blob: 0d5b645a62eeb9e0535bb61e95e6ab35fd582e63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row}
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.impl.FileFactory
* Test class for MV to verify partition scenarios
class TestPartitionWithMV extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
val testData = s"$resourcesPath/sample.csv"
override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
sql("drop database if exists partition_mv cascade")
sql("create database partition_mv")
sql("use partition_mv")
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
| CREATE TABLE maintable(id int, name string, city string) partitioned by (age int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$testData' into table maintable")
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
sql("drop database if exists partition_mv cascade")
sql("use default")
// Create mv table on partition with partition column in aggregation only.
test("test mv table creation on partition table with partition col as aggregation") {
sql("create datamap p1 on table par using 'mv' as select id, sum(city) from par group by id")
assert(!CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p1_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
// Create mv table on partition with partition column in projection and aggregation only.
test("test mv table creation on partition table with partition col as projection") {
sql("create datamap p2 on table par using 'mv' as select id, city, min(city) from par group by id,city ")
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p2_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
// Create mv table on partition with partition column as group by.
test("test mv table creation on partition table with partition col as group by") {
sql("create datamap p3 on table par using 'mv' as select id, city, max(city) from par group by id,city ")
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p3_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
// Create mv table on partition without partition column.
test("test mv table creation on partition table without partition column") {
sql("create datamap p4 on table par using 'mv' as select name, count(id) from par group by name ")
assert(!CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p4_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
sql("drop datamap if exists p4")
test("test data correction with insert overwrite") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert overwrite table partitionone values('v',2,2014,1,1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("v",2,2014,1,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("v",2014,2014,1,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day"), Seq(Row("v", 2014)))
val df1 = sql(s"select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
val analyzed1 = df1.queryExecution.analyzed
assert(TestUtil.verifyMVDataMap(analyzed1, "p1"))
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p1_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
test("test data correction with insert overwrite on different value") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert overwrite table partitionone values('v',2,2015,1,1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,1), Row("v",2,2015,1,1)))
val df1 = sql(s"select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
val analyzed1 = df1.queryExecution.analyzed
assert(TestUtil.verifyMVDataMap(analyzed1, "p1"))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,1), Row("v",2015,2015,1,1)))
test("test to check column ordering in parent and child table") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, month, year,day")
val parentTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "partitionone")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val childTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p1_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val parentPartitionColumns = parentTable.getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList
val childPartitionColumns = childTable.getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList
assert( {
case (a,b) =>
.substring(b.getColumnName.lastIndexOf("_") + 1, b.getColumnName.length))
test("test data after minor compaction on partition table with mv") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone compact 'minor'")
val showSegments = sql("show segments for table partitionone").collect().map{a=> (a.get(0), a.get(1))}
assert(showSegments.count(_._2 == "Success") == 1)
assert(showSegments.count(_._2 == "Compacted") == 4)
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "p1_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).isHivePartitionTable)
test("test data after major compaction on partition table with mv") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month,day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone compact 'major'")
val showSegments = sql("show segments for table partitionone").collect().map{a=> (a.get(0), a.get(1))}
assert(showSegments.count(_._2 == "Success") == 1)
assert(showSegments.count(_._2 == "Compacted") == 5)
test("test drop partition 1") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2)))
test("test drop partition 2") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2), Row("k",2,2015,2,3)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015,2,3)))
test("test drop partition directory") {
sql("drop table if exists droppartition")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists droppartition (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from droppartition group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into droppartition values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into droppartition values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("alter table droppartition drop partition(year=2015,month=2,day=3)")
sql("clean files for table droppartition")
val table = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Option("partition_mv"), "droppartition")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val dataMapTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Option("partition_mv"), "droppartition")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val dataMaptablePath = dataMapTable.getTablePath
val tablePath = table.getTablePath
val carbonFiles = FileFactory.getCarbonFile(tablePath).listFiles().filter{
file => file.getName.equalsIgnoreCase("year=2015")
val dataMapCarbonFiles = FileFactory.getCarbonFile(dataMaptablePath).listFiles().filter{
file => file.getName.equalsIgnoreCase("year=2015")
assert(dataMapCarbonFiles.length == 0)
assert(carbonFiles.length == 0)
test("test data with filter query") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select empname, sum(year) from partitionone where day=3 group by empname, year, month, day"), Seq(Row("k",2015)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015,2,3)))
test("test drop partition 3") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String,age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(day=1,month=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2), Row("k",2,2015, 2,3), Row("k",2,2015, 2,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015,2,3), Row("k",2015,2015,2,1)))
