blob: 67fa711ebaf316cc1d45e74a426973d5c9ad84ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.alterTable
import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonProperties
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.path.CarbonTablePath
import org.apache.carbondata.tool.CarbonCli
class TestAlterTableSortColumnsProperty extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
.addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.ENABLE_QUERY_STATISTICS, "false")
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
private def prepareTable(): Unit = {
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField"),
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField"),
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField", "range_column"->"smallIntField")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField")
Array("alter_sc_add_column", "alter_sc_add_column_base").foreach { tableName =>
s"""create table $tableName(
| smallIntField smallInt,
| intField int,
| bigIntField bigint,
| floatField float,
| doubleField double,
| timestampField timestamp,
| dateField date,
| stringField string
| )
| stored as carbondata
// decimalField decimal(25, 4),
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField")
createBloomIndex("alter_sc_bloom", "alter_sc_bloom_dm1")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"stringField")
createBloomIndex("alter_sc_bloom_base", "alter_sc_bloom_base_dm1")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"intField")
Map("sort_scope"->"local_sort", "sort_columns"->"intField")
private def dropTable(): Unit = {
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_base")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_base_complex")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_validate")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_iud")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_iud_complex")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_long_string")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_insert")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_insert_complex")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_range_column")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_range_column_base")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_add_column")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_add_column_base")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_bloom")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_bloom_base")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_agg")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_agg_base")
sql(s"drop table if exists alter_sc_cli")
private def createTable(
tableName: String,
tblProperties: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
withComplex: Boolean = false
): Unit = {
val complexSql =
if (withComplex) {
", arrayField array<string>, structField struct<col1:string, col2:string, col3:string>"
} else {
val tblPropertiesSql =
if (tblProperties.isEmpty) {
} else {
val propertiesString =
.map { entry =>
s"'${ entry._1 }'='${ entry._2 }'"
s"""create table $tableName(
| smallIntField smallInt,
| intField int,
| bigIntField bigint,
| floatField float,
| doubleField double,
| timestampField timestamp,
| dateField date,
| stringField string,
| varcharField varchar(10),
| charField char(10)
| $complexSql
| )
| stored as carbondata
| $tblPropertiesSql
// decimalField decimal(25, 4),
private def createBloomIndex(tableName: String, indexName: String): Unit = {
| CREATE INDEX $indexName
| ON TABLE $tableName (smallIntField,floatField,timestampField,dateField,stringField)
| AS 'bloomfilter'
| 'BLOOM_SIZE'='6400',
| 'BLOOM_FPP'='0.001',
private def loadData(tableNames: String*): Unit = {
tableNames.foreach { tableName =>
s"""load data local inpath '$resourcesPath/sort_columns'
| into table $tableName
| options ('global_sort_partitions'='2', 'COMPLEX_DELIMITER_LEVEL_1'='$$', 'COMPLEX_DELIMITER_LEVEL_2'=':')
private def insertData(insertTable: String, tableNames: String*): Unit = {
tableNames.foreach { tableName =>
s"""insert into table $tableName select * from $insertTable
test("validate sort_scope and sort_columns") {
// invalid combination
var ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_SCOPE as local_sort when table has no SORT_COLUMNS"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_SCOPE as global_sort when table has no SORT_COLUMNS"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_COLUMNS as empty when setting SORT_SCOPE as local_sort"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'=' ')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_COLUMNS as empty when setting SORT_SCOPE as global_sort"))
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='stringField', 'sort_scope'='local_sort')")
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'=' ')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_COLUMNS as empty when SORT_SCOPE is LOCAL_SORT"))
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort')")
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_COLUMNS as empty when SORT_SCOPE is GLOBAL_SORT"))
// wrong/duplicate sort_columns
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'=' stringField1 , intField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("stringField1 does not exist in table"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'=' stringField1 , intField, stringField1')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("SORT_COLUMNS Either contains duplicate columns : stringfield1 or it contains an illegal argument"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'=' stringField , intField, stringField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("SORT_COLUMNS Either contains duplicate columns : stringfield or it contains an illegal argument"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'=' stringField , intField, stringFIELD')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("SORT_COLUMNS Either contains duplicate columns : stringfield or it contains an illegal argument"))
