blob: e63757d23bd4f436d55b41ed8871ba25646baaaa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.BitSet;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.ColumnType;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.chunk.DimensionColumnPage;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.datatype.DataType;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.datatype.DataTypes;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.scan.result.vector.CarbonColumnVector;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.scan.result.vector.CarbonDictionary;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.scan.result.vector.ColumnVectorInfo;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.ByteUtil;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonUtil;
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.DataTypeUtil;
public class ColumnPageWrapper implements DimensionColumnPage {
private ColumnPage columnPage;
private CarbonDictionary localDictionary;
private boolean isAdaptivePrimitivePage;
private int[] invertedIndex;
private int[] invertedReverseIndex;
private boolean isExplicitSorted;
public ColumnPageWrapper(ColumnPage columnPage, CarbonDictionary localDictionary,
int[] invertedIndex, int[] invertedReverseIndex, boolean isAdaptivePrimitivePage,
boolean isExplicitSorted) {
this.columnPage = columnPage;
this.localDictionary = localDictionary;
this.invertedIndex = invertedIndex;
this.invertedReverseIndex = invertedReverseIndex;
this.isAdaptivePrimitivePage = isAdaptivePrimitivePage;
this.isExplicitSorted = isExplicitSorted;
public int fillRawData(int rowId, int offset, byte[] data) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("internal error");
public int fillSurrogateKey(int rowId, int chunkIndex, int[] outputSurrogateKey) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("internal error");
public int fillVector(ColumnVectorInfo[] vectorInfo, int chunkIndex) {
ColumnVectorInfo columnVectorInfo = vectorInfo[chunkIndex];
CarbonColumnVector vector = columnVectorInfo.vector;
int offset = columnVectorInfo.offset;
int vectorOffset = columnVectorInfo.vectorOffset;
int len = offset + columnVectorInfo.size;
for (int i = offset; i < len; i++) {
fillRow(i, vector, vectorOffset++);
return chunkIndex + 1;
public int fillVector(int[] filteredRowId, ColumnVectorInfo[] vectorInfo, int chunkIndex) {
ColumnVectorInfo columnVectorInfo = vectorInfo[chunkIndex];
CarbonColumnVector vector = columnVectorInfo.vector;
int offset = columnVectorInfo.offset;
int vectorOffset = columnVectorInfo.vectorOffset;
int len = offset + columnVectorInfo.size;
for (int i = offset; i < len; i++) {
fillRow(filteredRowId[i], vector, vectorOffset++);
return chunkIndex + 1;
public byte[] getChunkData(int rowId) {
byte[] nullBitSet = getNullBitSet(rowId, columnPage.getColumnSpec().getColumnType());
if (nullBitSet != null) {
// if this row is null, return default null represent in byte array
return nullBitSet;
} else {
if (isExplicitSorted()) {
rowId = getInvertedReverseIndex(rowId);
return getChunkDataInBytes(rowId);
private byte[] getChunkDataInBytes(int rowId) {
ColumnType columnType = columnPage.getColumnSpec().getColumnType();
DataType srcDataType = columnPage.getColumnSpec().getSchemaDataType();
DataType targetDataType = columnPage.getDataType();
if (null != localDictionary) {
return localDictionary
.getDictionaryValue(CarbonUtil.getSurrogateInternal(columnPage.getBytes(rowId), 0, 3));
} else if ((columnType == ColumnType.COMPLEX_PRIMITIVE && isAdaptiveEncoded()) || (
columnType == ColumnType.PLAIN_VALUE && DataTypeUtil.isPrimitiveColumn(srcDataType))) {
if (srcDataType == DataTypes.FLOAT) {
float floatData = columnPage.getFloat(rowId);
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(floatData);
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.DOUBLE) {
double doubleData = columnPage.getDouble(rowId);
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(doubleData);
} else if (DataTypes.isDecimal(srcDataType)) {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type: " + srcDataType);
} else if ((srcDataType == DataTypes.BYTE) || (srcDataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN) || (
srcDataType == DataTypes.SHORT) || (srcDataType == DataTypes.SHORT_INT) || (srcDataType
== DataTypes.INT) || (srcDataType == DataTypes.LONG) || (srcDataType
== DataTypes.TIMESTAMP)) {
long longData = columnPage.getLong(rowId);
if ((srcDataType == DataTypes.BYTE)) {
byte out = (byte) longData;
return new byte[] { out };
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN) {
byte out = (byte) longData;
