blob: 86dfea6f799d191a213586b928f3bb7c5a805230 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.carbondata.geo;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
* Spatial region function processing related classes
class GeometryOperation {
private static final GeometryFactory geoFactory = new GeometryFactory();
* Convert point object to polygon object in Geo
* @param polygon Area coordinates stored as a list
* @return JTS Polygon objects
public static Polygon getPolygonByPointList(List<Point2D.Double> polygon) {
int size = polygon.size();
if (size < 3) {
return null;
} else {
Coordinate[] rect = new Coordinate[size + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rect[i] = new Coordinate(polygon.get(i).x, polygon.get(i).y);
// making a closed polygon by keeping first point and last point same
rect[size] = new Coordinate(polygon.get(0).x, polygon.get(0).y);
return geoFactory.createPolygon(rect);
* Convert point object to polygon object in Geo
* @param polygon Area coordinates stored as a list
* @return JTS Polygon objects
public static Polygon getPolygonByDoubleList(List<double[]> polygon) {
int size = polygon.size();
if (size < 4) {
return null;
} else {
Coordinate[] rect = new Coordinate[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rect[i] = new Coordinate(polygon.get(i)[0], polygon.get(i)[1]);
return geoFactory.createPolygon(rect);
* Converting point objects to point objects in Geo
* @param pointB Point2D Point object
* @return JTS Point object
public static Point getPointByPoint2D(Point2D.Double pointB) {
Coordinate point = new Coordinate(pointB.x, pointB.y);
return geoFactory.createPoint(point);
* Apart a and B do not intersect, a and B are polygons
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param polygonB polygon
* @return true Polygons apart,false Polygons are inseparable
public static boolean disjoint(Geometry polygonA, List<Point2D.Double> polygonB) {
Polygon polyB = getPolygonByPointList(polygonB);
boolean result = polygonA.disjoint(polyB);
return result;
* A and B do not intersect each other, A is a polygon, B is a point
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param pointB point
* @return true Point away from polygon,false Points are inseparable from polygons
public static boolean disjoint(Geometry polygonA, Point2D.Double pointB) {
Point pointGeo = getPointByPoint2D(pointB);
boolean result = polygonA.disjoint(pointGeo);
return result;
* contains - A contains B Compare polygon a with polygon B
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param polygonB polygon
* @return 0 Polygon a contains polygon B (a = B or a > b),
* -1 Polygon a does not contain polygon B
public static boolean contains(Geometry polygonA, List<Point2D.Double> polygonB) {
Polygon polyB = getPolygonByPointList(polygonB);
return polygonA.contains(polyB);
* contains - A contains B Compare whether polygon a contains B
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param pointB point
* @return true Polygon a contains point B (B in a), false Polygon a does not contain point B
public static boolean contains(Geometry polygonA, Point2D.Double pointB) {
Point pointGeo = getPointByPoint2D(pointB);
boolean result = polygonA.contains(pointGeo);
return result;
* intersect - A intersects B Indicates that polygon a intersects polygon B
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param polygonB polygon
* @return true Polygon a intersects polygon B,false Polygon a does not intersect polygon B
public static boolean intersects(Geometry polygonA, List<Point2D.Double> polygonB) {
Polygon polyB = getPolygonByPointList(polygonB);
boolean result = polygonA.intersects(polyB);
return result;
* intersect - A intersects B Represents the intersection of polygon A and point B
* @param polygonA polygon
* @param pointB point
* @return true Polygon a intersects point B,false Polygon a does not intersect point B
public static boolean intersects(Geometry polygonA, Point2D.Double pointB) {
Point pointGeo = getPointByPoint2D(pointB);
