blob: e58b61b5efe7b1f625d96593254003a7464edb9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.carbondata.core.datamap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.carbondata.common.annotations.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedDataMapCommandException;
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.NoSuchDataMapException;
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datamap.status.DataMapSegmentStatusUtil;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datamap.status.DataMapStatusManager;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.locks.ICarbonLock;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.AbsoluteTableIdentifier;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.CarbonTable;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.DataMapSchema;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.RelationIdentifier;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.statusmanager.LoadMetadataDetails;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.statusmanager.SegmentStatus;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.statusmanager.SegmentStatusManager;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.path.CarbonTablePath;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* DataMap is a accelerator for certain type of query. Developer can add new DataMap
* implementation to improve query performance.
* Currently two types of DataMap are supported
* <ol>
* <li> MVDataMap: materialized view type of DataMap to accelerate olap style query,
* like SPJG query (select, predicate, join, groupby) </li>
* <li> DataMap: index type of DataMap to accelerate filter query </li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* In following command <br>
* {@code CREATE DATAMAP dm ON TABLE main USING 'provider'}, <br>
* the <b>provider</b> string can be a short name or class name of the DataMap implementation.
* <br>Currently CarbonData supports following provider:
* <ol>
* <li> preaggregate: pre-aggregate table of single table </li>
* <li> timeseries: pre-aggregate table based on time dimension of the table </li>
* <li> lucene: index backed by Apache Lucene </li>
* <li> bloomfilter: index backed by Bloom Filter </li>
* </ol>
* @since 1.4.0
public abstract class DataMapProvider {
private CarbonTable mainTable;
private DataMapSchema dataMapSchema;
private Logger LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
public DataMapProvider(CarbonTable mainTable, DataMapSchema dataMapSchema) {
this.mainTable = mainTable;
this.dataMapSchema = dataMapSchema;
protected final CarbonTable getMainTable() {
return mainTable;
public final DataMapSchema getDataMapSchema() {
return dataMapSchema;
* Initialize a datamap's metadata.
* This is called when user creates datamap, for example "CREATE DATAMAP dm ON TABLE mainTable"
* Implementation should initialize metadata for datamap, like creating table
public abstract void initMeta(String ctasSqlStatement) throws MalformedDataMapCommandException,
* Initialize a datamap's data.
* This is called when user creates datamap, for example "CREATE DATAMAP dm ON TABLE mainTable"
* Implementation should initialize data for datamap, like creating data folders
public void initData() { }
* Opposite operation of {@link #initMeta(String)}.
* This is called when user drops datamap, for example "DROP DATAMAP dm ON TABLE mainTable"
* Implementation should clean all meta for the datamap
public abstract void cleanMeta() throws IOException;
* Opposite operation of {@link #initData()}.
* This is called when user drops datamap, for example "DROP DATAMAP dm ON TABLE mainTable"
* Implementation should clean all data for the datamap
public abstract void cleanData();
* Rebuild the datamap by loading all existing data from mainTable
* This is called when refreshing the datamap when
* 1. after datamap creation and no "WITH DEFERRED REBUILD" defined
* 2. user manually trigger REBUILD DATAMAP command
public boolean rebuild() throws IOException, NoSuchDataMapException {
if (null == dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier()) {
return false;
String newLoadName = "";
String segmentMap = "";
CarbonTable dataMapTable = CarbonTable
AbsoluteTableIdentifier dataMapTableAbsoluteTableIdentifier =
// Clean up the old invalid segment data before creating a new entry for new load.
