blob: 9d7e2f13f9656fe2e69bfdf40e3ce55e1af72c46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.impl;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.FileReader;
public class FileReaderImpl implements FileReader {
* cache to hold filename and its stream
private Map<String, FileChannel> fileNameAndStreamCache;
private boolean readPageByPage;
* FileReaderImpl Constructor
* It will create the cache
public FileReaderImpl() {
this.fileNameAndStreamCache =
new HashMap<String, FileChannel>(CarbonCommonConstants.DEFAULT_COLLECTION_SIZE);
public FileReaderImpl(int capacity) {
this.fileNameAndStreamCache = new HashMap<String, FileChannel>(capacity);
* This method will be used to read the byte array from file based on offset
* and length(number of bytes) need to read
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @param offset reading start position,
* @param length number of bytes to be read
* @return read byte array
public byte[] readByteArray(String filePath, long offset, int length)
throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, length, offset);
return byteBuffer.array();
* This method will be used to close all the streams currently present in the cache
public void finish() throws IOException {
for (Entry<String, FileChannel> entry : fileNameAndStreamCache.entrySet()) {
FileChannel channel = entry.getValue();
if (null != channel) {
* This method will be used to read int from file from position(offset), here
* length will be always 4 because int byte size if 4
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @param offset reading start position,
* @return read int
public int readInt(String filePath, long offset) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, CarbonCommonConstants.INT_SIZE_IN_BYTE, offset);
return byteBuffer.getInt();
* This method will be used to read int from file from position(offset), here
* length will be always 4 because int byte size if 4
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @return read int
public int readInt(String filePath) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, CarbonCommonConstants.INT_SIZE_IN_BYTE);
return byteBuffer.getInt();
* This method will be used to read int from file from position(offset), here
* length will be always 4 because int byte size if 4
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @param offset reading start position,
* @return read int
public long readDouble(String filePath, long offset) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, CarbonCommonConstants.LONG_SIZE_IN_BYTE, offset);
return byteBuffer.getLong();
* This method will be used to check whether stream is already present in
* cache or not for filepath if not present then create it and then add to
* cache, other wise get from cache
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @return channel
private FileChannel updateCache(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
FileChannel fileChannel = fileNameAndStreamCache.get(filePath);
if (null == fileChannel) {
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filePath);
fileChannel = stream.getChannel();
fileNameAndStreamCache.put(filePath, fileChannel);
return fileChannel;
* This method will be used to read from file based on number of bytes to be read and position
* @param channel file channel
* @param size number of bytes
* @param offset position
* @return byte buffer
private ByteBuffer read(FileChannel channel, int size, long offset) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);
return byteBuffer;
* This method will be used to read from file based on number of bytes to be read and position
* @param channel file channel
* @param size number of bytes
* @return byte buffer
private ByteBuffer read(FileChannel channel, int size) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);;
return byteBuffer;
* This method will be used to read the byte array from file based on length(number of bytes)
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @param length number of bytes to be read
* @return read byte array
public byte[] readByteArray(String filePath, int length) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, length);
return byteBuffer.array();
* This method will be used to read long from file from position(offset), here
* length will be always 8 because int byte size is 8
* @param filePath fully qualified file path
* @param offset reading start position,
* @return read long
public long readLong(String filePath, long offset) throws IOException {
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = read(fileChannel, CarbonCommonConstants.LONG_SIZE_IN_BYTE, offset);
return byteBuffer.getLong();
public ByteBuffer readByteBuffer(String filePath, long offset, int length)
throws IOException {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
FileChannel fileChannel = updateCache(filePath);
return byteBuffer;
public void setReadPageByPage(boolean isReadPageByPage) {
this.readPageByPage = isReadPageByPage;
public boolean isReadPageByPage() {
return readPageByPage;