return ByteUtil.toBytes(ByteUtil.toBoolean(out));
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.SHORT) {
short out = (short) longData;
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(out);
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.SHORT_INT) {
int out = (int) longData;
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(out);
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.INT) {
int out = (int) longData;
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(out);
} else {
// timestamp and long
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(longData);
} else if ((targetDataType == DataTypes.STRING) || (targetDataType == DataTypes.VARCHAR) || (
targetDataType == DataTypes.BYTE_ARRAY)) {
return columnPage.getBytes(rowId);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type: " + targetDataType);
} else if ((columnType == ColumnType.COMPLEX_PRIMITIVE && !isAdaptiveEncoded())) {
if ((srcDataType == DataTypes.BYTE) || (srcDataType == DataTypes.BOOLEAN)) {
byte[] out = new byte[1];
out[0] = (columnPage.getByte(rowId));
return ByteUtil.toBytes(ByteUtil.toBoolean(out));
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.BYTE_ARRAY) {
return columnPage.getBytes(rowId);
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.DOUBLE) {
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(columnPage.getDouble(rowId));
} else if (srcDataType == DataTypes.FLOAT) {
return ByteUtil.toXorBytes(columnPage.getFloat(rowId));
} else if (srcDataType == targetDataType) {
return columnPage.getBytes(rowId);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type: " + targetDataType);
} else {
return columnPage.getBytes(rowId);
private byte[] getNullBitSet(int rowId, ColumnType columnType) {
if (columnPage.getNullBits().get(rowId) && columnType == ColumnType.COMPLEX_PRIMITIVE) {
// if this row is null, return default null represent in byte array
return CarbonCommonConstants.MEMBER_DEFAULT_VAL_ARRAY;
if (columnPage.getNullBits().get(rowId)) {
// if this row is null, return default null represent in byte array
return CarbonCommonConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
return null;
* Fill the data to the vector
* @param rowId
* @param vector
* @param vectorRow
private void fillRow(int rowId, CarbonColumnVector vector, int vectorRow) {
if (columnPage.getNullBits().get(rowId)) {
} else {
if (isExplicitSorted) {
rowId = invertedReverseIndex[rowId];
DataType dt = vector.getType();
long longData = columnPage.getLong(rowId);
if (dt == DataTypes.BOOLEAN) {
vector.putBoolean(vectorRow, ByteUtil.toBoolean((byte) longData));
} else if (dt == DataTypes.BYTE) {
vector.putByte(vectorRow, (byte) longData);
} else if (dt == DataTypes.SHORT) {
vector.putShort(vectorRow, (short) longData);
} else if (dt == DataTypes.INT) {
vector.putInt(vectorRow, (int) longData);
} else if (dt == DataTypes.LONG) {
// retrieving the data after change in data type restructure operation
if (vector.getBlockDataType() == DataTypes.INT) {
vector.putLong(vectorRow, (int) longData);
} else if (vector.getBlockDataType() == DataTypes.LONG) {
vector.putLong(vectorRow, longData);
} else if (dt == DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) {
vector.putLong(vectorRow, longData * 1000L);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type: " + dt);
public int getInvertedIndex(int rowId) {
return invertedIndex[rowId];
public int getInvertedReverseIndex(int rowId) {
return invertedReverseIndex[rowId];
public boolean isNoDictionaryColumn() {
return true;
public boolean isExplicitSorted() {
return isExplicitSorted;
public int compareTo(int rowId, byte[] compareValue) {
// rowId is the inverted index, but the null bitset is based on actual data
int nullBitSetRowId = rowId;
if (isExplicitSorted()) {
nullBitSetRowId = getInvertedIndex(rowId);
byte[] nullBitSet = getNullBitSet(nullBitSetRowId, columnPage.getColumnSpec().getColumnType());
if (nullBitSet != null
&& ByteUtil.UnsafeComparer.INSTANCE.compareTo(nullBitSet, compareValue) == 0) {
// check if the compare value is a null value
// if the compare value is null and the data is also null we can directly return 0
return 0;
} else {
byte[] chunkData;
if (nullBitSet != null && nullBitSet.length == 0) {
chunkData = nullBitSet;
} else {
chunkData = this.getChunkDataInBytes(rowId);
return ByteUtil.UnsafeComparer.INSTANCE.compareTo(chunkData, compareValue);
public void freeMemory() {
if (null != columnPage) {
columnPage = null;
public boolean isAdaptiveEncoded() {
return isAdaptivePrimitivePage;
public BitSet getNullBits() {
return columnPage.getNullBits();