SegmentStatusManager.deleteLoadsAndUpdateMetadata(dataMapTable, false, null);
SegmentStatusManager segmentStatusManager =
new SegmentStatusManager(dataMapTableAbsoluteTableIdentifier);
Map<String, List<String>> segmentMapping = new HashMap<>();
// Acquire table status lock to handle concurrent dataloading
ICarbonLock carbonLock = segmentStatusManager.getTableStatusLock();
try {
if (carbonLock.lockWithRetries()) {
"Acquired lock for table" + dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier().getDatabaseName()
+ "." + dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier().getTableName()
+ " for table status updation");
String dataMapTableMetadataPath =
LoadMetadataDetails[] loadMetaDataDetails =
// Mark for delete all stale loadMetadetail
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetadataDetail : loadMetaDataDetails) {
if ((loadMetadataDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.INSERT_IN_PROGRESS
|| loadMetadataDetail.getSegmentStatus()
== SegmentStatus.INSERT_OVERWRITE_IN_PROGRESS) && loadMetadataDetail.getVisibility()
.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
List<LoadMetadataDetails> listOfLoadFolderDetails =
new ArrayList<>(CarbonCommonConstants.DEFAULT_COLLECTION_SIZE);
Collections.addAll(listOfLoadFolderDetails, loadMetaDataDetails);
if (dataMapSchema.isLazy()) {
// check if rebuild to datamap is already in progress and throw exception
if (!listOfLoadFolderDetails.isEmpty()) {
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetaDetail : loadMetaDataDetails) {
if ((loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.INSERT_IN_PROGRESS
|| loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus()
== SegmentStatus.INSERT_OVERWRITE_IN_PROGRESS) && SegmentStatusManager
loadMetaDetail.getLoadName())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Rebuild to datamap " + dataMapSchema.getDataMapName()
+ " is already in progress");
boolean isFullRefresh = false;
if (null != dataMapSchema.getProperties().get("full_refresh")) {
isFullRefresh = Boolean.valueOf(dataMapSchema.getProperties().get("full_refresh"));
if (!isFullRefresh) {
if (!getSpecificSegmentsTobeLoaded(segmentMapping, listOfLoadFolderDetails)) {
return false;
segmentMap = new Gson().toJson(segmentMapping);
} else {
List<RelationIdentifier> relationIdentifiers = dataMapSchema.getParentTables();
for (RelationIdentifier relationIdentifier : relationIdentifiers) {
List<String> mainTableSegmentList =
if (mainTableSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
segmentMapping.put(relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT
+ relationIdentifier.getTableName(), mainTableSegmentList);
segmentMap = new Gson().toJson(segmentMapping);
// To handle concurrent dataloading to datamap, create new loadMetaEntry and
// set segmentMap to new loadMetaEntry and pass new segmentId with load command
LoadMetadataDetails loadMetadataDetail = new LoadMetadataDetails();
String segmentId =
newLoadName = segmentId;
.toArray(new LoadMetadataDetails[listOfLoadFolderDetails.size()]));
} else {
"Not able to acquire the lock for Table status updation for table " + dataMapSchema
.getRelationIdentifier().getDatabaseName() + "." + dataMapSchema
return false;
} finally {
if (carbonLock.unlock()) {"Table unlocked successfully after table status updation" + dataMapSchema
.getRelationIdentifier().getDatabaseName() + "." + dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier()
} else {
LOGGER.error("Unable to unlock Table lock for table" + dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier()
.getDatabaseName() + "." + dataMapSchema.getRelationIdentifier().getTableName()
+ " during table status updation");
return rebuildInternal(newLoadName, segmentMapping, dataMapTable);
* This method will compare mainTable and dataMapTable segment List and loads only newly added
* segment from main table to dataMap table.
* In case if mainTable is compacted, then based on dataMap to mainTables segmentMapping, dataMap
* will be loaded
* Eg:
* case 1: Consider mainTableSegmentList: {0, 1, 2}, dataMapToMainTable segmentMap:
* { 0 -> 0, 1-> 1,2}. If (1, 2) segments of main table are compacted to 1.1 and new segment (3)
* is loaded to main table, then mainTableSegmentList will be updated to{0, 1.1, 3}.
* In this case, segment (1) of dataMap table will be marked for delete, and new segment
* {2 -> 1.1, 3} will be loaded to dataMap table
* case 2: Consider mainTableSegmentList: {0, 1, 2, 3}, dataMapToMainTable segmentMap:
* { 0 -> 0,1,2, 1-> 3}. If (1, 2) segments of main table are compacted to 1.1 and new segment
* (4) is loaded to main table, then mainTableSegmentList will be updated to {0, 1.1, 3, 4}.
* In this case, segment (0) of dataMap table will be marked for delete and segment (0) of
* main table will be added to validSegmentList which needs to be loaded again. Now, new dataMap
* table segment (2) with main table segmentList{2 -> 1.1, 4, 0} will be loaded to dataMap table.
