blob: 03edbd98bd751dc1ff2ef5fde266ce2b896d252b [file] [log] [blame]
Camel Spring Support
This module provides a nice Spring 2.0 xml extension so that you can
build Camel routes in spring with a very concise XML format that is very
similar to the Camel Fluid Java API.
Where in Java you would do a:
The spring configuration equivalent would be as follows:
<from uri="seda:a"/>
<to uri="seda:b"/>
As new features are added to the Camel builders, you will need to
update the XSD that spring uses to validate the XML syntax. I think the
easiest way to do that is to generate the XSD from an example XML file.
I've been using trang for that purpose. Once installed, you can run:
trang -I xml -O xsd src/test/resources/org/apache/camel/spring/examples.xml
To generate the XSD, there are some spring specifics mostly in the header
that trang does not get right, so then what's left is a manual cut and paste from
the generated-camel-spring.xsd to the camel-spring.xsd