boolean result = polygonA.intersects(pointGeo);
return result;
* Polygon region object
class QuadRect {
public Double left;
public Double top;
public Double right;
public Double bottom;
public Point2D.Double topLeft;
public Point2D.Double topRight;
public Point2D.Double bottomRight;
public Point2D.Double bottomLeft;
* build func
* @param topleft Left upper point
* @param bottomRight Right lower point
public QuadRect(Point2D.Double topleft, Point2D.Double bottomRight) {
this.left = topleft.x; = topleft.y;
this.right = bottomRight.x;
this.bottom = bottomRight.y;
this.topLeft = new Point2D.Double(this.left,;
this.topRight = new Point2D.Double(this.right,;
this.bottomRight = new Point2D.Double(this.right, this.bottom);
this.bottomLeft = new Point2D.Double(this.left, this.bottom);
* build func
* @param x Leftmost coordinates
* @param y Bottom coordinate
* @param x2 Rightmost coordinate
* @param y2 Top coordinate
public QuadRect(double x, double y, double x2, double y2) {
this.left = x;
this.bottom = y;
this.right = x2; = y2;
this.topLeft = new Point2D.Double(this.left,;
this.topRight = new Point2D.Double(this.right,;
this.bottomRight = new Point2D.Double(this.right, this.bottom);
this.bottomLeft = new Point2D.Double(this.left, this.bottom);
* The given area is outside the current node area
* @param polygonRect If the circumscribed rectangle of a given region is larger than
* the coordinate with the node, it means it is outside the whole region
* @return true The given area is outside the point,false The given area is within the point area
public boolean outsideBox(QuadRect polygonRect) {
return polygonRect.left < this.left || polygonRect.right > this.right || > || polygonRect.bottom < this.bottom;
* Get the polygon list of this area. The point is the rectangle of the inner center point of
* the grid area center point. If it is the smallest grid, it is the coordinate of the
* peripheral point
* @return List of vertices in rectangular area
public List<Point2D.Double> getPolygonPointList() {
List<Point2D.Double> polygon = new ArrayList<>();
return polygon;
* Get the coordinates of the center point of the area
* @return Center point coordinates
public Double[] getMidelePoint() {
double x = left + (right - left) / 2;
double y = bottom + (top - bottom) / 2;
return new Double [] {x, y};
* Get the center point of the grid
* @return This grid represents the center point of the area
public Point2D.Double getMiddlePoint() {
Double [] mPoint = getMidelePoint();
return new Point2D.Double(mPoint[0], mPoint[1]);
* Split a region into four regions, reduce the creation of objects, and directly return
* two coordinates of the region
* @return Returns the coordinates of nine points cut into four areas, in the order of top left,
* top middle, top right; middle left, middle right, bottom left, bottom middle, bottom right
public List<Point2D.Double> getSplitRect() {
Double [] mPoint = getMidelePoint();
// The four remaining points, plus the four points of the boundary, constitute four regions
// A region is divided into 4 sub regions by 9 points
double middleTopX = mPoint[0];
double middleTopY =;
Point2D.Double middleTop = new Point2D.Double(middleTopX, middleTopY);
double middleBottomX = mPoint[0];
double middleBottomY = this.bottom;
Point2D.Double middleBottom = new Point2D.Double(middleBottomX, middleBottomY);
double leftMiddleX = this.left;
double leftMiddleY = mPoint[1];
Point2D.Double leftMiddle = new Point2D.Double(leftMiddleX, leftMiddleY);
double rightMiddleX = this.right;
double rightMiddleY = mPoint[1];
Point2D.Double rightMiddle = new Point2D.Double(rightMiddleX, rightMiddleY);
Point2D.Double middle = new Point2D.Double(mPoint[0], mPoint[1]);
List<Point2D.Double> rectList = new ArrayList<>();
return rectList;
* Store grid data
class GridData {
public static final int STATUS_CONTAIN = 0; // contains sub nodes in the polygon.
public static final int STATUS_ALL = 1; // all children are in the polygon.
public static final int STATUS_DISJOIN = 2; // contains sub nodes in the polygon.
