blob: 886b912941bfe20acdcdcb566807afb9b4775726 [file] [log] [blame]
# Spring Cloud and ServiceCall EIP Example
This example show how to use Camel with Service Registry, spring-cloud and consul.
This example includes two maven modules:
- service that exposes a number of services
- consumer that consumes services
## Configuration
The consumer is configured in the src/main/resources/
## Build
You can build this example using
mvn compile
## Run the example
Using multiple shells:
- start consul:
docker run --rm -ti --publish 8500:8500 \
consul:1.5.1 \
agent \
-dev \
-server \
-ui \
-bootstrap \
-datacenter camel \
-client \
-log-level trace
- start the service:
$ cd service
$ mvn spring-boot:run
- start the consumer
$ cd consumer
$ mvn spring-boot:run
## Test the example:
In a new shell:
$ curl localhost:8080/camel/serviceCall
Hi!, I'm service-1 on path: /path/to/service/1
$ curl localhost:8080/camel/serviceCall
Hi!, I'm service-1 on path: /path/to/service/2
## Web console
You can open the Consul web console
Where you can find information about the services and its state.
## More information
You can find more information about Apache Camel at the website: