blob: dbb2a0372561b3063677b0dce091159ec22e96bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.jetty;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import org.apache.camel.Consumer;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.Producer;
import org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpCommonEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.cookie.CookieHandler;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler;
public abstract class JettyHttpEndpoint extends HttpCommonEndpoint {
@UriParam(label = "producer,advanced",
description = "Sets a shared HttpClient to use for all producers created by this endpoint. By default each producer will"
+ " use a new http client, and not share. Important: Make sure to handle the lifecycle of the shared"
+ " client, such as stopping the client, when it is no longer in use. Camel will call the start method on the client to ensure"
+ " its started when this endpoint creates a producer. This options should only be used in special circumstances.")
private HttpClient httpClient;
@UriParam(label = "consumer",
description = "Specifies whether to enable the session manager on the server side of Jetty.")
private boolean sessionSupport;
@UriParam(label = "producer", defaultValue = "8",
description = "To set a value for minimum number of threads in HttpClient thread pool."
+ " This setting override any setting configured on component level."
+ " Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If not set it default to min 8 threads used in Jettys thread pool.")
private Integer httpClientMinThreads;
@UriParam(label = "producer", defaultValue = "254",
description = "To set a value for maximum number of threads in HttpClient thread pool."
+ " This setting override any setting configured on component level."
+ " Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If not set it default to max 254 threads used in Jettys thread pool.")
private Integer httpClientMaxThreads;
@UriParam(label = "consumer",
description = "If this option is true, Jetty JMX support will be enabled for this endpoint. See Jetty JMX support for more details.")
private boolean enableJmx;
@UriParam(description = "Whether Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartFilter is enabled or not."
+ " You should set this value to false when bridging endpoints, to ensure multipart requests is proxied/bridged as well.")
private boolean enableMultipartFilter;
@UriParam(label = "consumer", defaultValue = "true",
description = "If the option is true, jetty will send the server header with the jetty version information to the client which sends the request."
+ " NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port, otherwise this option may not work as expected.")
private boolean sendServerVersion = true;
@UriParam(label = "consumer", description = "If the option is true, jetty server will send the date header to the client which sends the request."
+ " NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port, otherwise this option may not work as expected.")
private boolean sendDateHeader;
@UriParam(label = "consumer", defaultValue = "30000",
description = "Allows to set a timeout in millis when using Jetty as consumer (server)."
+ " By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a value of <= 0 to never expire."
+ " If a timeout occurs then the request will be expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client."
+ " This option is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine.")
private Long continuationTimeout;
@UriParam(label = "consumer",
description = "Whether or not to use Jetty continuations for the Jetty Server.")
private Boolean useContinuation;
@UriParam(label = "consumer",
description = "If the option is true, Jetty server will setup the CrossOriginFilter which supports the CORS out of box.")
private boolean enableCORS;
@UriParam(label = "producer,advanced", prefix = "httpClient.", multiValue = true,
description = "Configuration of Jetty's HttpClient. For example, setting httpClient.idleTimeout=30000 sets the idle timeout to 30 seconds."
+ " And httpClient.timeout=30000 sets the request timeout to 30 seconds, in case you want to timeout sooner if you have long running request/response calls.")
private Map<String, Object> httpClientParameters;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced", javaType = "java.lang.String",
description = "Specifies a comma-delimited set of Handler instances to lookup in your Registry."
+ " These handlers are added to the Jetty servlet context (for example, to add security)."
+ " Important: You can not use different handlers with different Jetty endpoints using the same port number."
+ " The handlers is associated to the port number. If you need different handlers, then use different port numbers.")
private List<Handler> handlers;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced", javaType = "java.lang.String", name = "filtersRef",
description = "Allows using a custom filters which is putted into a list and can be find in the Registry."
+ " Multiple values can be separated by comma.")
private List<Filter> filters;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced", prefix = "filter.", multiValue = true,
description = "Configuration of the filter init parameters. These parameters will be applied to the filter list before starting the jetty server.")
private Map<String, String> filterInitParameters;
@UriParam(label = "producer,advanced",
description = "To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be used to customize how a response should be written for the producer.")
private JettyHttpBinding jettyBinding;
@UriParam(label = "producer,advanced",
description = "To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be used to customize how a response should be written for the producer.")
private String jettyBindingRef;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced",
description = "Option to disable throwing the HttpOperationFailedException in case of failed responses from the remote server."