public long startRow; // Number of lines started
public long endRow; // Number of lines ended
public long startColumn; // Number of columns started
public long endColumn; // Number of columns ended
private long startHash; // Start hash
private long endHash; // End hash
private int maxDepth;
private int status = STATUS_DISJOIN; // Expressing separation
* Construct grid area and data
* @param rs startRow
* @param re endRow
* @param cs startColumn
* @param ce endColumn
* @param maxDepth Maximum recursion depth
public GridData(long rs, long re, long cs, long ce, int maxDepth) {
this.startRow = rs;
this.endRow = re;
this.startColumn = cs;
this.endColumn = ce;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
public void setGridData(GridData grid) {
this.startRow = grid.startRow;
this.endRow = grid.endRow;
this.startColumn = grid.startColumn;
this.endColumn = grid.endColumn;
this.maxDepth = grid.maxDepth;
this.startHash = grid.startHash;
this.endHash = grid.endHash;
this.status = grid.status;
* Construct the range of hashid, construct a start and end range
private void computeHashidRange() {
startHash = createHashID(startRow, startColumn);
endHash = createHashID(endRow - 1, endColumn - 1);
* Calculate the corresponding hashid value from the grid coordinates
* @param row Gridded row index
* @param column Gridded column index
* @return In practice, I and j are related to longitude and latitude,
* and finally the hash value of longitude and latitude data should be brought in
public long createHashID(long row, long column) {
long index = 0L;
for (int i = 0; i < maxDepth + 1; i++) {
long x = (row >> i) & 1; // take position i
long y = (column >> i) & 1;
index = index | (x << (2 * i + 1)) | (y << 2 * i);
return index;
* Set the state of the grid
* @param status The allowed input range is STATUS_CONTAIN STATUS_ALL
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
* Get grid status
* @return grid state
public int getStatus() {
return this.status;
* Get ID range of grid
* @return Start ID, end ID
public Long[] getHashIDRange() {
return new Long[] {startHash, endHash};
* Nodes of quad tree
class QuadNode {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
// The range Z order of region hashid represented by quadtree is a continuous range
private QuadRect rect;
// Grid data, actually representing hashid
private GridData grid;
// The depth of the current number defaults to 4 ^ n nodes per layer starting from 1
private int currentDepth;
// Maximum depth
private int maxDepth;
// Hashid range, 0 min, 1 Max
private QuadNode northWest = null;
private QuadNode northEast = null;
private QuadNode southWest = null;
private QuadNode southEast = null;
/* Quadrant division of a rectangular region::
TL(1) | TR(0)
BL(2) | BR(3)
public enum ChildEnum {
* build func
* @param rect region
* @param grid raster data
* @param currentDepth Current depth
* @param maxDepth Maximum depth
public QuadNode(QuadRect rect, GridData grid, int currentDepth, int maxDepth) {
this.rect = rect;
this.grid = grid;
this.currentDepth = currentDepth;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
* Insert a given polygon into a quadtree
* @param queryPolygon Given polygon area
public boolean insert(List<double[]> queryPolygon) {
Polygon polygonGeo = GeometryOperation.getPolygonByDoubleList(queryPolygon);
if (polygonGeo != null) {
// Insert polygon into area
// Before inserting, use the external rectangle to judge whether they are separated.
// If they are, they are separated from the rectangle. Otherwise, judge the rectangle
// The functions that enter the insert are inseparable. Judge first in the outer layer
Geometry rect = polygonGeo.getEnvelope();
List<Point2D.Double> polygon = this.rect.getPolygonPointList();
if (GeometryOperation.disjoint(rect, polygon)) {"quad tree disJoint with query polygon envelope return");
return false;
} else {
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(polygonGeo, polygon)) {"start to insert query polygon to tree");
insert(polygonGeo);"end to insert query polygon to tree");
return true;
} else {"polygon disJoint with query polygon return");
return false;
} else {"query polygon is null return");
return false;
* Insert a region into the point of a quadtree. All the regions that can
* be inserted are not disjoin regions. They must not be separated
* @param queryPolygon Area to be inserted
public void insert(Polygon queryPolygon) {
List<Point2D.Double> polygon = this.rect.getPolygonPointList();
Geometry queryRect = queryPolygon.getEnvelope();
if (isMaxDepth()) {
// If it is the final grid division, the center point of the grid area will be
// calculated to determine whether the center point is in the polygon
// If they are inseparable and not included, they must be intersected and in state.
