blob: 26a68828e4ac8fd6f1a4b422c8b3519690260693 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.carbondata.cluster.sdv.generated
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.common.util._
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
* Test Class for AlterTableTestCase to verify all scenerios
class TableCommentAlterTableTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
//Check create table with table comment
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_01", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment""").collect
sql(s""" create table table_comment(id int, name string) comment "This is table comment" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "This is table comment")
//Check create table with comment as numeric/alphanumeric/special symbols
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_02", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_special""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_special(id int, name string) comment "3432432 @This $$$$ is table comment #$$%^&*@# 34234" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment_special")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "3432432 @This $$ is table comment #$%^&*@# 34234")
//Check create table with comment as blank
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_03", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_alphabets""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_alphabets(id int, name string) comment "" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
//Check create table with comment as high values
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_04", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_high""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_high(id int, name string) comment "This is table comment jgfhdsjgfhsjdgjfsdgfbcfgr763 23x4bt23n8z30bt20t49ct4cb3g93t53945ctbugebgec4c3trbcu4grehrvsgyabrgyuwarcnrwbrcwe rwergrburygwae rwaeuigrwawewrcargw7aer wr766tznzYQEqoie weqeqewqeqweqweqweewqeqwe" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment_high")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "This is table comment jgfhdsjgfhsjdgjfsdgfbcfgr763 23x4bt23n8z30bt20t49ct4cb3g93t53945ctbugebgec4c3trbcu4grehrvsgyabrgyuwarcnrwbrcwe rwergrburygwae rwaeuigrwawewrcargw7aer wr766tznzYQEqoie weqeqewqeqweqweqweewqeqwe")
//Check create table with comment in the table properties
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_05", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_asprop""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_asprop (imei string,num bigint,game double,date timestamp,Profit decimal(3,2)) STORED BY 'carbondata' TBLPROPERTIES('comment'='This is table comment..!!')""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, false, "This is table comment..!!")
//Check create table with comment after stored by clause
//This behavior is okay in Spark-2.3 but may fail with earlier spark versions.
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_06", Include) {
sql("create table table_comment_afterstoredby (id int, name string) STORED BY 'carbondata' comment 'This is table comment'")
//Check the comment by "describe formatted"
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_07", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment""").collect
sql(s""" create table table_comment(id int, name string) comment "This is table comment" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "This is table comment")
//Check SET Command by using alter command
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_08", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_set""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_set (id int, name string) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""alter table table_comment_set SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment'='This table comment is SET by alter table set')""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment_set")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "This table comment is SET by alter table set")
//Check UNSET Command by using alter command
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_09", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_unset""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_unset(id int, name string) comment "This is table comment" STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
val result1 = sql("describe formatted table_comment_unset")
checkExistence(result1, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result1, true, "This is table comment")
sql(s"""alter table table_comment_unset UNSET TBLPROPERTIES IF EXISTS ('comment')""").collect
val result2 = sql("describe formatted table_comment_unset")
checkExistence(result2, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result2, false, "This is table comment")
//Check RENAME by using alter command
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_10", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_comment_rename1""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_comment_rename1 (id int, name string) STORED BY 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""alter table table_comment_rename1 rename to table_comment_rename2""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_comment_rename2")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "table_comment")
//Check ADD Columns by using alter command
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_11", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_add_column """).collect
sql(s"""create table table_add_column (name string, country string, upd_time timestamp) stored by 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""alter table table_add_column add columns (id bigint)""").collect
val result = sql("describe table_add_column ")
checkExistence(result, true, "id")
checkExistence(result, true, "bigint")
//Check CHANGE DATA TYPE by using alter command
test("TableCommentAlterTable_001_12", Include) {
sql(s"""drop table if exists table_change_datatype""").collect
sql(s"""create table table_change_datatype (name string, id decimal(3,2),country string) stored by 'carbondata'""").collect
sql(s"""alter table table_change_datatype change id id decimal(10,4)""").collect
val result = sql("describe formatted table_change_datatype")
checkExistence(result, true, "Comment")
checkExistence(result, true, "decimal(10,4)")