blob: 299f281a80103ce46470be8866c0ac8a8cb80c69 [file] [log] [blame]
= How does Camel look up beans, components or endpoints?
There are many times using Camel that a name is used for a bean such as
using the xref:components::bean-component.adoc[Bean] endpoint or using the
xref:components:languages:bean-language.adoc[Bean Language] to create a
xref:ROOT:expression.adoc[Expression] or xref:ROOT:predicate.adoc[Predicate] or
referring to any xref:ROOT:component.adoc[Component] or
Camel uses the xref:ROOT:registry.adoc[Registry] to resolve names when
looking up beans or components or endpoints. Typically this will be
xref:ROOT:spring.adoc[Spring]; though you can use Camel without Spring in
which case it will use the xref:ROOT:jndi.adoc[JNDI] registry implementation.
Lots of test cases in the camel-core module don't use Spring (as
camel-core explicitly doesn't depend on spring) - though test cases in
camel-spring do.
So you can just define beans, components or endpoints in your
xref:ROOT:registry.adoc[Registry] implementation then you can refer to them
by name in the xref:ROOT:endpoint.adoc[Endpoint] URIs or xref:components::bean-component.adoc[Bean]
endpoints or xref:components:languages:bean-language.adoc[Bean Language] expressions.