blob: 676d83306c1648bb6ad339b93a2fcbff84e26507 [file] [log] [blame]
= If I use ServiceMix when should I use Camel?
Camel is a routing and mediation engine which works great inside JBI.
So if you are already using[ServiceMix]
then you can use Camel implement the
xref:{eip-vc}:eips:enterprise-integration-patterns.adoc[Enterprise Integration Patterns]
inside JBI such as
xref:{eip-vc}:eips:content-based-router-eip.adoc[Content Based Router], routing messages
between your existing JBI endpoints.
You can also reuse any of the Camel xref:ROOT:component.adoc[Components]
within JBI or expose Camel endpoints as JBI endpoints.