* dataMapToMainTable segmentMap will be updated to {1 -> 3, 2 -> 1.1, 4, 0} after rebuild
private boolean getSpecificSegmentsTobeLoaded(Map<String, List<String>> segmentMapping,
List<LoadMetadataDetails> listOfLoadFolderDetails) throws IOException {
List<RelationIdentifier> relationIdentifiers = dataMapSchema.getParentTables();
// invalidDataMapSegmentList holds segment list which needs to be marked for delete
HashSet<String> invalidDataMapSegmentList = new HashSet<>();
if (listOfLoadFolderDetails.isEmpty()) {
// If segment Map is empty, load all valid segments from main tables to dataMap
for (RelationIdentifier relationIdentifier : relationIdentifiers) {
List<String> mainTableSegmentList =
// If mainTableSegmentList is empty, no need to trigger load command
// TODO: handle in case of multiple tables load to datamap table
if (mainTableSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT + relationIdentifier
.getTableName(), mainTableSegmentList);
} else {
for (RelationIdentifier relationIdentifier : relationIdentifiers) {
List<String> dataMapTableSegmentList = new ArrayList<>();
// Get all segments for parent relationIdentifier
List<String> mainTableSegmentList =
boolean ifTableStatusUpdateRequired = false;
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetaDetail : listOfLoadFolderDetails) {
if (loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.SUCCESS
|| loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.INSERT_IN_PROGRESS) {
Map<String, List<String>> segmentMaps =
String mainTableMetaDataPath =
LoadMetadataDetails[] parentTableLoadMetaDataDetails =
String table = relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT
+ relationIdentifier.getTableName();
for (String segmentId : mainTableSegmentList) {
// In case if dataMap segment(0) is mapped to mainTable segments{0,1,2} and if
// {0,1,2} segments of mainTable are compacted to 0.1. Then,
// on next rebuild/load to dataMap, no need to load segment(0.1) again. Update the
// segmentMapping of dataMap segment from {0,1,2} to {0.1}
if (!checkIfSegmentsToBeReloaded(parentTableLoadMetaDataDetails,
segmentMaps.get(table), segmentId)) {
ifTableStatusUpdateRequired = true;
// Update loadMetaDetail with updated segment info and clear old segmentMap
Map<String, List<String>> updatedSegmentMap = new HashMap<>();
List<String> segmentList = new ArrayList<>();
updatedSegmentMap.put(table, segmentList);
loadMetaDetail.setExtraInfo(new Gson().toJson(updatedSegmentMap));
List<String> dataMapSegmentList = new ArrayList<>(dataMapTableSegmentList);
if (ifTableStatusUpdateRequired && mainTableSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
.toArray(new LoadMetadataDetails[listOfLoadFolderDetails.size()]));
return false;
} else if (mainTableSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!dataMapTableSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
List<String> invalidMainTableSegmentList = new ArrayList<>();
// validMainTableSegmentList holds segment list which needs to be loaded again
HashSet<String> validMainTableSegmentList = new HashSet<>();
// For dataMap segments which are not in main table segment list(if main table
// is compacted), iterate over those segments and get dataMap segments which needs to
// be marked for delete and main table segments which needs to be loaded again
for (String segmentId : dataMapTableSegmentList) {
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetaDetail : listOfLoadFolderDetails) {
if (loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.SUCCESS
|| loadMetaDetail.getSegmentStatus() == SegmentStatus.INSERT_IN_PROGRESS) {
Map<String, List<String>> segmentMaps =
List<String> segmentIds = segmentMaps.get(
relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT
+ relationIdentifier.getTableName());
if (segmentIds.contains(segmentId)) {
// remove invalid segment from validMainTableSegmentList if present
// Add all valid segments of main table which needs to be loaded again
segmentMapping.put(relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT
+ relationIdentifier.getTableName(), mainTableSegmentList);
} else {
segmentMapping.put(relationIdentifier.getDatabaseName() + CarbonCommonConstants.POINT
+ relationIdentifier.getTableName(), mainTableSegmentList);
// Remove invalid datamap segments
if (!invalidDataMapSegmentList.isEmpty()) {
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetadataDetail : listOfLoadFolderDetails) {
if (invalidDataMapSegmentList.contains(loadMetadataDetail.getLoadName())) {
return true;
* This method checks if dataMap table segment has to be reloaded again or not
private boolean checkIfSegmentsToBeReloaded(LoadMetadataDetails[] loadMetaDataDetails,
List<String> segmentIds, String segmentId) {
boolean isToBeLoadedAgain = true;
List<String> mergedSegments = new ArrayList<>();
for (LoadMetadataDetails loadMetadataDetail : loadMetaDataDetails) {
if (null != loadMetadataDetail.getMergedLoadName() && loadMetadataDetail.getMergedLoadName()
.equalsIgnoreCase(segmentId)) {
if (!mergedSegments.isEmpty() && segmentIds.containsAll(mergedSegments)) {
isToBeLoadedAgain = false;
return isToBeLoadedAgain;
* Provide the datamap catalog instance or null if this datamap not required to rewrite
* the query.
public DataMapCatalog createDataMapCatalog() {
return null;
public abstract DataMapFactory getDataMapFactory();
public abstract boolean supportRebuild();
public abstract boolean rebuildInternal(String newLoadName, Map<String, List<String>> segmentMap,
CarbonTable carbonTable);