blob: b904168ed6e77fd5229c50e244c70d2541f02b74 [file] [log] [blame]
= Camel Main Maven Plugin
The Camel Main Maven Plugin supports the following goals
- camel-main:generate - To pre-scan your project and prepare autowiring and sprint boot tooling support by classpath scanning.
== Autowiring
To pre-scan your project and prepare autowiring by classpath scanning.
The idea is to use this maven plugin at build/compile time and detect what's on the classpath
and preconfigure some convention over configurations for using Camel Main with configuration.
This is done by checking which Camel components are available on the classpath,
and check if they have any component options that are complex objects (not string, number, booleans etc)
and is an interface, which can be autowired from an implementation class that
are also available on the classpath.
A classic example is to setup JMS `ConnectionFactory` on the JMS component to which
JMS client you are using. Another example is JDBC drivers etc. In other words
its a bit like Spring Boot _starter_ JARs that also offers a similar concept, but
without the phase of doing this during build time.
== Spring Boot Tooling
To pre-scan your project and builds spring boot tooling metafiles
which fools tools to offer code completion for editing properties files.
This will generate a Spring Boot tooling metadata file in `src/main/resouces/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json`
which contains all the options from Camel Main and the components from the classpath.
For example if you have camel-jms on the classpath, then Java tools that has support for Spring Boot,
can offer code completions when you edit `` file:
camel.component.jms.CURSOR HERE
Just press ctrl + space at the _CURSOR HERE_ location and you will get all the options you
can configure on the JMS component.
== Using the plugin
mvn camel-main:generate
You can also enable the plugin to automatic run as part of the build to catch these errors.
The phase determines when the plugin runs. In the sample above the phase is `process-classes` which runs after
the compilation of the main source code.
=== Include and Exclude properties or components
By default the plugin will scan all the detected Camel components from the classpath.
For example as shown below, there are 29 detected Camel components,
and 1 mapping was created in the `` file
[INFO] --- camel-main-maven-plugin:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:generate (generate) @ camel-example-main-artemis ---
[INFO] Detected Camel version used in project: 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Pre-scanning using Camel version: 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Discovered 29 Camel components from classpath: [bean, browse, class, controlbus, dataformat, dataset, dataset-test, direct, direct-vm, file, jms, language, log, mock, properties, quartz, quartz2, ref, rest, rest-api, saga, scheduler, seda, spring-event, stub, timer, validator, vm, xslt]
[INFO] Created file: /Users/davsclaus/workspace/camel/examples/camel-example-main-artemis/target/classes/META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/ (autowire by classpath: 1)
You can use exclude and include patterns to specify which properties and/or components to use.
For example to only include the JMS component you can do:
<!-- just include only the jms component -->
For more advanced patterns you can use wildcards and regular expressions, for example to only include JMS or AMQP components:
You can also work with property names, for example to only configure `ConnectionFactory` you can do:
You can also specify which Camel component this would apply, such as the JMS component:
NOTE: If you use excludes then they take precedence over include.
=== Mappings
Mappings are used for more complex mappings where you can specify the class type of the property value.
For example one of the default mappings is as shown:
This tells the `generate` goal that if the value of the property is a `javax.jms.ConnectionFactory` type
then we should only accept the following implementations when scanning the classpath:
- `org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQJMSConnectionFactory`
- `org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory`
This means when there for example are 8 implementations in the classpath for `javax.jms.ConnectionFactory` then
this mapping will select the on of the 2 above if they are on the classpath in the given prioritized order.
This allows us to have convention over configuration and just drop either the Apache Artemis JMS client or Apache ActiveMQ JMS client
on the classpath, and the Camel JMS component will automatic be configured to use their `ConnectionFactory` classes.
You can also specify the skip certain types, such as
Which means the `generate` goal skips any property values that are of type `org.springframework.jms.core.JmsOperations`.
=== Options
The maven plugin *generate* goal supports the following options which can be configured from the command line (use `-D` syntax), or defined in the `pom.xml` file in the `<configuration>` tag.
| Parameter | Default Value | Description
| autowireEnabled | true | Whether generating autowiring is enabled.
| springBootEnabled | true | Whether generating spring boot tooling support is enabled.
| logClasspath | false | Whether to log the classpath when starting
| logUnmapped | false | When autowiring has detected multiple implementations (2 or more) of a given interface, which cannot be mapped, should they be logged so you can see and add manual mapping if needed.
| downloadVersion | true | Whether to allow downloading Camel catalog version from the internet.
This is needed if the project * uses a different Camel version than this plugin is using by default.
| downloadSourceJars | true | Whether to allow downloading -source JARs when generating spring boot tooling to include javadoc as description for discovered options.
| exclude | | To exclude autowiring specific properties with these key names. You can also configure a single entry and separate the excludes with comma.
| include | | To include autowiring specific properties with these key names. You can also configure a single entry and separate the includes with comma.
| mappings | | To setup special mappings between known types as key=value pairs. You can also configure a single entry and separate the mappings with comma.
| mappingsFile | | Optional mappings file loaded from classpath, with mapping that override any default mappings. Will by default load the file `` from the classpath root.
=== Examples
You can find more details and a working example at `examples/camel-example-main-artemis`.