test("test drop partition 4") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2), Row("k",2,2015, 2,3), Row("k",2,2015, 2,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015, 2,3), Row("k",2015,2015, 2,1)))
test("test drop partition 5") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2), Row("k",2,2015, 2,3), Row("k",2,2015, 2,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015,2,3), Row("k",2015,2015,2,1)))
test("test drop partition 6") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,3)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2015,2,1)")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
checkAnswer(sql("select * from partitionone"), Seq(Row("k",2,2014,1,2), Row("k",2,2015, 2,3), Row("k",2,2015, 2,1)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from p1_table"), Seq(Row("k",2014,2014,1,2), Row("k",2015,2015,2,3), Row("k",2015,2015,2,1)))
test("test drop partition 7") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String,age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("drop datamap if exists p2")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year,sum(year),day from partitionone group by empname, year, day")
"create datamap p2 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, month,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, month")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("Cannot drop partition as one of the partition"))
test("test drop partition 8") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("drop datamap if exists p2")
sql("drop datamap if exists p3")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year,month,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year, month")
"create datamap p2 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, month, day, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, month, day")
"create datamap p3 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname,month,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, month")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("Cannot drop partition as one of the partition"))
test("test drop partition 9") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2014,1,2)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("Cannot drop partition as one of the partition"))
test("test drop partition 10") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, age int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
sql("drop datamap if exists p2")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
"create datamap p2 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year,sum(year),month,day from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,1)")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2,2014,1,2)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("Cannot drop partition as one of the partition"))
sql("drop datamap p1 on table partitionone")
sql("alter table partitionone drop partition(year=2014,month=1, day=1)")
test("test drop partition 11") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2014,1,1)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table p1_table drop partition(partitionone_year=1)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("Cannot drop partition directly on child table"))
test("test drop partition 12") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
sql("insert into partitionone values('k',2014,1,1)")
val exceptionMessage = intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table p1_table drop partition(year=2014)")
assert(exceptionMessage.contains("operation failed for partition_mv.p1_table: Not a partitioned table"))
test("test add partition on mv table") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
assert(intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table p1_table add partition(c=1)")
}.getMessage.equals("Cannot add partition directly on non partitioned table"))
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year from " +
assert(intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table p1_table add partition(partitionone_year=1)")
}.getMessage.equals("Cannot add partition directly on child tables"))
test("test if alter rename is blocked on partition table with mv") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, id int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
sql("drop datamap if exists p1")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitionone rename to p")
test("test dropping partition which has already been deleted") {
sql("drop table if exists partitiontable")
sql("create table partitiontable(id int,name string) partitioned by (email string) " +
"stored by 'carbondata' tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort')")
sql("insert into table partitiontable select 1,'huawei','abc'")
sql("create datamap ag1 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select count(email),id" +
" from partitiontable group by id")
sql("create datamap ag2 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select sum(email),name" +
" from partitiontable group by name")
sql("create datamap ag3 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select max(email),name" +
" from partitiontable group by name")
sql("create datamap ag4 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select min(email),name" +
" from partitiontable group by name")
sql("create datamap ag5 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select avg(email),name" +
" from partitiontable group by name")
sql("alter table partitiontable add partition (email='def')")
sql("insert into table partitiontable select 1,'huawei','def'")
sql("drop datamap ag1 on table partitiontable")
sql("drop datamap ag2 on table partitiontable")
sql("drop datamap ag3 on table partitiontable")
sql("drop datamap ag4 on table partitiontable")
sql("drop datamap ag5 on table partitiontable")
sql("alter table partitiontable drop partition(email='def')")
assert(intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table partitiontable drop partition(email='def')")
}.getMessage.contains("No partition is dropped. One partition spec 'Map(email -> def)' does not exist in table 'partitiontable' database 'partition_mv'"))
sql("drop table if exists partitiontable")
test("test mv table creation with count(*) on Partition table") {
sql("drop table if exists partitiontable")
sql("create table partitiontable(id int,name string) partitioned by (email string) " +
"stored by 'carbondata' tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort')")
sql("insert into table partitiontable select 1,'huawei','abc'")
sql("drop datamap if exists ag1")
sql("create datamap ag1 on table partitiontable using 'mv' as select count(*),id" +
" from partitiontable group by id")
sql("insert into table partitiontable select 1,'huawei','def'")
assert(sql("show datamap on table partitiontable").collect().head.get(0).toString.equalsIgnoreCase("ag1"))
sql("drop datamap ag1 on table partitiontable")
test("test blocking partitioning of mv table") {
sql("drop table if exists updatetime_8")
sql("create table updatetime_8" +
"(countryid smallint,hs_len smallint,minstartdate string,startdate string,newdate string,minnewdate string) partitioned by (imex smallint) stored by 'carbondata' tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort','sort_columns'='countryid,imex,hs_len,minstartdate,startdate,newdate,minnewdate','table_blocksize'='256')")
