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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.camel.generator.swagger;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javax.annotation.processing.Filer;
import io.swagger.models.Swagger;
import static org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull;
* Source code and {@link RestsDefinition} generator that generates Camel REST
* DSL implementations from Swagger (OpenAPI) specifications.
public abstract class RestDslGenerator<G> {
final Swagger swagger;
DestinationGenerator destinationGenerator = new DirectToOperationId();
OperationFilter filter = new OperationFilter();
String restComponent;
String restContextPath;
String apiContextPath;
boolean springComponent;
boolean springBootProject;
RestDslGenerator(final Swagger swagger) {
this.swagger = notNull(swagger, "swagger");
public G withDestinationGenerator(final DestinationGenerator directRouteGenerator) {
notNull(directRouteGenerator, "directRouteGenerator");
this.destinationGenerator = directRouteGenerator;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
DestinationGenerator destinationGenerator() {
return destinationGenerator;
public G withOperationFilter(OperationFilter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G withOperationFilter(String include) {
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G withRestComponent(String restComponent) {
this.restComponent = restComponent;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G withRestContextPath(String contextPath) {
this.restContextPath = contextPath;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G withApiContextPath(String contextPath) {
this.apiContextPath = contextPath;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G asSpringComponent() {
this.springComponent = true;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public G asSpringBootProject() {
this.springBootProject = true;
final G that = (G) this;
return that;
public static RestDslSourceCodeGenerator<Appendable> toAppendable(final Swagger swagger) {
return new AppendableGenerator(swagger);
public static RestDslDefinitionGenerator toDefinition(final Swagger swagger) {
return new RestDslDefinitionGenerator(swagger);
public static RestDslXmlGenerator toXml(final Swagger swagger) {
return new RestDslXmlGenerator(swagger);
public static RestDslSourceCodeGenerator<Filer> toFiler(final Swagger swagger) {
return new FilerGenerator(swagger);
public static RestDslSourceCodeGenerator<Path> toPath(final Swagger swagger) {
return new PathGenerator(swagger);