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<h4 class="title"> What is CarbonData
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<p class="para-txt">
Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar data
format for fast analytics on big data platform, e.g. Apache
Hadoop, Apache Spark, etc.
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target="_blank">Apache CarbonData 2.3.0</a>
<span class="release-date">Mar 2022</span>
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class="whatsnew" target="_blank">what's new</a>
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target="_blank">Apache CarbonData 2.2.0</a>
<span class="release-date">Aug 2021</span>
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target="_blank">Apache CarbonData 2.1.1</a>
<span class="release-date">May 2021</span>
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<span class="release-date">Jun 2020</span>
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<h4 class="title">Getting Started
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<p class="title-info">Getting started with CarbonData is easy. All you need
to do is:</p>
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<li>Follow the <a href="quick-start-guide.html">Quick Start</a>.
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<a href="" target="_blank">Case
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Analysis with CarbonData</a>
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Check out for <a href="" target="_blank">more blog</a> posts.
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<h4 class="title"> Why CarbonData
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<i class="icon uniquedata"></i>
<h4 class="title">Unique Data Organization</h4>
<p class="title-info">Stores data in Columnar format, with each Data
Block(row group) sorted independent of the other to allow faster
filtering and better compression.</p>
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<i class="icon multilevelindexing"></i>
<h4 class="title">Multi Level Indexing</h4>
<p class="title-info">Utilizes multiple indices at various levels to enable
faster search and speeding up query processing.</p>
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<i class="icon deepsparkintegration"></i>
<h4 class="title">Seamless Integration with Big Data Eco-System</h4>
<p class="title-info">Deep Spark Integration with DataFrame & SQL compliance.</p>
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<i class="icon advancedpushdownoptimization"></i>
<h4 class="title">Advanced Push Down Optimization</h4>
<p class="title-info">Pushes much of query processing close to the data to
minimize the amount of data being read, processed, converted,
transmitted and shuffled.</p>
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<i class="icon dictionaryencoding"></i>
<h4 class="title"> Dictionary Encoding</h4>
<p class="title-info">Encoded data for reduced storage space & faster
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<i class="icon updatedeletesupport"></i>
<h4 class="title">Update & Delete Support</h4>
<p class="title-info">Support update and delete over BigData.</p>
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provides support for the Apache Community of open-source software projects,
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<p class="title-info"> Apache CarbonData is available under
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