blob: e41f14328925b073097bb6d3f44ca70f9570ce10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.camel.component.file.remote;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFile;
import org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileEndpoint;
import org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileExist;
import org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileProducer;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange;
import org.apache.camel.processor.idempotent.MemoryIdempotentRepository;
import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
* Remote file endpoint.
public abstract class RemoteFileEndpoint<T> extends GenericFileEndpoint<T> {
private int maximumReconnectAttempts = 3;
private long reconnectDelay = 1000;
private boolean disconnect;
private boolean fastExistsCheck;
public RemoteFileEndpoint() {
// no args constructor for spring bean endpoint configuration
// for ftp we need to use higher interval/checkout that for files
public RemoteFileEndpoint(String uri, RemoteFileComponent<T> component, RemoteFileConfiguration configuration) {
super(uri, component);
this.configuration = configuration;
// for ftp we need to use higher interval/checkout that for files
public RemoteFileConfiguration getConfiguration() {
return (RemoteFileConfiguration) this.configuration;
public Exchange createExchange(GenericFile<T> file) {
Exchange answer = new DefaultExchange(this);
if (file != null) {
return answer;
public GenericFileProducer<T> createProducer() throws Exception {
// ensure fileExist and moveExisting is configured correctly if in use
if (getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Move && getMoveExisting() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must configure moveExisting option when fileExist=Move");
} else if (getMoveExisting() != null && getFileExist() != GenericFileExist.Move) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must configure fileExist=Move when moveExisting has been set");
return buildProducer();
public RemoteFileConsumer<T> createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception {
RemoteFileConsumer<T> consumer = buildConsumer(processor);
if (isDelete() && getMove() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot both set delete=true and move options");
// if noop=true then idempotent should also be configured
if (isNoop() && !isIdempotentSet()) {"Endpoint is configured with noop=true so forcing endpoint to be idempotent as well");
// if idempotent and no repository set then create a default one
if (isIdempotentSet() && isIdempotent() && idempotentRepository == null) {"Using default memory based idempotent repository with cache max size: " + DEFAULT_IDEMPOTENT_CACHE_SIZE);
idempotentRepository = MemoryIdempotentRepository.memoryIdempotentRepository(DEFAULT_IDEMPOTENT_CACHE_SIZE);
// set max messages per poll
return consumer;
* Validates this endpoint if its configured properly.
* @throws Exception is thrown if endpoint is invalid configured for its mandatory options
protected void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
RemoteFileConfiguration config = getConfiguration();
ObjectHelper.notEmpty(config.getHost(), "host");
ObjectHelper.notEmpty(config.getProtocol(), "protocol");
protected Map<String, Object> getParamsAsMap() {
Map<String, Object> map = super.getParamsAsMap();
map.put("fastExistsCheck", fastExistsCheck);
return map;
* Remote File Endpoints, impl this method to create a custom consumer specific to their "protocol" etc.
* @param processor the processor
* @return the created consumer
protected abstract RemoteFileConsumer<T> buildConsumer(Processor processor);
* Remote File Endpoints, impl this method to create a custom producer specific to their "protocol" etc.
* @return the created producer
protected abstract GenericFileProducer<T> buildProducer();
* Creates the operations to be used by the consumer or producer.
* @return a new created operations
* @throws Exception is thrown if error creating operations.
public abstract RemoteFileOperations<T> createRemoteFileOperations() throws Exception;
* Returns human readable server information for logging purpose
public String remoteServerInformation() {
return ((RemoteFileConfiguration) configuration).remoteServerInformation();
public char getFileSeparator() {
return '/';
public boolean isAbsolute(String name) {
return name.startsWith("/");
public int getMaximumReconnectAttempts() {
return maximumReconnectAttempts;
public void setMaximumReconnectAttempts(int maximumReconnectAttempts) {
this.maximumReconnectAttempts = maximumReconnectAttempts;
public long getReconnectDelay() {
return reconnectDelay;
public void setReconnectDelay(long reconnectDelay) {
this.reconnectDelay = reconnectDelay;
public boolean isDisconnect() {
return disconnect;
public void setDisconnect(boolean disconnect) {
this.disconnect = disconnect;
public boolean isFastExistsCheck() {
return fastExistsCheck;
public void setFastExistsCheck(boolean fastExistsCheck) {
this.fastExistsCheck = fastExistsCheck;