blob: 12fc23c76e096e6ba96894a267eb48eeb744e21f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
public interface ManagedStreamCachingStrategyMBean extends ManagedServiceMBean {
* Used for selecting if the memory limit is <tt>committed</tt> or <tt>maximum</tt> heap memory setting.
enum SpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimit {
Committed, Max
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether stream caching is enabled")
boolean isEnabled();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Directory used when overflow and spooling to disk")
String getSpoolDirectory();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Cipher used if writing with encryption")
String getSpoolCipher();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Threshold in bytes when overflow and spooling to disk instead of keeping in memory")
void setSpoolThreshold(long threshold);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Threshold in bytes when overflow and spooling to disk instead of keeping in memory")
long getSpoolThreshold();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Percentage (1-99) of used heap memory threshold to activate spooling to disk")
void setSpoolUsedHeapMemoryThreshold(int percentage);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Percentage (1-99) of used heap memory threshold to activate spooling to disk")
int getSpoolUsedHeapMemoryThreshold();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether used heap memory limit is committed or maximum")
void setSpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimit(SpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimit limit);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether used heap memory limit is committed or maximum")
SpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimit getSpoolUsedHeapMemoryLimit();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Buffer size in bytes to use when coping between buffers")
void setBufferSize(int bufferSize);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Buffer size in bytes to use when coping between buffers")
int getBufferSize();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to remove spool directory when stopping")
void setRemoveSpoolDirectoryWhenStopping(boolean remove);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether to remove spool directory when stopping")
boolean isRemoveSpoolDirectoryWhenStopping();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether any or all spool rules determines whether to spool")
void setAnySpoolRules(boolean any);
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether any or all spool rules determines whether to spool")
boolean isAnySpoolRules();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Number of in-memory StreamCache created")
long getCacheMemoryCounter();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Total accumulated number of bytes which has been stream cached for in-memory StreamCache")
long getCacheMemorySize();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Average number of bytes per cached stream for in-memory stream caches.")
long getCacheMemoryAverageSize();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Number of spooled (not in-memory) StreamCache created")
long getCacheSpoolCounter();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Total accumulated number of bytes which has been stream cached for spooled StreamCache")
long getCacheSpoolSize();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Average number of bytes per cached stream for spooled (not in-memory) stream caches.")
long getCacheSpoolAverageSize();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether utilization statistics is enabled")
boolean isStatisticsEnabled();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "Whether utilization statistics is enabled")
void setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled);
@ManagedOperation(description = "Reset the utilization statistics")
void resetStatistics();