// Intersecting indicates partial selection, or they may not be selected when they are
// the last node
Point2D.Double middlePoint = this.rect.getMiddlePoint();
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(queryPolygon, middlePoint)) {
// Select this area and fill in the data range
} else {
// If not, do nothing
} else {
if (GeometryOperation.contains(queryPolygon, polygon)) {
// If the point area is included in the area to be queried, the area is selected as a
// whole. After the area is selected as a whole, the data range needs to be filled in
} else {
// Set state to partially contain
// If it is less than the maximum depth, it will cut down and find its corresponding
// four child nodes directly
List<Point2D.Double> rectList = this.rect.getSplitRect();
// Judge the area and create children only when there is intersection. Otherwise, skip.
// Judge four quadrants respectively
List<Point2D.Double> topLeft = Arrays.asList(rectList.get(0), rectList.get(1),
rectList.get(4), rectList.get(3));
List<Point2D.Double> topRight = Arrays.asList(rectList.get(1), rectList.get(2),
rectList.get(5), rectList.get(4));
List<Point2D.Double> bottomLeft = Arrays.asList(rectList.get(3), rectList.get(4),
rectList.get(7), rectList.get(6));
List<Point2D.Double> bottomRight = Arrays.asList(rectList.get(4), rectList.get(5),
rectList.get(8), rectList.get(7));
long gridRowMiddle = this.grid.startRow + (this.grid.endRow - this.grid.startRow) / 2;
long gridColumnMiddle = this.grid.startColumn + (this.grid.endColumn -
this.grid.startColumn) / 2;
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(queryRect, topLeft) && !GeometryOperation
.disjoint(queryPolygon, topLeft)) {
// If they are not separated, select the upper left half of the mesh
GridData grid = new GridData(this.grid.startRow, gridRowMiddle, gridColumnMiddle,
this.grid.endColumn, this.maxDepth);
insertIntoChildren(ChildEnum.TOPLEFT, grid, topLeft, queryPolygon);
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(queryRect, topRight) && !GeometryOperation
.disjoint(queryPolygon, topRight)) {
// If not separated, select the upper right half of the mesh
GridData grid = new GridData(gridRowMiddle, this.grid.endRow, gridColumnMiddle,
this.grid.endColumn, this.maxDepth);
insertIntoChildren(ChildEnum.TOPRIGHT, grid, topRight, queryPolygon);
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(queryRect, bottomLeft) && !GeometryOperation
.disjoint(queryPolygon, bottomLeft)) {
// If they are not separated, select the lower left half of the mesh
GridData grid = new GridData(this.grid.startRow, gridRowMiddle, this.grid.startColumn,
gridColumnMiddle, this.maxDepth);
insertIntoChildren(ChildEnum.BOTTOMLEFT, grid, bottomLeft, queryPolygon);
if (!GeometryOperation.disjoint(queryRect, bottomRight) && !GeometryOperation
.disjoint(queryPolygon, bottomRight)) {
// If not, select the lower right half of the mesh
GridData grid = new GridData(gridRowMiddle, this.grid.endRow, this.grid.startColumn,
gridColumnMiddle, this.maxDepth);
insertIntoChildren(ChildEnum.BOTTOMRIGHT, grid, bottomRight, queryPolygon);
// When processing four children, it is necessary to judge whether all four children
// are selected. If selected, they will be merged
// When there is a non empty node and the node status is disjoin, all nodes except this
// node are null,need to refresh the node state to disjoin and set all its children to
// be empty
* Insert grid into tree child node
* @param childType Child node
* @param rectangle The area represented by the child's s node
private void insertIntoChildren(ChildEnum childType, GridData grid,
List<Point2D.Double> rectangle, Polygon queryPolygon) {
QuadRect rect = new QuadRect(rectangle.get(0), rectangle.get(2));
switch (childType) {
this.northWest = new QuadNode(rect, grid, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth);
this.northEast = new QuadNode(rect, grid, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth);
this.southWest = new QuadNode(rect, grid, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth);
this.southEast = new QuadNode(rect, grid, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth);
LOGGER.warn("child type not match");
* Merge child nodes
private void combineChild() {
if (checkChildCanCombine(this.northWest) && checkChildCanCombine(this.northEast) &&
checkChildCanCombine(this.southWest) && checkChildCanCombine(this.southEast)) {
// Can merge
this.northWest = null;
this.northEast = null;
this.southWest = null;
this.southEast = null;
* Determine whether the child node can be merged.
