7")))
sql("drop table if exists testformat")
test("test write using ddl") {
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
sql("drop table if exists testformat")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
sql("create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 string, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from testparquet")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table where c1='a1'"),
sql("select * from testparquet where c1='a1'"))
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
val mapSize = DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size()
.clearDataMaps(AbsoluteTableIdentifier.from(warehouse1 + "/carbon_table"))
assert(mapSize >= DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size())
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
sql("drop table if exists testformat")
test("test read with df write") {
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/")
val frame ="carbon").load(warehouse1 + "/test_folder")
assert(frame.count() == 10)
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
test("test write using subfolder") {
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/" + System.nanoTime())
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/" + System.nanoTime())
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/" + System.nanoTime())
val frame ="carbon").load(warehouse1 + "/test_folder")
assert(frame.where("c1='a1'").count() == 3)
val mapSize = DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size()
.clearDataMaps(AbsoluteTableIdentifier.from(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
assert(mapSize > DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size())
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
test("test write using partition ddl") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 string, number int) using carbon PARTITIONED by " +
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from testparquet")
// TODO fix in 2.1
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"),
sql("select * from testparquet"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
test("test write with struct type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, ("b", "c"), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 struct<a1:string, a2:string>, number int) using " +
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with array type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Array("b", "c"), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 array<string>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with nested array and struct type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Array(("1", "2"), ("3", "4")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 array<struct<a1:string, a2:string>>, number int) " +
"using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with nested struct and array type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, (Array("1", "2"), ("3", "4")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 struct<a1:array<string>, a2:struct<a1:string, " +
"a2:string>>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with array type with value as nested map type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Array(Map("b" -> "c")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 array<map<string,string>>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with array type with value as nested array<array<map>> type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Array(Array(Map("b" -> "c"))), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 array<array<map<string,string>>>, number int) " +
"using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with struct type with value as nested map type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, ("a", Map("b" -> "c")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 struct<a1:string, a2:map<string,string>>, number " +
"int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with struct type with value as nested struct<array<map>> type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, ("a", Array(Map("b" -> "c"))), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 struct<a1:string, a2:array<map<string,string>>>, " +
"number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with map type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Map("b" -> "c"), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 map<string, string>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with map type with Int data type as key") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Map(99 -> "c"), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 map<int, string>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with map type with value as nested map type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Map("a" -> Map("b" -> "c")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 map<string, map<string, string>>, number int) " +
"using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with map type with value as nested struct type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Map("a" -> ("b", "c")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 map<string, struct<a1:string, a2:string>>, number " +
