[DOC] Document Update for default sort scope

This closes #3115
diff --git a/docs/configuration-parameters.md b/docs/configuration-parameters.md
index 9f13e97..7b31413 100644
--- a/docs/configuration-parameters.md
+++ b/docs/configuration-parameters.md
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 | carbon.number.of.cores.while.loading | 2 | Number of cores to be used while loading data. This also determines the number of threads to be used to read the input files (csv) in parallel.**NOTE:** This configured value is used in every data loading step to parallelize the operations. Configuring a higher value can lead to increased early thread pre-emption by OS and there by reduce the overall performance. |
 | enable.unsafe.sort | true | CarbonData supports unsafe operations of Java to avoid GC overhead for certain operations. This configuration enables to use unsafe functions in CarbonData. **NOTE:** For operations like data loading, which generates more short lived Java objects, Java GC can be a bottle neck. Using unsafe can overcome the GC overhead and improve the overall performance. |
 | enable.offheap.sort | true | CarbonData supports storing data in off-heap memory for certain operations during data loading and query. This helps to avoid the Java GC and thereby improve the overall performance. This configuration enables using off-heap memory for sorting of data during data loading.**NOTE:**  ***enable.unsafe.sort*** configuration needs to be configured to true for using off-heap |
-| carbon.load.sort.scope | LOCAL_SORT | CarbonData can support various sorting options to match the balance between load and query performance. LOCAL_SORT:All the data given to an executor in the single load is fully sorted and written to carbondata files. Data loading performance is reduced a little as the entire data needs to be sorted in the executor. BATCH_SORT:Sorts the data in batches of configured size and writes to carbondata files. Data loading performance increases as the entire data need not be sorted. But query performance will get reduced due to false positives in block pruning and also due to more number of carbondata files written. Due to more number of carbondata files, if identified blocks > cluster parallelism, query performance and concurrency will get reduced. GLOBAL SORT:Entire data in the data load is fully sorted and written to carbondata files. Data loading performance would get reduced as the entire data needs to be sorted. But the query performance increases significantly due to very less false positives and concurrency is also improved. **NOTE:** when BATCH_SORT is configured, it is recommended to keep ***carbon.load.batch.sort.size.inmb*** > ***carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb*** |
+| carbon.load.sort.scope | LOCAL_SORT | CarbonData can support various sorting options to match the balance between load and query performance. LOCAL_SORT:All the data given to an executor in the single load is fully sorted and written to carbondata files. Data loading performance is reduced a little as the entire data needs to be sorted in the executor. BATCH_SORT:Sorts the data in batches of configured size and writes to carbondata files. Data loading performance increases as the entire data need not be sorted. But query performance will get reduced due to false positives in block pruning and also due to more number of carbondata files written. Due to more number of carbondata files, if identified blocks > cluster parallelism, query performance and concurrency will get reduced. GLOBAL SORT:Entire data in the data load is fully sorted and written to carbondata files. Data loading performance would get reduced as the entire data needs to be sorted. But the query performance increases significantly due to very less false positives and concurrency is also improved. **NOTE 1:** This property will be taken into account only when SORT COLUMNS are specified explicitly while creating table, otherwise it is always NO SORT **NOTE 2:** When BATCH_SORT is configured, it is recommended to keep ***carbon.load.batch.sort.size.inmb*** > ***carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb***.|
 | carbon.load.batch.sort.size.inmb | 0 | When  ***carbon.load.sort.scope*** is configured as ***BATCH_SORT***, this configuration needs to be added to specify the batch size for sorting and writing to carbondata files. **NOTE:** It is recommended to keep the value around 45% of ***carbon.sort.storage.inmemory.size.inmb*** to avoid spill to disk. Also it is recommended to keep the value higher than ***carbon.blockletgroup.size.in.mb***. Refer to *carbon.load.sort.scope* for more information on sort options and the advantages/disadvantages of each option. |
 | carbon.global.sort.rdd.storage.level | MEMORY_ONLY | Storage level to persist dataset of RDD/dataframe when loading data with 'sort_scope'='global_sort', if user's executor has less memory, set this parameter to 'MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER' or other storage level to correspond to different environment. [See detail](http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/rdd-programming-guide.html#rdd-persistence). |
 | carbon.load.global.sort.partitions | 0 | The number of partitions to use when shuffling data for global sort. Default value 0 means to use same number of map tasks as reduce tasks. **NOTE:** In general, it is recommended to have 2-3 tasks per CPU core in your cluster. |
@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@
 | enable.unsafe.sort                        | Specifies whether to use unsafe sort during data loading. Unsafe sort reduces the garbage collection during data load operation, resulting in better performance. |
 | carbon.options.date.format                 | Specifies the data format of the date columns in the data being loaded |
 | carbon.options.timestamp.format            | Specifies the timestamp format of the time stamp columns in the data being loaded |
-| carbon.options.sort.scope                 | Specifies how the current data load should be sorted with. **NOTE:** Refer to [Data Loading Configuration](#data-loading-configuration)#carbon.sort.scope for detailed information. |
-| carbon.table.load.sort.scope.<db>.<table> | Overrides the SORT_SCOPE provided in CREATE TABLE.           |
-| carbon.options.global.sort.partitions     |                                                              |
+| carbon.options.sort.scope                 | Specifies how the current data load should be sorted with. This sort parameter is at the table level. **NOTE:** Refer to [Data Loading Configuration](#data-loading-configuration)#carbon.sort.scope for detailed information. |
+| carbon.table.load.sort.scope.db_name.table_name | Overrides the SORT_SCOPE provided in CREATE TABLE.           |
+| carbon.options.global.sort.partitions     | Specifies the number of partitions to be used during global sort.   |
 | carbon.options.serialization.null.format  | Default Null value representation in the data being loaded. **NOTE:** Refer to [Data Loading Configuration](#data-loading-configuration)#carbon.options.serialization.null.format for detailed information. |
 | carbon.query.directQueryOnDataMap.enabled | Specifies whether datamap can be queried directly. This is useful for debugging purposes.**NOTE: **Refer to [Query Configuration](#query-configuration) for detailed information. |
diff --git a/docs/dml-of-carbondata.md b/docs/dml-of-carbondata.md
index ec2c053..f89c49a 100644
--- a/docs/dml-of-carbondata.md
+++ b/docs/dml-of-carbondata.md
@@ -491,7 +491,6 @@
-  NOTE: Compaction is unsupported for table containing Complex columns.
   - **CLEAN SEGMENTS AFTER Compaction**