* When the child node is not empty and the grid data state of the
* child node is all inclusive, it can be merged
* @param child Child nodes in the tree
* @return true Can merge,false Can not merge
private boolean checkChildCanCombine(QuadNode child) {
return child != null && child.getGrid().getStatus() == GridData.STATUS_ALL;
* Determine whether the region can be set to disjoin state
private void checkAndSetDisJoin() {
// Flag allowed to be modified. It is not allowed to be modified by default
boolean canChange = false;
// If the status of a child node is status "disjoin, the child node can be left blank
if (this.northEast != null && this.northEast.getGrid().getStatus() == GridData.STATUS_DISJOIN) {
this.northEast = null;
canChange = true;
if (this.northWest != null && this.northWest.getGrid().getStatus() == GridData.STATUS_DISJOIN) {
this.northWest = null;
canChange = true;
if (this.southWest != null && this.southWest.getGrid().getStatus() == GridData.STATUS_DISJOIN) {
this.southWest = null;
canChange = true;
if (this.southEast != null && this.southEast.getGrid().getStatus() == GridData.STATUS_DISJOIN) {
this.southEast = null;
canChange = true;
if (canChange) {
if (childrenIsNull()) {
* Get the area of the node
* @return rect
public QuadRect getRect() {
return rect;
public GridData getGrid() {
return grid;
* Determine whether the leaf node has been reached
* @return true Already achieved,false not achieved
protected boolean isMaxDepth() {
return currentDepth > maxDepth;
* Judge whether the child node is empty
* @return true Child node is empty, false Child node is not empty
public boolean childrenIsNull() {
return this.northWest == null && this.northEast == null && this.southWest == null
&& this.southEast == null;
* Clean up the nodes of the tree
public void clean() {
rect = null;
grid = null;
if (northWest != null) northWest.clean();
if (northEast != null) northEast.clean();
if (southWest != null) southWest.clean();
if (southEast != null) southEast.clean();
* Get the child node of a tree node
* @param childType Enumeration value of child node
* @return Tree object
public QuadNode getChildren(ChildEnum childType) {
switch (childType) {
return this.northWest;
return this.northEast;
return this.southEast;
return this.southWest;
return null;
* Get the status of the current node
public int getNodeStatus() {
return grid.getStatus();
* Quad tree object
public class QuadTreeCls {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
private QuadNode root;
* Create the root node, which contains the entire grid area
* @param depth Depth of tree
* @param left Lower left point of coordinate
* @param down Lower left point of coordinate
* @param width Width of area
* @param height Height of area
public QuadTreeCls(double left, double down, double width, double height, int depth) {
QuadRect rect = new QuadRect(left, down, width, height);
// Maximum column length based on depth
int maxColumn = (int) Math.pow(2, depth);
// write row,column data to grid use it to build hash id
GridData grid = new GridData(0, maxColumn, 0, maxColumn, depth);
root = new QuadNode(rect, grid, 1, depth);"build quad tree successfully, the max column is " + maxColumn);
* Given the cutting depth, the region range of quadtree, and the query region, build a quadtree
* @param vertexes List of polygons given at query time
public boolean insert(List<double[]> vertexes) {
if (4 > vertexes.size()) {
throw new RuntimeException("polygon at least need 4 points, first and last is same.");
if (!isPointsSame(vertexes.get(0), vertexes.get(vertexes.size() - 1))) {
throw new RuntimeException("please make first point the same as last point");
} else {