"int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with map type with value as nested array type") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Map("a" -> Array("b", "c")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 map<string, array<string>>, number int) using " +
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write using ddl and options") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 string, number int) using carbon options" +
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted carbon_table"), true, "table_blocksize")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted carbon_table"), true, "inverted_index")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from testparquet")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from testparquet"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
test("test read with nested struct and array type without creating table") {
.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_carbon_folder"))
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, (Array("1", "2"), ("3", "4")), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
val frame = sql("select * from parquet_table")
frame.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_carbon_folder")
val dfread ="carbon").load(warehouse1 + "/test_carbon_folder")
.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_carbon_folder"))
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test read and write with date datatype") {
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
sql("create table date_table(empno int, empname string, projdate Date) using carbon")
sql("insert into date_table select 11, 'ravi', '2017-11-11'")
sql("create table date_parquet_table(empno int, empname string, projdate Date) using parquet")
sql("insert into date_parquet_table select 11, 'ravi', '2017-11-11'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from date_table"), sql("select * from date_parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
test("test read and write with date datatype with wrong format") {
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
sql("create table date_table(empno int, empname string, projdate Date) using carbon")
sql("insert into date_table select 11, 'ravi', '11-11-2017'")
sql("create table date_parquet_table(empno int, empname string, projdate Date) using parquet")
sql("insert into date_parquet_table select 11, 'ravi', '11-11-2017'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from date_table"), sql("select * from date_parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
test("test read and write with timestamp datatype") {
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
sql("create table date_table(empno int, empname string, projdate timestamp) using carbon")
sql("insert into date_table select 11, 'ravi', '2017-11-11 00:00:01'")
"create table date_parquet_table(empno int, empname string, projdate timestamp) using " +
sql("insert into date_parquet_table select 11, 'ravi', '2017-11-11 00:00:01'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from date_table"), sql("select * from date_parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
test("test read and write with timestamp datatype with wrong format") {
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
sql("create table date_table(empno int, empname string, projdate timestamp) using carbon")
sql("insert into date_table select 11, 'ravi', '11-11-2017 00:00:01'")
"create table date_parquet_table(empno int, empname string, projdate timestamp) using " +
sql("insert into date_parquet_table select 11, 'ravi', '11-11-2017 00:00:01'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from date_table"), sql("select * from date_parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists date_table")
sql("drop table if exists date_parquet_table")
test("test write with array type with filter") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, Array("b", "c"), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
sql("create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 array<string>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table where c1='a1' and c2[0]='b'"),
sql("select * from parquet_table where c1='a1' and c2[0]='b'"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write with struct type with filter") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, (Array("1", "2"), ("3", "4")), Array(("1", 1), ("2", 2)), x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "c3", "number")
"create table carbon_table(c1 string, c2 struct<a1:array<string>, a2:struct<a1:string, " +
"a2:string>>, c3 array<struct<a1:string, a2:int>>, number int) using carbon")
sql("insert into carbon_table select * from parquet_table")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_table").count() == 10)
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table"), sql("select * from parquet_table"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table where c2.a1[0]='1' and c1='a1'"),
sql("select * from parquet_table where c2._1[0]='1' and c1='a1'"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_table where c2.a1[0]='1' and c3[0].a2=1"),