// not supported data type
// ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
// sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='decimalField')")
// }
// assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns is unsupported for DECIMAL data type column: decimalField"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='doubleField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns is unsupported for DOUBLE datatype column: doubleField"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='arrayField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns is unsupported for ARRAY datatype column: arrayField"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='structField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns is unsupported for STRUCT datatype column: structField"))
ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_columns'='structField.col1')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns: structField.col1 does not exist in table"))
test("long string column") {
val ex = intercept[RuntimeException] {
sql("alter table alter_sc_long_string set tblproperties('sort_columns'='intField, stringField')")
assert(ex.getMessage.contains("sort_columns is unsupported for long string datatype column: stringField"))
test("describe formatted") {
// valid combination
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort', 'sort_columns'='')")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted alter_sc_validate"), true, "NO_SORT")
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort', 'sort_columns'='bigIntField,stringField')")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted alter_sc_validate"), true, "no_sort", "bigIntField, stringField".toLowerCase())
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='stringField,bigIntField')")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted alter_sc_validate"), true, "local_sort", "stringField, bigIntField".toLowerCase())
// global dictionary or direct dictionary
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'=' charField , bigIntField , timestampField ')")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted alter_sc_validate"), true, "global_sort", "charField, bigIntField, timestampField".toLowerCase())
// supported data type
sql("alter table alter_sc_validate set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, timestampField, dateField, stringField, varcharField, charField')")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted alter_sc_validate"), true, "local_sort", "smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, timestampField, dateField, stringField, varcharField, charField".toLowerCase())
test("IUD and Query") {
testIUDAndQuery("alter_sc_iud", "alter_sc_base", "alter_sc_insert")
test("IUD and Query with complex data type") {
testIUDAndQuery("alter_sc_iud_complex", "alter_sc_base_complex", "alter_sc_insert_complex")
private def testIUDAndQuery(tableName: String, baseTableName: String, insertTableName: String): Unit = {
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// alter table to change SORT_SCOPE and SORT_COLUMNS
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// alter table to local_sort with new SORT_COLUMNS
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='timestampField, intField, stringField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// alter table to revert SORT_COLUMNS
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_columns'='stringField, intField, timestampField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// alter table to change SORT_COLUMNS
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_columns'='intField, stringField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// alter table to change SORT_SCOPE
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField, smallIntField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// set input segments
(0 to 5).foreach { segment =>
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$tableName=$segment").collect()
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$baseTableName=$segment").collect()
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$tableName=*").collect()
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$baseTableName=*").collect()
// query
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
// delete
sql(s"delete from $tableName where smallIntField = 2")
sql(s"delete from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2")
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// compaction for column drift
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField, intField')")
// [Segment info]:
// | sorted | dimension order(sort_columns is in []) | measure order
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 | false | timestampField, dateField, stringField, varcharField, charField | smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// 1 | true | [charField], timestampField, dateField, stringField, varcharField | smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// 2 | false | [timestampField, intField, stringField], charField, dateField, varcharField | smallIntField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// 3 | false | [stringField, intField, timestampField], charField, dateField, varcharField | smallIntField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// 4 | false | [intField, stringField], timestampField, charField, dateField, varcharField | smallIntField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// 5 | true | [charField, smallIntField], intField, stringField, timestampField, dateField, varcharField | bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
// Column drift happened, intField and smallIntField became dimension.
// The order of columns also changed.