// If the initial area is larger than the root node, exit directly
QuadRect outerRectangle = getOuterRectangle(vertexes.subList(0, vertexes.size() - 1));
if (this.root.getRect().outsideBox(outerRectangle)) {
LOGGER.warn("the query outer rect is bigger than the root node return");
return false;
return root.insert(vertexes);
* Obtain the range of all nodes of tree species
* @return Scope List
public List<Long[]> getNodesData() {
List<Long[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
getNodeGridRange(root, result);
combineRange(result);"after query the range size is " + result.size());
return result;
* Get the data range of a node
* @param node node
* @param result Return value
public void getNodeGridRange(QuadNode node, List<Long[]> result) {
if (node.getNodeStatus() == GridData.STATUS_ALL) {
Long[] range = node.getGrid().getHashIDRange();
} else {
// The order of addition is, bottom left, top left, top right, bottom right
getSubChildGridRange(node, QuadNode.ChildEnum.BOTTOMLEFT, result);
getSubChildGridRange(node, QuadNode.ChildEnum.TOPLEFT, result);
getSubChildGridRange(node, QuadNode.ChildEnum.TOPRIGHT, result);
getSubChildGridRange(node, QuadNode.ChildEnum.BOTTOMRIGHT, result);
* Get the range of a node's child nodes
* @param node tree node
* @param childType Child node type
* @param result return value
public void getSubChildGridRange(QuadNode node, QuadNode.ChildEnum childType,
List<Long[]> result) {
QuadNode child = node.getChildren(childType);
if (child != null) {
getNodeGridRange(child, result);
* Sorting and merging area results
* @param rangeList Region list
public void sortRange(List<Long[]> rangeList) {
// When sorting, you only need to sort the first node of long [],
// because you can ensure that the interval is not repeated
rangeList.sort(new Comparator<Long[]>() {
public int compare(Long[] x, Long[] y) {
return[0], y[0]);
* If the ordered data is merged, the number of data segments after merging may be reduced.
* @param rangeList Area list, sorted
public void combineRange(List<Long[]> rangeList) {
if (rangeList.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0, j = i + 1; i < rangeList.size() - 1; i++, j++) {
long previousEnd = rangeList.get(i)[1];
long nextStart = rangeList.get(j)[0];
if (previousEnd + 1 == nextStart) {
rangeList.get(j)[0] = rangeList.get(i)[0];
rangeList.get(i)[0] = null;
rangeList.get(i)[1] = null;
rangeList.removeIf(item -> item[0] == null && item[1] == null);
* Get the circumscribed rectangle of a polygon
* @param polygon polygon
* @return Rectangular area
private QuadRect getOuterRectangle(List<double[]> polygon) {
double left = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double top = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double right = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double bottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (double[] point : polygon) {
if (point[0] < left) {
left = point[0];
if (point[0] > right) {
right = point[0];
if (point[1] < bottom) {
bottom = point[1];
if (point[1] > top) {
top = point[1];
Point2D.Double topLeft = new Point2D.Double(left, top);
Point2D.Double bottomRight = new Point2D.Double(right, bottom);
return new QuadRect(topLeft, bottomRight);
public QuadNode getRoot() {
return root;
public void clean() {
if (root != null) {
root = null;
* check the 2 point is same.
* because the queryList has been checked so no need to check x and y
* @param x a double[] has 2 data
* @param y a double[] has 2 data
* @return true 2 point is same, false 2 point is not same
private boolean isPointsSame(double[] x, double[] y) {
return Double.toString(x[0]).equals(Double.toString(y[0]))
&& Double.toString(x[1]).equals(Double.toString(y[1]));