sql("select * from parquet_table where c2._1[0]='1' and c3[0]._2=1"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test read with df write string issue") {
sql("drop table if exists test123")
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x.toShort, x, x.toLong, x.toDouble, BigDecimal.apply(x),
Array(x + 1,
x), ("b", BigDecimal.apply(x))))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "shortc", "intc", "longc", "doublec", "bigdecimalc", "arrayc", "structc")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/")
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
sql(s"create table test123 (c1 string, c2 string, shortc smallint,intc int, longc bigint, " +
s"doublec double, bigdecimalc decimal(38,18), arrayc array<int>, structc " +
s"struct<_1:string, _2:decimal(38,18)>) using carbon location '$warehouse1/test_folder/'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from test123"),"carbon").load(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/"))
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
sql("drop table if exists test123")
test("test read with df write with empty data") {
sql("drop table if exists test123")
sql("drop table if exists test123_par")
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
sql(s"create table test123 (c1 string, c2 string, arrayc array<int>, structc " +
s"struct<_1:string, _2:decimal(38,18)>, shortc smallint,intc int, longc bigint, " +
s"doublec double, bigdecimalc decimal(38,18)) using carbon location " +
sql(s"create table test123_par (c1 string, c2 string, arrayc array<int>, structc " +
s"struct<_1:string, _2:decimal(38,18)>, shortc smallint,intc int, longc bigint, " +
s"doublec double, bigdecimalc decimal(38,18)) using carbon location " +
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from test123"),
sql("select count(*) from test123_par"))
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
sql("drop table if exists test123")
sql("drop table if exists test123_par")
test("test write with nosort columns") {
sql("drop table if exists test123")
sql("drop table if exists test123_par")
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x.toShort, x, x.toLong, x.toDouble, BigDecimal.apply(x),
Array(x + 1,
x), ("b", BigDecimal.apply(x))))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "shortc", "intc", "longc", "doublec", "bigdecimalc", "arrayc", "structc")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
sql(s"create table test123 (c1 string, c2 string, shortc smallint,intc int, longc bigint, " +
s"doublec double, bigdecimalc decimal(38,18), arrayc array<int>, structc " +
s"struct<_1:string, _2:decimal(38,18)>) using carbon options('sort_columns'='') " +
s"location '$warehouse1/test_folder/'")
sql(s"insert into test123 select * from test123_par")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from test123"), sql(s"select * from test123_par"))
sql("drop table if exists test123")
sql("drop table if exists test123_par")
test("test complex columns mismatch") {
sql("drop table if exists array_com_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists array_com")
"create table array_com_hive (CUST_ID string, YEAR int, MONTH int, AGE int, GENDER string, " +
"EDUCATED string, IS_MARRIED string, ARRAY_INT array<int>,ARRAY_STRING array<string>," +
"double, HQ_DEPOSIT double) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items " +
"terminated by '$'")
val sourceFile = FileFactory
.getPath(s"$resource" + "../../../../../spark-datasource/src/test/resources/Array.csv")
sql(s"load data local inpath '$sourceFile' into table array_com_hive")
"create table Array_com (CUST_ID string, YEAR int, MONTH int, AGE int, GENDER string, " +
"EDUCATED string, IS_MARRIED string, ARRAY_INT array<int>,ARRAY_STRING array<string>," +
"double, HQ_DEPOSIT double) using carbon")
sql("insert into Array_com select * from array_com_hive")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from Array_com order by CUST_ID ASC limit 3"),
sql("select * from array_com_hive order by CUST_ID ASC limit 3"))
sql("drop table if exists array_com_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists array_com")
test("test complex columns fail while insert ") {
sql("drop table if exists STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com")
" create table STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive (CUST_ID string, YEAR int, MONTH int, AGE int, " +
"GENDER string, EDUCATED string, IS_MARRIED string, STRUCT_OF_ARRAY struct<ID: int," +
"CHECK_DATE: timestamp ,SNo: array<int>,sal1: array<double>,state: array<string>," +
"date1: array<timestamp>>,CARD_COUNT int,DEBIT_COUNT int, CREDIT_COUNT int, DEPOSIT float, " +
"HQ_DEPOSIT double) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items " +
"terminated by '$' map keys terminated by '&'")
val sourceFile = FileFactory
s"$resource" + "../../../../../spark-datasource/src/test/resources/structofarray.csv")
sql(s"load data local inpath '$sourceFile' into table STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive")
"create table STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com (CUST_ID string, YEAR int, MONTH int, AGE int, GENDER " +
"string, EDUCATED string, IS_MARRIED string, STRUCT_OF_ARRAY struct<ID: int," +
"CHECK_DATE: timestamp,SNo: array<int>,sal1: array<double>,state: array<string>," +
