blob: a94687bb00e3f61ff71e331d9cf75becbace487e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.carbondata.view.rewrite
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
class MVCoalesceTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
sql("create table coalesce_test_main(id int,name string,height int,weight int) " +
"using carbondata")
sql("insert into coalesce_test_main select 1,'tom',170,130")
sql("insert into coalesce_test_main select 2,'tom',170,120")
sql("insert into coalesce_test_main select 3,'lily',160,100")
def drop(): Unit = {
sql("drop table if exists coalesce_test_main")
test("test mv table with coalesce expression on sql not on mv and less groupby cols") {
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
sql("create materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv as " +
"select sum(id) as sum_id,name as myname,weight from coalesce_test_main group by name,weight")
sql("refresh materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv")
val frame = sql("select coalesce(sum(id),0) as sumid,name from coalesce_test_main group by name")
assert(TestUtil.verifyMVHit(frame.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "coalesce_test_main_mv"))
checkAnswer(frame, Seq(Row(3, "tom"), Row(3, "lily")))
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
test("test mv table with coalesce expression less groupby cols") {
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
val exception: Exception = intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv as " +
"select coalesce(sum(id),0) as sum_id,name as myname,weight from coalesce_test_main group by name,weight")
sql("refresh materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv")
assert("MV doesn't support Coalesce".equals(exception.getMessage))
val frame = sql("select coalesce(sum(id),0) as sumid,name from coalesce_test_main group by name")
assert(!TestUtil.verifyMVHit(frame.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "coalesce_test_main_mv"))
checkAnswer(frame, Seq(Row(3, "tom"), Row(3, "lily")))
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
test("test mv table with coalesce expression in other expression") {
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
sql("create materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv as " +
"select sum(coalesce(id,0)) as sum_id,name as myname,weight from coalesce_test_main group by name,weight")
sql("refresh materialized view coalesce_test_main_mv")
val frame = sql("select sum(coalesce(id,0)) as sumid,name from coalesce_test_main group by name")
assert(TestUtil.verifyMVHit(frame.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "coalesce_test_main_mv"))
checkAnswer(frame, Seq(Row(3, "tom"), Row(3, "lily")))
sql("drop materialized view if exists coalesce_test_main_mv")
override def afterAll(): Unit ={
object TestUtil {
def verifyMVHit(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan, mvName: String): Boolean = {
val tables = logicalPlan collect {
case l: LogicalRelation => l.catalogTable.get