blob: 43597e2f6a38f14f4ad2e0a0461658c9b1d7f28e [file] [log] [blame]
= Why does Camel use too many threads with `ProducerTemplate`?
A common reason is creating a new `ProducerTemplate` inside a `Processor` or
xref:ROOT:bean-integration.adoc[bean method invocation].
You are not meant to create a `ProducerTemplate` for each message
invocation; you are meant to create a single instance on startup and
keep it around.
Also when you have finished using the `ProducerTemplate` you should call
the `stop()` method to close down all the resources it has been using.
It's better to either explicitly create one on startup or get your IoC
container (xref:ROOT:spring.adoc[Spring]) to inject
it into your `Processor` or bean then it can take care of creating it and
destroying all the resources when you have finished with it.
For instance using xref:ROOT:spring.adoc[Spring] you can define a template
and have Spring handle the lifecycle of it:
<camelContext xmlns="">
<template id="template"/>
Then you can refer to the ProducerTemplate with the id `template`.