"date1: array<timestamp>>,CARD_COUNT int,DEBIT_COUNT int, CREDIT_COUNT int, DEPOSIT double," +
" HQ_DEPOSIT double) using carbon")
sql(" insert into STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com select * from STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com order by CUST_ID ASC"),
sql("select * from STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive order by CUST_ID ASC"))
sql("drop table if exists STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists STRUCT_OF_ARRAY_com")
test("test partition error in carbon") {
sql("drop table if exists carbon_par")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_par")
"create table carbon_par (name string, age int, country string) using carbon partitioned by" +
" (country)")
sql("insert into carbon_par select 'b', '12', 'aa'")
"create table parquet_par (name string, age int, country string) using carbon partitioned " +
"by (country)")
sql("insert into parquet_par select 'b', '12', 'aa'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from carbon_par"), sql("select * from parquet_par"))
sql("drop table if exists carbon_par")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_par")
test("test write and create table with sort columns not allow") {
sql("drop table if exists test123")
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", "c" + x, "d" + x, x.toShort, x, x.toLong, x.toDouble, BigDecimal
.toDF("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "shortc", "intc", "longc", "doublec", "bigdecimalc")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql(s"create table test123 using carbon options('sort_columns'='shortc,c2') location " +
sql("drop table if exists test123")
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
test("valdate if path not specified during table creation") {
sql("drop table if exists test123")
val ex = intercept[AnalysisException] {
sql(s"create table test123 using carbon options('sort_columns'='shortc,c2')")
assert(ex.getMessage().contains("Unable to infer schema for carbon"))
test("test double boundary") {
sql("drop table if exists par")
sql("drop table if exists car")
sql("create table par (c1 string, c2 double, n int) using parquet")
sql("create table car (c1 string, c2 double, n int) using carbon")
sql("insert into par select 'a', 1.7986931348623157E308, 215565665556")
sql("insert into car select 'a', 1.7986931348623157E308, 215565665556")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from car"), sql("select * from par"))
sql("drop table if exists par")
sql("drop table if exists car")
test("test write using multi subfolder") {
if (!sqlContext.sparkContext.version.startsWith("2.1")) {
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10)
.map(x => ("a" + x % 10, "b", x))
.toDF("c1", "c2", "number")
// Saves dataframe to carbon file
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/1/" + System.nanoTime())
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/2/" + System.nanoTime())
df.write.format("carbon").save(warehouse1 + "/test_folder/3/" + System.nanoTime())
val frame ="carbon").load(warehouse1 + "/test_folder")
assert(frame.count() == 30)
assert(frame.where("c1='a1'").count() == 3)
val mapSize = DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size()
.clearDataMaps(AbsoluteTableIdentifier.from(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
assert(mapSize > DataMapStoreManager.getInstance().getAllDataMaps.size())
FileFactory.deleteAllCarbonFilesOfDir(FileFactory.getCarbonFile(warehouse1 + "/test_folder"))
test("test read using old data") {
val store = new StoreCreator(new File(warehouse1).getAbsolutePath,
new File(warehouse1 + "../../../../../hadoop/src/test/resources/data.csv").getCanonicalPath,
.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/testdb/testtable/Fact/Part0/Segment_0/0"))
val dfread ="carbon")
.load(warehouse1 + "/testdb/testtable/Fact/Part0/Segment_0")
sql("drop table if exists parquet_table")
test("test write sdk and read with spark using different sort order data") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(5, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk")
sql(s"create table sdkout using carbon options(path='$warehouse1/sdk')")
assert(sql("select * from sdkout").collect().length == 5)
buildTestDataOtherDataType(5, Array("name", "salary"), warehouse1 + "/sdk")
sql("refresh table sdkout")
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where name = 'name1'").collect().length == 2)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where salary=100").collect().length == 2)
buildTestDataOtherDataType(5, Array("name", "age"), warehouse1 + "/sdk")
sql("refresh table sdkout")
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where name='name0'").collect().length == 3)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout").collect().length == 15)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where salary=100").collect().length == 3)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where address='address1'").collect().length == 3)
buildTestDataOtherDataType(5, Array("name", "salary"), warehouse1 + "/sdk")
sql("refresh table sdkout")
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where name='name0'").collect().length == 4)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout").collect().length == 20)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where salary=100").collect().length == 4)
