blob: f52973cf06afae41a9197d4949e05cea3201f28e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Metadata;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParam;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriParams;
import org.apache.camel.spi.UriPath;
import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters;
* Component configuration for Box component.
public class BoxConfiguration {
@UriPath @Metadata(required = "true")
private BoxApiName apiName;
@UriPath @Metadata(required = "true")
private String methodName;
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
@UriParam(label = "security")
private IAuthSecureStorage authSecureStorage;
@UriParam(label = "security")
private String userName;
@UriParam(label = "security")
private String userPassword;
@UriParam(label = "advanced")
private OAuthRefreshListener refreshListener;
private boolean revokeOnShutdown;
private String sharedLink;
private String sharedPassword;
@UriParam(label = "advanced")
private IBoxConfig boxConfig;
@UriParam(label = "advanced")
private BoxConnectionManagerBuilder connectionManagerBuilder;
@UriParam(label = "advanced")
private Map<String, Object> httpParams;
@UriParam(label = "security")
private SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters;
@UriParam(defaultValue = "30")
private int loginTimeout = 30;
public BoxApiName getApiName() {
return apiName;
* What kind of operation to perform
public void setApiName(BoxApiName apiName) {
this.apiName = apiName;
public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;
* What sub operation to use for the selected operation
public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName;
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
* Box application client ID
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
public String getClientSecret() {
return clientSecret;
* Box application client secret
public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
public IAuthSecureStorage getAuthSecureStorage() {
return authSecureStorage;
* OAuth Secure Storage callback, can be used to provide and or save OAuth tokens.
* The callback may return null on first call to allow the component to login and authorize application
* and obtain an OAuth token, which can then be saved in the secure storage.
* For the component to be able to create a token automatically a user password must be provided.
public void setAuthSecureStorage(IAuthSecureStorage authSecureStorage) {
this.authSecureStorage = authSecureStorage;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
* Box user name, MUST be provided
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
public String getUserPassword() {
return userPassword;
* Box user password, MUST be provided if authSecureStorage is not set, or returns null on first call
public void setUserPassword(String userPassword) {
this.userPassword = userPassword;
public OAuthRefreshListener getRefreshListener() {
return refreshListener;
* OAuth listener for token updates, if the Camel application needs to use the access token outside the route
public void setRefreshListener(OAuthRefreshListener refreshListener) {
this.refreshListener = refreshListener;
public boolean isRevokeOnShutdown() {
return revokeOnShutdown;
* Flag to revoke OAuth refresh token on route shutdown, default false.
* Will require a fresh refresh token on restart using either a custom IAuthSecureStorage
* or automatic component login by providing a user password
public void setRevokeOnShutdown(boolean revokeOnShutdown) {
this.revokeOnShutdown = revokeOnShutdown;
public String getSharedLink() {
return sharedLink;
* Box shared link for shared endpoints, can be a link for a shared comment, file or folder
public void setSharedLink(String sharedLink) {
this.sharedLink = sharedLink;
public String getSharedPassword() {
return sharedPassword;
* Password associated with the shared link, MUST be provided with sharedLink
public void setSharedPassword(String sharedPassword) {
this.sharedPassword = sharedPassword;
public IBoxConfig getBoxConfig() {
return boxConfig;
* Custom Box SDK configuration, not required normally
public void setBoxConfig(IBoxConfig boxConfig) {
this.boxConfig = boxConfig;
public BoxConnectionManagerBuilder getConnectionManagerBuilder() {
return connectionManagerBuilder;
* Custom Box connection manager builder, used to override default settings like max connections for underlying HttpClient.
public void setConnectionManagerBuilder(BoxConnectionManagerBuilder connectionManagerBuilder) {
this.connectionManagerBuilder = connectionManagerBuilder;
public Map<String, Object> getHttpParams() {
return httpParams;
* Custom HTTP params for settings like proxy host
public void setHttpParams(Map<String, Object> httpParams) {
this.httpParams = httpParams;
public SSLContextParameters getSslContextParameters() {
return sslContextParameters;
* To configure security using SSLContextParameters.
public void setSslContextParameters(SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) {
this.sslContextParameters = sslContextParameters;
public int getLoginTimeout() {
return loginTimeout;
* Amount of time the component will wait for a response from, default is 30 seconds
public void setLoginTimeout(int loginTimeout) {
this.loginTimeout = loginTimeout;
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof BoxConfiguration) {
final BoxConfiguration other = (BoxConfiguration) obj;
// configurations are equal if BoxClient creation parameters are equal
return boxConfig == other.boxConfig
&& connectionManagerBuilder == other.connectionManagerBuilder
&& httpParams == other.httpParams
&& Objects.equals(clientId, other.clientId)
&& Objects.equals(clientSecret, other.clientSecret)
&& authSecureStorage == other.authSecureStorage;
return false;