blob: e7a057b94011ac5a5bd9d096a1dce148eb6bd48e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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<beans xmlns=""
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
<!-- START SNIPPET: e3 -->
<endpoint id="traced" uri="jpa://org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.JpaTraceEventMessage?persistenceUnit=tracer"/>
<!-- END SNIPPET: e3 -->
<!-- START SNIPPET: e4 -->
<!-- in stream to allow you to enter some text in the console -->
<from uri="stream:in?initialPromptDelay=4000&amp;promptDelay=2000&amp;promptMessage=Enter some words:"/>
<!-- split the text -->
<!-- use methodCall expression to split the words, using a java bean to do it -->
<method bean="quoteService" method="splitWords"/>
<!-- for each split message invoke the quote server to get a quote of the word -->
<to uri="bean:quoteService?method=quote"/>
<!-- now we need to find the best quote, so we aggregate all the splitted words
we use our own strategy how to aggregate -->
<aggregate strategyRef="myAggregateStrategy">
<!-- correlate everything using constant true, as they are all from the same source -->
<!-- complete after 1 sec on inactivity -->
<!-- send the result to stream out so we can see the response in the console -->
<to uri="stream:out"/>
<!-- END SNIPPET: e4 -->
<!-- this is our aggregation strategy where we find the best quote -->
<bean id="myAggregateStrategy" class="org.apache.camel.example.tracer.QuoteAggregator">
<property name="coolWords">
<list value-type="java.lang.String">
<!-- our quote server with some quotes to start with -->
<bean id="quoteService" class="org.apache.camel.example.tracer.QuoteService">
<property name="quotes">
<list value-type="java.lang.String">
<value>Camel is cool</value>
<value>We like beer</value>
<value>Have a great day</value>
<value>Whiskey in the jar</value>
<value>The day that newer comes</value>
<value>What a cold day</value>
<!-- START SNIPPET: e1 -->
<!-- use camel jpa trace so we can see all the traced exchanges in a database -->
<bean id="camelTracer" class="org.apache.camel.processor.interceptor.Tracer">
<!-- turn on jpa tracing, otherwise the TraceEventMessage is a non JPA Entity class -->
<property name="useJpa" value="true"/>
<!-- the destination to send the traced messages -->
<property name="destination" ref="traced"/>
<!-- we turn ordinary trace logging off so we only see the traced messages in the database,
but you can have both if you like -->
<property name="logLevel" value="OFF"/>
<!-- END SNIPPET: e1 -->
<!-- START SNIPPET: e2 -->
<!-- this is ordinary JPA spring configuration -->
<bean id="transactionTemplate" class="">
<property name="transactionManager">
<bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory"/>
<!-- this is ordinary JPA spring configuration -->
<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean">
<!-- we have named our presistence unit tracer in the META-INF/persistence.xml file -->
<property name="persistenceUnitName" value="tracer"/>
<!-- END SNIPPET: e2 -->