assert(sql("select * from sdkout where address='address1'").collect().length == 4)
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk"))
test("test Float data type by giving schema explicitly and desc formatted") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(5, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
sql(s"create table sdkout(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using carbon options " +
assert(sql("desc formatted sdkout").collect().take(7).reverse.head.get(1).equals("float"))
assert(sql("desc formatted sdkout").collect().take(8).reverse.head.get(1).equals
test("test select * on table with float data type") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(11, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
sql(s"create table sdkout(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using carbon options " +
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table"), sql("select * from sdkout"))
checkAnswer(sql("select floatfield from par_table"), sql("select floatfield from sdkout"))
test("test various filters on float data") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(11, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
sql(s"create table sdkout(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using carbon options " +
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield < 10"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield < 10"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield > 5.3"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield > 5.3"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield >= 4.1"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield >= 4.1"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield != 5.5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield != 5.5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield <= 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield <= 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield >= 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield >= 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield IN ('5.5','6.6')"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield IN ('5.5','6.6')"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield NOT IN ('5.5','6.6')"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield NOT IN ('5.5','6.6')"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where floatfield = cast('6.6' as float)"),
sql("select * from sdkout where floatfield = cast('6.6' as float)"))
test("test select * on table with byte data type") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(11, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
sql(s"create table sdkout(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using carbon options " +
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table"), sql("select * from sdkout"))
checkAnswer(sql("select byteField from par_table"), sql("select bytefield from sdkout"))
test("test various filters on byte data") {
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
buildTestDataOtherDataType(11, Array("age", "address"), warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
sql(s"create table sdkout(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using carbon options " +
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield < 10"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield < 10"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield > 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield > 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield >= 4"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield >= 4"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield != 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield != 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield <= 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield <= 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield >= 5"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield >= 5"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield IN ('5','6')"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield IN ('5','6')"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from par_table where bytefield NOT IN ('5','6')"),
sql("select * from sdkout where bytefield NOT IN ('5','6')"))
test("test struct of float type and byte type") {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val path = FileFactory.getPath(warehouse1 + "/sdk1").toString
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
sql("drop table if exists complextable")
val fields = List(new StructField
("byteField", DataTypes.BYTE), new StructField("floatField", DataTypes.FLOAT))
val structType = Array(new Field("stringfield", DataTypes.STRING), new Field
("structField", "struct", fields.asJava))
try {
val builder = CarbonWriter.builder()
val writer =
.withCsvInput(new Schema(structType)).writtenBy("SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase").build()
var i = 0
while (i < 11) {
val array = Array[String](s"name$i", s"$i" + "\001" + s"$i.${ i }12")
i += 1
