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Base64 Data Format
*Available as of Camel 2.11* +
The Base64 link:data-format.html[Data Format] is a data format for[base64 encoding and decoding].
|Option |Default |Description
|lineLength |76 |To specific a maximum line length for the encoded data.
|lineSeparator |\r\n |The line separators to use.
|urlSafe |`false` |Instead of emitting '+' and '/' we emit '-' and '_' respectively.
urlSafe is only applied to encode operations. Decoding seamlessly
handles both modes.
In Spring DSL, you configure the data format using this tag:
<!-- for a newline character (\n), use the HTML entity notation coupled with the ASCII code. -->
<base64 lineSeparator="&#10;" id="base64withNewLine" />
<base64 lineLength="64" id="base64withLineLength64" />
Then you can use it later by its reference:
<from uri="direct:startEncode" />
<marshal ref="base64withLineLength64" />
<to uri="mock:result" />
Most of the time, you won't need to declare the data format if you use
the default options. In that case, you can declare the data format
inline as shown below.
In this example we marshal the file content to base64 object.
In Spring DSL:
<from uri="file://data.bin">
<to uri="jms://myqueue"/>
In this example we unmarshal the payload from the JMS queue to a byte[]
object, before its processed by the newOrder processor.
In Spring DSL:
<from uri="jms://queue/order">
<to uri="bean:newOrder"/>
To use Base64 in your Camel routes you need to add a dependency on
*camel-base64* which implements this data format.
If you use Maven you can just add the following to your pom.xml:
<version>x.x.x</version> <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->