// [Table info]:
// | dimension order(sort_columns is in []) | measure order
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// table | [charField], smallIntField, intField, stringField, timestampField, dateField, varcharField | bigIntField, floatField, doubleField
sql(s"alter table $tableName compact 'minor'")
sql(s"alter table $baseTableName compact 'minor'")
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
sql(s"delete from $tableName")
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), Seq(Row(0)))
sql(s"delete from $baseTableName")
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"), Seq(Row(0)))
// insert & load data
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'='timestampField')")
insertData(insertTableName, tableName, baseTableName)
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort', 'sort_columns'='')")
insertData(insertTableName, tableName, baseTableName)
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField, bigIntField, smallIntField')")
insertData(insertTableName, tableName, baseTableName)
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// update
sql(s"update $tableName set (smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField) = (smallIntField + 3, intField + 3, bigIntField + 3, floatField + 3, doubleField + 3) where smallIntField = 2").collect()
sql(s"update $baseTableName set (smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField) = (smallIntField + 3, intField + 3, bigIntField + 3, floatField + 3, doubleField + 3) where smallIntField = 2").collect()
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
// query
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
// set input segments
(6 to 11).foreach { segment =>
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$tableName=$segment").collect()
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$baseTableName=$segment").collect()
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$tableName=*").collect()
sql(s"set carbon.input.segments.default.$baseTableName=*").collect()
// no_sort compaction flow for column drift
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField, intField')")
// sort_scope become no_sort
sql(s"alter table $tableName compact 'minor'")
sql(s"alter table $baseTableName compact 'minor'")
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 or intField >= 2 order by floatField"))
test("range column") {
val tableName = "alter_sc_range_column"
val baseTableName = "alter_sc_range_column_base"
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='smallIntField, charField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField"))
test("add/drop column for sort_columns") {
val tableName = "alter_sc_add_column"
val baseTableName = "alter_sc_add_column_base"
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='smallIntField, stringField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
// add column
sql(s"alter table $tableName add columns( varcharField varchar(10), charField char(10))")
sql(s"alter table $baseTableName add columns( varcharField varchar(10), charField char(10))")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"))
// add new column to sort_columns
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='smallIntField, charField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"))
// drop column of old sort_columns
sql(s"alter table $tableName drop columns(stringField)")
sql(s"alter table $baseTableName drop columns(stringField)")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select count(*) from $tableName"), sql(s"select count(*) from $baseTableName"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 order by floatField, charField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is null order by floatField"))
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 2 and charField is not null order by floatField"))
test("bloom filter") {
.addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.ENABLE_QUERY_STATISTICS, "true")
val tableName = "alter_sc_bloom"
val indexName = "alter_sc_bloom_dm1"
val baseTableName = "alter_sc_bloom_base"
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkExistence(sql(s"SHOW INDEXES ON TABLE $tableName"), true, "bloomfilter", indexName)
checkExistence(sql(s"EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE smallIntField = 3"), true, "bloomfilter", indexName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 3 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 3 order by floatField"))
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'='smallIntField, charField')")
loadData(tableName, baseTableName)
checkExistence(sql(s"EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM $tableName WHERE smallIntField = 3"), true, "bloomfilter", indexName)
checkAnswer(sql(s"select * from $tableName where smallIntField = 3 order by floatField"), sql(s"select * from $baseTableName where smallIntField = 3 order by floatField"))
test("carboncli -cmd sort_columns -p <segment folder>") {
val tableName = "alter_sc_cli"
// no_sort
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort', 'sort_columns'='charField, timestampField')")
// global_sort
sql(s"alter table $tableName set tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort', 'sort_columns'='intField, stringField')")
// local_sort
// update table to generate one more index in each segment
sql(s"update $tableName set (smallIntField, intField, bigIntField, floatField, doubleField) = (smallIntField + 3, intField + 3, bigIntField + 3, floatField + 3, doubleField + 3) where smallIntField = 2").collect()
val table = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Option("default"), tableName)(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val tablePath = table.getTablePath
(0 to 2).foreach { segmentId =>
val segmentPath = CarbonTablePath.getSegmentPath(tablePath, segmentId.toString)
val args: Array[String] = Array("-cmd", "sort_columns", "-p", segmentPath)
val out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val stream: PrintStream = new PrintStream(out), stream)
val output: String = new String(out.toByteArray)
if (segmentId == 2) {
assertResult(s"Input Folder: $segmentPath\nsorted by intfield,stringfield\n")(output)
} else {
assertResult(s"Input Folder: $segmentPath\nunsorted\n")(output)