sql("create table complextable (stringfield string, structfield struct<bytefield: " +
"byte, floatfield: float>) " +
s"using carbon location '$path'")
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(ex)
case _ => None
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable limit 1"), Seq(Row("name0", Row(0
.asInstanceOf[Byte], 0.012.asInstanceOf[Float]))))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where structfield.bytefield > 9"), Seq(Row
("name10", Row(10.asInstanceOf[Byte], 10.1012.asInstanceOf[Float]))))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where structfield.bytefield > 9"), Seq(Row
("name10", Row(10.asInstanceOf[Byte], 10.1012.asInstanceOf[Float]))))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where structfield.floatfield > 9.912"), Seq
("name10", Row(10.asInstanceOf[Byte], 10.1012.asInstanceOf[Float]))))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where structfield.floatfield > 9.912 and " +
"structfield.bytefield < 11"),
Seq(Row("name10", Row(10.asInstanceOf[Byte], 10.1012.asInstanceOf[Float]))))
test("test bytefield as sort column") {
val path = FileFactory.getPath(warehouse1 + "/sdk1").toString
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
var fields: Array[Field] = new Array[Field](8)
// same column name, but name as boolean type
fields(0) = new Field("age", DataTypes.INT)
fields(1) = new Field("height", DataTypes.DOUBLE)
fields(2) = new Field("name", DataTypes.STRING)
fields(3) = new Field("address", DataTypes.STRING)
fields(4) = new Field("salary", DataTypes.LONG)
fields(5) = new Field("bytefield", DataTypes.BYTE)
try {
val builder = CarbonWriter.builder()
val writer =
.withCsvInput(new Schema(fields)).writtenBy("SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase").build()
var i = 0
while (i < 11) {
val array = Array[String](
String.valueOf(i.toDouble / 2),
"name" + i,
"address" + i,
(i * 100).toString,
s"${ 10 - i }")
i += 1
sql("drop table if exists sorted_par")
sql("drop table if exists sort_table")
sql(s"create table sort_table (age int, height double, name string, address string," +
s" salary long, bytefield byte) using carbon location '$path'")
sql(s"create table sorted_par(age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, bytefield byte) using parquet location " +
(0 to 10).foreach {
i =>
sql(s"insert into sorted_par select '$i', ${ i.toDouble / 2 }, 'name$i', " +
s"'address$i', ${ i * 100 }, '${ 10 - i }'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from sorted_par order by bytefield"),
sql("select * from sort_table"))
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(ex)
case _ => None
test("test array of float type and byte type") {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val path = FileFactory.getPath(warehouse1 + "/sdk1").toString
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
sql("drop table if exists complextable")
val structType =
Array(new Field("stringfield", DataTypes.STRING),
new Field("bytearray", "array", List(new StructField("byteField", DataTypes.BYTE))
new Field("floatarray", "array", List(new StructField("floatfield", DataTypes.FLOAT))
try {
val builder = CarbonWriter.builder()
val writer =
.withCsvInput(new Schema(structType)).writtenBy("SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase").build()
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
val array = Array[String](s"name$i",
s"$i" + "\001" + s"${ i * 2 }",
s"${ i / 2 }" + "\001" + s"${ i / 3 }")
i += 1
sql(s"create table complextable (stringfield string, bytearray " +
s"array<byte>, floatarray array<float>) using carbon " +
s"location " +
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(ex)
case _ => None
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable limit 1"), Seq(Row("name0", mutable
.WrappedArray.make(Array[Byte](0, 0)), mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Float](0.0f, 0.0f)))))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where bytearray[0] = 1"), Seq(Row("name1",
mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Byte](1, 2)), mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Float](0.0f,
checkAnswer(sql("select * from complextable where bytearray[0] > 8"), Seq(Row("name9",
mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Byte](9, 18)), mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Float](4.0f,
"select * from complextable where floatarray[0] IN (4.0) and stringfield = 'name8'"), Seq(Row
mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Byte](8, 16)), mutable.WrappedArray.make(Array[Float](4.0f,
private def createParquetTable {
val path = FileFactory.getUpdatedFilePath(s"$warehouse1/../warehouse2")
sql(s"create table par_table(male boolean, age int, height double, name string, address " +
s"string," +
s"salary long, floatField float, bytefield byte) using parquet location '$path'")
(0 to 10).foreach {
i =>
sql(s"insert into par_table select 'true','$i', ${ i.toDouble / 2 }, 'name$i', " +
s"'address$i', ${ i * 100 }, $i.$i, '$i'")
// prepare sdk writer output with other schema
def buildTestDataOtherDataType(rows: Int,
sortColumns: Array[String],
writerPath: String,
colCount: Int = -1): Any = {
var fields: Array[Field] = new Array[Field](8)
// same column name, but name as boolean type
fields(0) = new Field("male", DataTypes.BOOLEAN)
