blob: 0cc2727808358b5a424e580711635c7754eebef1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.carbondata.sql.commands
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.junit.Assert
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.impl.FileFactory
class TestCarbonShowCacheCommand extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {
// use new database
sql("drop database if exists cache_db cascade").collect()
sql("drop database if exists cache_empty_db cascade").collect()
sql("create database cache_db").collect()
sql("create database cache_empty_db").collect()
sql("use cache_db").collect()
| CREATE TABLE cache_db.cache_1
| (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int,
| workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, deptname String, projectcode int,
| projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance int,utilization int,
| salary int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
// bloom
sql("CREATE DATAMAP IF NOT EXISTS cache_1_bloom ON TABLE cache_db.cache_1 USING 'bloomfilter' " +
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE cache_1 ")
| CREATE TABLE cache_2
| (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int,
| workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, deptname String, projectcode int,
| projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance int,utilization int,
| salary int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE cache_db.cache_2 ")
sql("insert into table cache_2 select * from cache_1").collect()
| CREATE TABLE cache_3
| (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int,
| workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, deptname String, projectcode int,
| projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance int,utilization int,
| salary int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE cache_3 ")
// use default database
sql("use default").collect()
| CREATE TABLE cache_4
| (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int,
| workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, deptname String, projectcode int,
| projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance int,utilization int,
| salary int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("insert into table cache_4 select * from cache_db.cache_2").collect()
// standard partition table
| CREATE TABLE cache_5
| (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int,
| workgroupcategoryname String, deptname String, projectcode int,
| projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance int,utilization int,
| salary int)
| PARTITIONED BY (deptno int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
"insert into table cache_5 select empno,empname,designation,doj,workgroupcategory," +
"workgroupcategoryname,deptname,projectcode,projectjoindate,projectenddate,attendance," +
"utilization,salary,deptno from cache_4").collect()
// datamap
sql("create datamap cache_4_count on table cache_4 using 'preaggregate' as " +
"select workgroupcategoryname,count(empname) as count from cache_4 group by workgroupcategoryname")
// count star to cache index
sql("select max(deptname) from cache_db.cache_1").collect()
sql("SELECT deptno FROM cache_db.cache_1 where deptno=10").collect()
sql("select count(*) from cache_db.cache_2").collect()
sql("select count(*) from cache_4").collect()
sql("select count(*) from cache_5").collect()
sql("select workgroupcategoryname,count(empname) as count from cache_4 group by workgroupcategoryname").collect()
test("test drop cache invalidation in case of invalid segments"){
sql(s"CREATE TABLE empTable(empno int, empname String, designation String, " +
s"doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int, workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, " +
s"deptname String, projectcode int, projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp," +
s"attendance int, utilization int, salary int) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE empTable")
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE empTable")
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE empTable")
sql("select count(*) from empTable").show()
var showCache = sql("SHOW METACACHE on table empTable").collect()
assert(showCache(0).get(2).toString.equalsIgnoreCase("3/3 index files cached"))
sql("delete from table empTable where in(0)").show()
// check whether count(*) query invalidates the cache for the invalid segments
sql("select count(*) from empTable").show()
showCache = sql("SHOW METACACHE on table empTable").collect()
assert(showCache(0).get(2).toString.equalsIgnoreCase("2/2 index files cached"))
sql("delete from table empTable where in(1)").show()
// check whether select * query invalidates the cache for the invalid segments
sql("select * from empTable").show()
showCache = sql("SHOW METACACHE on table empTable").collect()
assert(showCache(0).get(2).toString.equalsIgnoreCase("1/1 index files cached"))
test("test external table show cache") {
sql(s"CREATE TABLE employeeTable(empno int, empname String, designation String, " +
s"doj Timestamp, workgroupcategory int, workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, " +
s"deptname String, projectcode int, projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp," +
s"attendance int, utilization int, salary int) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql(s"LOAD DATA INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE employeeTable")
val table = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("default"), "employeeTable")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val location = FileFactory
table.getTablePath + CarbonCommonConstants.FILE_SEPARATOR + "/Fact/Part0/Segment_0")
sql(s"CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE extTable stored as carbondata LOCATION '${location}'")
sql("select * from extTable").show()
val rows = sql("SHOW METACACHE ON TABLE extTable").collect()
var isPresent = false
rows.foreach(row => {
if (row.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("1/1 index files cached (external table)")){
isPresent = true
override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
sql("use default").collect()
private def dropTable = {
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_db.cache_1")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_db.cache_2")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cache_db.cache_3")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.cache_4")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.cache_5")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS empTable")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employeeTable")
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS extTable")
test("show cache") {
// Empty database
sql("use cache_empty_db").collect()
val result1 = sql("show metacache").collect()
assertResult(Row("cache_empty_db", "ALL", "0 B", "0 B", "0 B", "DRIVER"))(result1(1))
// Database with 3 tables but only 2 are in cache
sql("use cache_db").collect()
val result2 = sql("show metacache").collect()
// Make sure PreAgg tables are not in SHOW METADATA
sql("use default").collect()
val result3 = sql("show metacache").collect()
val dataMapCacheInfo = result3
.map(row => row.getString(1))
.filter(table => table.equals("cache_4_cache_4_count"))
test("show metacache on table") {
sql("use cache_db").collect()
// Table with Index, Dictionary & Bloom filter
val result1 = sql("show metacache on table cache_1").collect()
assertResult("1/1 index files cached")(result1(0).getString(2))
// Table with Index and Dictionary
val result2 = sql("show metacache on table cache_db.cache_2").collect()
assertResult("2/2 index files cached")(result2(0).getString(2))
assertResult("0 B")(result2(1).getString(1))
// Table not in cache
checkAnswer(sql("show metacache on table cache_db.cache_3"),
Seq(Row("Index", "0 B", "0/1 index files cached", "DRIVER"),
Row("Dictionary", "0 B", "", "DRIVER")))
// Table with Index, Dictionary & PreAgg child table
val result4 = sql("show metacache on table default.cache_4").collect()
assertResult("1/1 index files cached")(result4(0).getString(2))
assertResult("0 B")(result4(1).getString(1))
sql("use default").collect()
// Table with 5 index files
val result5 = sql("show metacache on table cache_5").collect()
assertResult("5/5 index files cached")(result5(0).getString(2))