sql("drop datamap if exists ag")
sql("create datamap ag on table updatetime_8 using 'mv' dmproperties('partitioning'='false') as select imex,sum(hs_len) from updatetime_8 group by imex")
val carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"), "ag_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession)
sql("drop table if exists updatetime_8")
test("Test data updation after compaction on Partition with mv tables") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionallcompaction")
"create table partitionallcompaction(empno int,empname String,designation String," +
"workgroupcategory int,workgroupcategoryname String,deptno int,projectjoindate timestamp," +
"projectenddate date,attendance int,utilization int,salary int) partitioned by (deptname " +
"String,doj timestamp,projectcode int) stored by 'carbondata' tblproperties" +
"create datamap sensor_1 on table partitionallcompaction using 'mv' as select " +
"sum(salary),doj, deptname,projectcode from partitionallcompaction group by doj," +
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction PARTITION(deptname='Learning', doj, projectcode) OPTIONS
|('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"') """.stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction PARTITION(deptname='configManagement', doj, projectcode) OPTIONS
|('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction PARTITION(deptname='network', doj, projectcode) OPTIONS
|('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction PARTITION(deptname='protocol', doj, projectcode) OPTIONS
|('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
s"""LOAD DATA local inpath '$resourcesPath/data.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
|partitionallcompaction PARTITION(deptname='security', doj, projectcode) OPTIONS
|('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '"')""".stripMargin)
sql("ALTER TABLE partitionallcompaction COMPACT 'MINOR'").collect()
checkAnswer(sql("select count(empno) from partitionallcompaction where empno=14"),
sql("drop table if exists partitionallcompaction")
test("Test data updation in Aggregate query after compaction on Partitioned table with mv table") {
sql("drop table if exists updatetime_8")
sql("create table updatetime_8" +
"(countryid smallint,hs_len smallint,minstartdate string,startdate string,newdate string,minnewdate string) partitioned by (imex smallint) stored by 'carbondata' tblproperties('sort_scope'='global_sort','sort_columns'='countryid,imex,hs_len,minstartdate,startdate,newdate,minnewdate','table_blocksize'='256')")
sql("drop datamap if exists ag")
sql("create datamap ag on table updatetime_8 using 'mv' as select sum(hs_len), imex from updatetime_8 group by imex")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,20,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',23")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,20,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',24")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,20,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',23")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,21,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',24")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,21,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',24")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,21,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',24")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,21,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',25")
sql("insert into updatetime_8 select 21,21,'fbv','gbv','wvsw','vwr',25")
sql("alter table updatetime_8 compact 'minor'")
sql("alter table updatetime_8 compact 'minor'")
checkAnswer(sql("select sum(hs_len) from updatetime_8 group by imex"),Seq(Row(40),Row(42),Row(83)))
test("check partitioning for child tables with various combinations") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
| CREATE TABLE if not exists partitionone (empname String, id int)
| PARTITIONED BY (year int, month int,day int)
| STORED BY 'org.apache.carbondata.format'
"create datamap p7 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, day, sum(year), sum(day) from partitionone group by empname, year, day")
"create datamap p1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, sum(year) from partitionone group by empname")
"create datamap p2 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year")
"create datamap p3 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year, month, sum(year), sum(month) from partitionone group by empname, year, month")
"create datamap p4 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, year,month,day,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, year, month, day")
"create datamap p5 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, month,sum(year) from partitionone group by empname, month")
"create datamap p6 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select empname, month, day, sum(year), sum(month) from partitionone group by empname, month, day")
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"),"p2_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList.size() == 1)
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"),"p3_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList.size == 2)
assert(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some("partition_mv"),"p4_table")(sqlContext.sparkSession).getPartitionInfo.getColumnSchemaList.size == 3)
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
test("test partition at last column") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
sql("create table partitionone(a int,b int) partitioned by (c int) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql("insert into partitionone values(1,2,3)")
sql("drop datamap if exists dm1")
sql("create datamap dm1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select c,sum(b) from partitionone group by c")
checkAnswer(sql("select c,sum(b) from partitionone group by c"), Seq(Row(3,2)))
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
test("test partition on timeseries column") {
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
sql("create table partitionone(a int,b int) partitioned by (c timestamp,d timestamp) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql("insert into partitionone values(1,2,'2017-01-01 01:00:00','2018-01-01 01:00:00')")
sql("drop datamap if exists dm1")
sql("create datamap dm1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select timeseries(c,'day'),sum(b) from partitionone group by timeseries(c,'day')")
assert(sql("select timeseries(c,'day'),sum(b) from partitionone group by timeseries(c,'day')").count() == 1)
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")
sql("create table partitionone(a int,b timestamp) partitioned by (c timestamp) stored by 'carbondata'")
sql("insert into partitionone values(1,'2017-01-01 01:00:00','2018-01-01 01:00:00')")
sql("drop datamap if exists dm1")
sql("create datamap dm1 on table partitionone using 'mv' as select timeseries(b,'day'),c from partitionone group by timeseries(b,'day'),c")
assert(sql("select timeseries(b,'day'),c from partitionone group by timeseries(b,'day'),c").count() == 1)
sql("drop table if exists partitionone")