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package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.alterTable
import org.apache.spark.sql.CarbonEnv
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedCarbonCommandException
* test class for validating alter table set properties with alter_column_meta_cache and
* cache_level properties
class TestAlterTableWithColumnMetCacheAndCacheLevelProperty extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
private def isExpectedValueValid(dbName: String,
tableName: String,
key: String,
expectedValue: String): Boolean = {
val carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Option(dbName), tableName)(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val value = carbonTable.getTableInfo.getFactTable.getTableProperties.get(key)
private def dropTable = {
sql("drop table if exists alter_column_meta_cache")
sql("drop table if exists cache_level")
override def beforeAll {
// drop table
// create table
sql("create table alter_column_meta_cache(c1 String, c2 String, c3 int, c4 double, c5 struct<imei:string, imsi:string>, c6 array<string>) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql("create table cache_level(c1 String) stored by 'carbondata'")
test("validate column_meta_cache with only empty spaces - alter_column_meta_cache_01") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'=' ')")
test("validate the property with characters in different cases - alter_column_meta_cache_02") {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('COLUMN_meta_CachE'='c2,c3')")
assert(isExpectedValueValid("default", "alter_column_meta_cache", "column_meta_cache", "c2,c3"))
test("validate column_meta_cache with intermediate empty string between columns - alter_column_meta_cache_03") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2, ,c3')")
test("validate column_meta_cache with combination of valid and invalid columns - alter_column_meta_cache_04") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2,c10')")
test("validate column_meta_cache for dimensions and measures - alter_column_meta_cache_05") {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c3,c2,c4')")
assert(isExpectedValueValid("default", "alter_column_meta_cache", "column_meta_cache", "c2,c3,c4"))
test("validate for duplicate column names - alter_column_meta_cache_06") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2,c2,c3')")
test("validate column_meta_cache for complex struct type - alter_column_meta_cache_07") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c5')")
test("validate column_meta_cache for complex array type - alter_column_meta_cache_08") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c5,c2')")
test("validate column_meta_cache with empty value - alter_column_meta_cache_09") {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='')")
assert(isExpectedValueValid("default", "alter_column_meta_cache", "column_meta_cache", ""))
test("validate describe formatted command to display column_meta_cache when column_meta_cache is set - alter_column_meta_cache_10") {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2')")
val descResult = sql("describe formatted alter_column_meta_cache")
checkExistence(descResult, true, "column_meta_cache")
test("validate unsetting of column_meta_cache when column_meta_cache is already set - alter_column_meta_cache_11") {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2,c3')")
var descResult = sql("describe formatted alter_column_meta_cache")
checkExistence(descResult, true, "Cached Min/Max Index Columns c2, c3")
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache UNSET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache')")
descResult = sql("describe formatted alter_column_meta_cache")
checkExistence(descResult, false, "Cached Min/Max Index Columns c2, c3")
test("validate unsetting of column_meta_cache when column_meta_cache is not already set - alter_column_meta_cache_12") {
var descResult = sql("describe formatted alter_column_meta_cache")
checkExistence(descResult, false, "c2, c3")
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache UNSET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache')")
descResult = sql("describe formatted alter_column_meta_cache")
checkExistence(descResult, false, "c2, c3")
test("validate cache_level with only empty spaces - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_01") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table cache_level SET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level'=' ')")
test("validate cache_level with invalid values - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_02") {
intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("Alter table cache_level SET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level'='xyz,abc')")
test("validate cache_level with property in different cases - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_03") {
sql("Alter table cache_level SET TBLPROPERTIES('CACHE_leveL'='BLOcK')")
assert(isExpectedValueValid("default", "cache_level", "cache_level", "BLOCK"))
test("validate cache_level with default value as Blocklet - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_04") {
sql("Alter table cache_level SET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level'='bloCKlet')")
assert(isExpectedValueValid("default", "cache_level", "cache_level", "BLOCKLET"))
test("validate describe formatted command to display cache_level when cache_level is set - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_05") {
sql("Alter table cache_level SET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level'='bloCKlet')")
val descResult = sql("describe formatted cache_level")
checkExistence(descResult, true, "Min/Max Index Cache Level")
test("validate describe formatted command to display cache_level when cache_level is not set - ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_06") {
sql("Alter table cache_level UNSET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level')")
val descResult = sql("describe formatted cache_level")
// even though not configured default cache level will be displayed as BLOCK
checkExistence(descResult, true, "Min/Max Index Cache Level")
test("validate column_meta_cache and cache_level on child dataMap- ALTER_CACHE_LEVEL_07") {
intercept [Exception] {
sql("CREATE DATAMAP agg1 ON TABLE alter_column_meta_cache USING 'preaggregate' DMPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2') AS SELECT c2,sum(c3) FROM alter_column_meta_cache GROUP BY c2")
intercept [Exception] {
sql("CREATE DATAMAP agg1 ON TABLE alter_column_meta_cache USING 'preaggregate' DMPROPERTIES('cache_level'='blocklet') AS SELECT c2,sum(c3) FROM alter_column_meta_cache GROUP BY c2")
// create datamap
sql("CREATE DATAMAP agg1 ON TABLE alter_column_meta_cache USING 'preaggregate' AS SELECT c2,sum(c3) FROM alter_column_meta_cache GROUP BY c2")
intercept [Exception] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache_agg1 SET TBLPROPERTIES('column_meta_cache'='c2')")
intercept [Exception] {
sql("Alter table alter_column_meta_cache_agg1 SET TBLPROPERTIES('cache_level'='BLOCKLET')")
override def afterAll: Unit = {
// drop table