fields(1) = new Field("age", DataTypes.INT)
fields(2) = new Field("height", DataTypes.DOUBLE)
fields(3) = new Field("name", DataTypes.STRING)
fields(4) = new Field("address", DataTypes.STRING)
fields(5) = new Field("salary", DataTypes.LONG)
fields(6) = new Field("floatField", DataTypes.FLOAT)
fields(7) = new Field("bytefield", DataTypes.BYTE)
if (colCount > 0) {
val fieldsToWrite: Array[Field] = new Array[Field](colCount)
var i = 0
while (i < colCount) {
fieldsToWrite(i) = fields(i)
i += 1
fields = fieldsToWrite
try {
val builder = CarbonWriter.builder()
val writer =
.withCsvInput(new Schema(fields)).writtenBy("SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase").build()
var i = 0
while (i < rows) {
val array = Array[String]("true",
String.valueOf(i.toDouble / 2),
"name" + i,
"address" + i,
(i * 100).toString,
s"$i.$i", s"$i")
if (colCount > 0) {
writer.write(array.slice(0, colCount))
} else {
i += 1
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(ex)
case _ => None
def buildStructSchemaWithNestedArrayOfMapTypeAsValue(writerPath: String, rows: Int): Unit = {
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(writerPath))
val mySchema =
| "name": "address",
| "type": "record",
| "fields": [
| {
| "name": "name",
| "type": "string"
| },
| {
| "name": "age",
| "type": "int"
| },
| {
| "name": "structRecord",
| "type": {
| "type": "record",
| "name": "my_address",
| "fields": [
| {
| "name": "street",
| "type": "string"
| },
| {
| "name": "houseDetails",
| "type": {
| "type": "array",
| "items": {
| "name": "memberDetails",
| "type": "map",
| "values": "string"
| }
| }
| }
| ]
| }
| }
| ]
val json =
""" {"name":"bob", "age":10, "structRecord": {"street":"street1",
|"houseDetails": [{"101": "Rahul", "102": "Pawan"}]}} """
WriteFilesWithAvroWriter(writerPath, rows, mySchema, json)
test("test external table with struct type with value as nested struct<array<map>> type") {
val writerPath: String = FileFactory.getUpdatedFilePath(warehouse1 + "/sdk1")
val rowCount = 3
buildStructSchemaWithNestedArrayOfMapTypeAsValue(writerPath, rowCount)
sql("drop table if exists carbon_external")
sql(s"create table carbon_external using carbon location '$writerPath'")
assert(sql("select * from carbon_external").count() == rowCount)
sql("drop table if exists carbon_external")
test("test byte and float for multiple pages") {
val path = FileFactory.getPath(warehouse1 + "/sdk1").toString
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
sql("drop table if exists multi_page")
var fields: Array[Field] = new Array[Field](8)
// same column name, but name as boolean type
fields(0) = new Field("a", DataTypes.STRING)
fields(1) = new Field("b", DataTypes.FLOAT)
fields(2) = new Field("c", DataTypes.BYTE)
try {
val builder = CarbonWriter.builder()
val writer =
.withCsvInput(new Schema(fields)).writtenBy("SparkCarbonDataSourceTestCase").build()
var i = 0
while (i < 33000) {
val array = Array[String](
s"$i.3200", "32")
i += 1
sql(s"create table multi_page (a string, b float, c byte) using carbon location " +
assert(sql("select * from multi_page").count() == 33000)
} catch {
case ex: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(ex)
} finally {
FileFactory.deleteAllFilesOfDir(new File(warehouse1 + "/sdk1"))
test("test partition issue with add location") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionTable_obs")
sql("drop table if exists partitionTable_obs_par")
sql(s"create table partitionTable_obs (id int,name String,email String) using carbon " +
s"partitioned by(email) ")
sql(s"create table partitionTable_obs_par (id int,name String,email String) using parquet " +
s"partitioned by(email) ")
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs select 1,'huawei','abc'")
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs select 1,'huawei','bcd'")
sql(s"alter table partitionTable_obs add partition (email='def') location " +
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs select 1,'huawei','def'")
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs_par select 1,'huawei','abc'")
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs_par select 1,'huawei','bcd'")
sql(s"alter table partitionTable_obs_par add partition (email='def') location " +
sql("insert into partitionTable_obs_par select 1,'huawei','def'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionTable_obs"),
sql("select * from partitionTable_obs_par"))
sql("drop table if exists partitionTable_obs")
sql("drop table if exists partitionTable_obs_par")
test("test multiple partition select issue") {
sql("drop table if exists t_carbn01b_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists t_carbn01b")
"create table t_carbn01b_hive(Qty_day_avg INT,Qty_total INT,Sell_price BIGINT,Sell_pricep " +
"DOUBLE,Profit DECIMAL(3,2),Item_code String,Item_name String,Outlet_name String," +
"Create_date String,Active_status String,Item_type_cd INT, Update_time TIMESTAMP, " +
"Discount_price DOUBLE) using parquet partitioned by (Active_status,Item_type_cd, " +
"Update_time, Discount_price)")
"create table t_carbn01b(Qty_day_avg INT,Qty_total INT,Sell_price BIGINT,Sell_pricep " +
"DOUBLE,Profit DECIMAL(3,2),Item_code String,Item_name String,Outlet_name String," +