+ " This allows you to get all responses regardless of the HTTP status code.")
private String httpBindingRef;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced",
description = "Allows using a custom multipart filter. Note: setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to true.")
private Filter multipartFilter;
@UriParam(label = "consumer,advanced",
description = "Allows using a custom multipart filter. Note: setting multipartFilterRef forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to true.")
private String multipartFilterRef;
@UriParam(label = "security",
description = "To configure security using SSLContextParameters")
private SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters;
@UriParam(label = "producer", description = "Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP session")
private CookieHandler cookieHandler;
public JettyHttpEndpoint(JettyHttpComponent component, String uri, URI httpURL) throws URISyntaxException {
super(uri, component, httpURL);
public JettyHttpComponent getComponent() {
return (JettyHttpComponent) super.getComponent();
public Producer createProducer() throws Exception {
JettyHttpProducer answer = new JettyHttpProducer(this);
if (httpClient != null) {
// use shared client, and ensure its started so we can use it
} else {
HttpClient httpClient = createJettyHttpClient();
if (isSynchronous()) {
return new SynchronousDelegateProducer(answer);
} else {
return answer;
protected HttpClient createJettyHttpClient() throws Exception {
// create a new client
// thread pool min/max from endpoint take precedence over from component
Integer min = httpClientMinThreads != null ? httpClientMinThreads : getComponent().getHttpClientMinThreads();
Integer max = httpClientMaxThreads != null ? httpClientMaxThreads : getComponent().getHttpClientMaxThreads();
HttpClient httpClient = getComponent().createHttpClient(this, min, max, sslContextParameters);
// set optional http client parameters
if (httpClientParameters != null) {
// copy parameters as we need to re-use them again if creating a new producer later
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(httpClientParameters);
// Can not be set on httpClient for jetty 9
IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(httpClient, params);
// validate we could set all parameters
if (params.size() > 0) {
throw new ResolveEndpointFailedException(getEndpointUri(), "There are " + params.size()
+ " parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint."
+ " Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint."
+ " Unknown parameters=[" + params + "]");
return httpClient;
public Consumer createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception {
JettyHttpConsumer answer = new JettyHttpConsumer(this, processor);
return answer;
* Specifies whether to enable the session manager on the server side of Jetty.
public void setSessionSupport(boolean support) {
sessionSupport = support;
public boolean isSessionSupport() {
return sessionSupport;
public List<Handler> getHandlers() {
return handlers;
* Specifies a comma-delimited set of org.mortbay.jetty.Handler instances in your Registry (such as your Spring ApplicationContext).
* These handlers are added to the Jetty servlet context (for example, to add security).
* Important: You can not use different handlers with different Jetty endpoints using the same port number.
* The handlers is associated to the port number. If you need different handlers, then use different port numbers.
public void setHandlers(List<Handler> handlers) {
this.handlers = handlers;
public HttpClient getHttpClient() throws Exception {
return httpClient;
* Sets a shared {@link HttpClient} to use for all producers
* created by this endpoint. By default each producer will
* use a new http client, and not share.
* <p/>
* <b>Important: </b> Make sure to handle the lifecycle of the shared
* client, such as stopping the client, when it is no longer in use.
* Camel will call the <tt>start</tt> method on the client to ensure
* its started when this endpoint creates a producer.
* <p/>
* This options should only be used in special circumstances.
public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
public synchronized JettyHttpBinding getJettyBinding(HttpClient httpClient) {
if (jettyBinding == null) {
jettyBinding = new DefaultJettyHttpBinding();
if (getComponent() != null) {
return jettyBinding;
* To use a custom JettyHttpBinding which be used to customize how a response should be written for the producer.
public void setJettyBinding(JettyHttpBinding jettyBinding) {
this.jettyBinding = jettyBinding;
public boolean isEnableJmx() {
return this.enableJmx;
* If this option is true, Jetty JMX support will be enabled for this endpoint. See Jetty JMX support for more details.
public void setEnableJmx(boolean enableJmx) {
this.enableJmx = enableJmx;
public boolean isSendServerVersion() {
return sendServerVersion;
* If the option is true, jetty will send the server header with the jetty version information to the client which sends the request.
* NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port, otherwise this option may not work as expected.
public void setSendServerVersion(boolean sendServerVersion) {
this.sendServerVersion = sendServerVersion;
public boolean isSendDateHeader() {
return sendDateHeader;
* If the option is true, jetty server will send the date header to the client which sends the request.
* NOTE please make sure there is no any other camel-jetty endpoint is share the same port, otherwise this option may not work as expected.
public void setSendDateHeader(boolean sendDateHeader) {
this.sendDateHeader = sendDateHeader;
public boolean isEnableMultipartFilter() {
return enableMultipartFilter;
* Whether Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.MultiPartFilter is enabled or not.
* You should set this value to false when bridging endpoints, to ensure multipart requests is proxied/bridged as well.
public void setEnableMultipartFilter(boolean enableMultipartFilter) {
this.enableMultipartFilter = enableMultipartFilter;
* Allows using a custom multipart filter. Note: setting multipartFilter forces the value of enableMultipartFilter to true.
public void setMultipartFilter(Filter filter) {
this.multipartFilter = filter;
public Filter getMultipartFilter() {
return multipartFilter;
* Allows using a custom filters which is putted into a list and can be find in the Registry.
* Multiple values can be separated by comma.
public void setFilters(List<Filter> filterList) {
this.filters = filterList;
public List<Filter> getFilters() {
return filters;
public Long getContinuationTimeout() {
return continuationTimeout;
* Allows to set a timeout in millis when using Jetty as consumer (server).
* By default Jetty uses 30000. You can use a value of <= 0 to never expire.
* If a timeout occurs then the request will be expired and Jetty will return back a http error 503 to the client.
* This option is only in use when using Jetty with the Asynchronous Routing Engine.
public void setContinuationTimeout(Long continuationTimeout) {
this.continuationTimeout = continuationTimeout;
public Boolean getUseContinuation() {
return useContinuation;
* Whether or not to use Jetty continuations for the Jetty Server.
public void setUseContinuation(Boolean useContinuation) {
this.useContinuation = useContinuation;
public SSLContextParameters getSslContextParameters() {
return sslContextParameters;
* To configure security using SSLContextParameters
public void setSslContextParameters(SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) {
this.sslContextParameters = sslContextParameters;
public Integer getHttpClientMinThreads() {
return httpClientMinThreads;
* To set a value for minimum number of threads in HttpClient thread pool.
* This setting override any setting configured on component level.
* Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If not set it default to min 8 threads used in Jettys thread pool.
public void setHttpClientMinThreads(Integer httpClientMinThreads) {
this.httpClientMinThreads = httpClientMinThreads;
public Integer getHttpClientMaxThreads() {
return httpClientMaxThreads;
* To set a value for maximum number of threads in HttpClient thread pool.
* This setting override any setting configured on component level.
* Notice that both a min and max size must be configured. If not set it default to max 254 threads used in Jettys thread pool.
public void setHttpClientMaxThreads(Integer httpClientMaxThreads) {
this.httpClientMaxThreads = httpClientMaxThreads;
public Map<String, Object> getHttpClientParameters() {
return httpClientParameters;
* Configuration of Jetty's HttpClient. For example, setting httpClient.idleTimeout=30000 sets the idle timeout to 30 seconds.
* And httpClient.timeout=30000 sets the request timeout to 30 seconds, in case you want to timeout sooner if you have long running request/response calls.
public void setHttpClientParameters(Map<String, Object> httpClientParameters) {
this.httpClientParameters = httpClientParameters;
public Map<String, String> getFilterInitParameters() {
return filterInitParameters;
* Configuration of the filter init parameters. These parameters will be applied to the filter list before starting the jetty server.
public void setFilterInitParameters(Map<String, String> filterInitParameters) {
this.filterInitParameters = filterInitParameters;
public boolean isEnableCORS() {
return enableCORS;
* If the option is true, Jetty server will setup the CrossOriginFilter which supports the CORS out of box.
public void setEnableCORS(boolean enableCORS) {
this.enableCORS = enableCORS;
public CookieHandler getCookieHandler() {
return cookieHandler;
* Configure a cookie handler to maintain a HTTP session
public void setCookieHandler(CookieHandler cookieHandler) {
this.cookieHandler = cookieHandler;
public abstract JettyContentExchange createContentExchange();