"Create_date String,Active_status String,Item_type_cd INT, Update_time TIMESTAMP, " +
"Discount_price DOUBLE) using carbon partitioned by (Active_status,Item_type_cd, " +
"Update_time, Discount_price)")
"insert into t_carbn01b partition(Active_status, Item_type_cd,Update_time,Discount_price) " +
"select * from t_carbn01b_hive")
"alter table t_carbn01b add partition (active_status='xyz',Item_type_cd=12," +
"insert overwrite table t_carbn01b select 'xyz', 12, 74,3000,20000000,121.5,4.99,2.44," +
"'RE3423ee','dddd', 'ssss','2012-01-02 23:04:05.12', '2012-01-20'")
"insert overwrite table t_carbn01b_hive select 'xyz', 12, 74,3000,20000000,121.5,4.99,2.44," +
"'RE3423ee','dddd', 'ssss','2012-01-02 23:04:05.12', '2012-01-20'")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from t_carbn01b_hive"), sql("select * from t_carbn01b"))
sql("drop table if exists t_carbn01b_hive")
sql(s"drop table if exists t_carbn01b")
test("Test Float value by having negative exponents") {
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS float_p")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS float_c")
sql("CREATE TABLE float_p(f float) using parquet")
sql("CREATE TABLE float_c(f float) using carbon")
sql("INSERT INTO float_p select \"1.4E-3\"")
sql("INSERT INTO float_p select \"1.4E-38\"")
sql("INSERT INTO float_c select \"1.4E-3\"")
sql("INSERT INTO float_c select \"1.4E-38\"")
checkAnswer(sql("SELECT * FROM float_p"),
sql("SELECT * FROM float_c"))
sql("DROP TABLE float_p")
sql("DROP TABLE float_c")
test("test fileformat flow with drop and query on same table") {
sql("drop table if exists fileformat_drop")
sql("drop table if exists fileformat_drop_hive")
"create table fileformat_drop (imei string,AMSize string,channelsId string,ActiveCountry " +
"string, Activecity string,gamePointId double,deviceInformationId double,productionDate " +
"Timestamp,deliveryDate timestamp,deliverycharge double) using carbon options" +
"('table_blocksize'='1','LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE'='TRUE'," +
"create table fileformat_drop_hive(imei string,deviceInformationId double,AMSize string," +
"channelsId string,ActiveCountry string,Activecity string,gamePointId double,productionDate" +
" Timestamp,deliveryDate timestamp,deliverycharge double)row format delimited FIELDS " +
"terminated by ',' LINES terminated by '\n' stored as textfile")
val sourceFile = FileFactory
.getPath(s"$resource" +
sql(s"load data local inpath '$sourceFile' into table fileformat_drop_hive")
"insert into fileformat_drop select imei ,deviceInformationId ,AMSize ,channelsId ," +
"ActiveCountry ,Activecity ,gamePointId ,productionDate ,deliveryDate ,deliverycharge from " +
assert(sql("select count(*) from fileformat_drop where imei='1AA10000'").collect().length == 1)
sql("drop table if exists fileformat_drop")
"create table fileformat_drop (imei string,deviceInformationId double,AMSize string," +
"channelsId string,ActiveCountry string,Activecity string,gamePointId float,productionDate " +
"timestamp,deliveryDate timestamp,deliverycharge decimal(10,2)) using carbon options" +
"('table_blocksize'='1','LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE'='true'," +
"insert into fileformat_drop select imei ,deviceInformationId ,AMSize ,channelsId ," +
"ActiveCountry ,Activecity ,gamePointId ,productionDate ,deliveryDate ,deliverycharge from " +
assert(sql("select count(*) from fileformat_drop where imei='1AA10000'").collect().length == 1)
sql("drop table if exists fileformat_drop")
sql("drop table if exists fileformat_drop_hive")
test("validate the columns not present in schema") {
sql("drop table if exists validate")
"create table validate (name string, age int, address string) using carbon options" +
val ex = intercept[Exception] {
sql("insert into validate select 'abc',4,'def'")
.contains("column: abc specified in inverted index columns does not exist in schema"))
override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
private def drop = {
sql("drop table if exists testformat")
sql("drop table if exists carbon_table")
sql("drop table if exists testparquet")
sql("drop table if exists par_table")
sql("drop table if exists sdkout")
sql("drop table if exists validate")
private def jsonToAvro(json: String, avroSchema: String): GenericRecord = {
var input: InputStream = null
var writer: DataFileWriter[GenericRecord] = null
var encoder: Encoder = null
var output: ByteArrayOutputStream = null
try {
val schema = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema)
val reader = new GenericDatumReader[GenericRecord](schema)
input = new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes())
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val din = new DataInputStream(input)
writer = new DataFileWriter[GenericRecord](new GenericDatumWriter[GenericRecord]())
writer.create(schema, output)
val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, din)
var datum: GenericRecord =, decoder)
return datum
} finally {
def WriteFilesWithAvroWriter(writerPath: String,
rows: Int,
mySchema: String,
json: String) = {
// conversion to GenericData.Record
val nn = new avro.Schema.Parser().parse(mySchema)
val record = jsonToAvro(json, mySchema)
try {
val writer = CarbonWriter.builder
var i = 0
while (i < rows) {
i = i + 1
catch {
case e: Exception => {